You Wrote the Book on How to Be a Liar

That Girl

“Are you ready to meet the other guys?” Dougie asked me with a smile. Was I ready? No I wasn’t ready. I would never be ready to meet the 3 guys who are taking my best friend away from me.

“Of Course,” I lied

“Good, you’ll like ‘em their great” Dougie said. They must be great; Dougie has been spending all his time with them in the past week, since he joined the band.

“I bet,” I said quietly, as I sat on the couch in Dougie’s living room, he came over and sat by me,

“Cam, I know this is a lot for you to handle right now, it’s a lot for me too, but can you please put a smile on your face, and act like you are completely fine?” Dougie asked me.

“I am fine,” I lied

“Cameron, we have been friends since Year 5, I know you aren’t fine with this, and I can’t blame you,” Dougie said, “I wish I could take you with me, and you know I would if it were possible, but I just can’t!”

“I know,” I said with a small smile, right as there was a knock on his door. Dougie hopped off the couch and walked over to the door. When he opened it there were 3 rather good-looking guys at the door. One was tall, with short blonde hair, another was about the same height as the blonde one, but has dark brown hair, and lots of freckles. The last guy had a mullet type hair-do, and was a little taller then the other two.

“Hey guys. This is my friend Cameron Madison, she lives right next door” Dougie said, leading the guys into the living room, where I was sitting on the couch.

“Hey” I said, standing up.

“Hi, I’m Tom,” the blonde one said, shaking my hand, “This is Harry,” Tom said pointing to the guy with the mullet, “And this is Danny” He said pointing to the guy with the brown hair.

“Nice to meet you guys” I said, sitting back on the couch.

“So Dougie, Tom and I have been working on that song we showed you some more,” Danny said

“Really? How’s it going?” Dougie asked

“Great,” Tom said. Danny looked over at me,

“It’s called That Girl,” He said smiling

“Cool” I said

“Ok, so guys, we need to work out the dates when Dougie and Harry are going to move in with me and Danny,” Tom said sitting down in one of the chairs in the living room.

“Well, I can go whenever, I could probably be out there in like 2 weeks” Harry said, sitting down in a chair by Tom.

“I really don’t know when I can come out, my mum said probably about 3 weeks, would that work?” Dougie asked

“I was hoping you and Harry could come out at the same time” Tom said

“We’ll have to see,” Dougie said, “Do you even have a house big enough for all of us, Tom?”

“Well right now Dan and I are living in a small apartment, but in the 2 or 3 weeks until you and Harry come out we will try to get a bigger place” Tom explained.

“Yea, our apartment is like really small, it’s like a doll house!” Danny said loudly, walking over to sit by me on the couch.

“Well Danny and I better be gong, we have to be at the airport in about an hour to go back home, we’ll call you both, and arrange for you to come out,” Tom started, “Dougie work it out with your mum!”

“I will!” Dougie said, Tom stood up and said his goodbyes, and walked out the door. Danny stood up too,

“Will I see you around Cameron?” he asked, I nodded

“She’ll have to; she is going to have to visit me!” Dougie exclaimed.

“Great, I’ll see you later Cameron” Danny said winking at me as he walked over to the door.

“Stay out of trouble Doug” Danny laughed. Dougie gave Danny a thumbs up, as he walked out the door.

“Did you like them?” Dougie asked sitting down next to me on the couch.

“They’re alright” I said looking down at my legs. Dougie put his arm around my shoulder.

“Just alright?” he asked

“Well I can’t say they are great, I mean come on, they are taking my best friend away…” I said feeling my eyes swell up with tears.

“Cami, listen… I want to stay here, I really do, but this is a wicked opportunity for me, and I don’t want to pass it up…” he said looking at me.

“I know, and you’re not going to, no matter what,” I said laying my head on his shoulder.

“I know,” he said quietly, “I know”