You Wrote the Book on How to Be a Liar

Don't Know Why, Please Please

“Mum, can I please talk to you for a minute?” Dougie asked, walking into his living room where I was sitting on the couch with Ms. Poynter

“Of course sweetie” She said, patting my knee and getting up. She followed Dougie into the kitchen and closed the door. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, I heard “yes’s” and “what’s?” and finally “”Yes Dougie, that will be fine”. They walked out of the kitchen, Dougie looked at me and gave me a small smile. He walked over to me,

“Cam, want to go for a walk?” He asked me, I nodded. I got of the couch and followed Dougie out of the house. We walked over to a park about a ½ mile from our houses,

“So what’s up?” I asked Dougie, who was walking over to the swings,

“Nothing…” He whispered, “Get on and I’ll push you”

I laughed as I climbed on a swing and Dougie pushed me high into the air.

“Hold up, I am going to jump” I told Dougie, He backed away from the swing. I got ready to jump,

“3” Dougie started, “2...1” He finished, as I jumped through the air and landed on my back.

“CAMERON!” Dougie yelled, running over to me, “Are you ok?” He asked, kneeling beside me.

“Yeah,” I laughed, “I’m fine” I said sitting up

“Good” he said, “So Cameron, I’ve been working on song…”

“Really? Can you sing it for me?” I said, batting my eyelashes at him

“Sure, and just know, its still in progress” He said


“Goodbye to you've been wasting all my time
You're no longer mine now you've left me
I can't seem to get you off my mind
That's when I realised you had me hypnotized”

“Wow, Doug, I really like it” I exclaimed, “is the band going to use it?”

“I don’t know,” he said, “probably not, it’s really not that good”

“I think its brilliant Dougie, I don’t know why they wouldn’t!”

“Thanks” Hw whispered, he looked away from me.

“Dougie, is something wrong?” I asked him. He shook his head.

“Are you sure?” I asked

“Cam, listen, I’m leaving sooner then expected.” He said, looking me in the eyes.

“What do you mean?” I asked him

“I mean, its not going to be two weeks before I leave to live with the band…”

“Well what is it going to be? One week? One and a half weeks?”

“No…Cameron, I’m leaving in two days…”

“WHAT?” I yelled, feeling the tears swell up in my eyes

“I’m sorry Cami, but it was the only…I had no…I didn’t want…they needed…I….I…I have to” I whispered to me

“I don’t want to hear it Dougie….” I said standing up and started to walk off.

“CAMERON, WAIT” Dougie yelled, running after me. I kept walking, the tears flowing from my eyes, “Cami, please just listen to me!” I turned around.

“What?” I snapped

“I don’t want to leave you, honestly, but we need to work on the CD, and everything, Cami, this isn’t my fault!” He said

“Not your fault? Dougie, I believe it was your choice to audition to begin with, I tried to stop you, but you didn’t listen, of course it is your fault. Its your fault, everything is your fault, its your fault you are leaving me alone! Dougie, I need you here, but its your fault your not going to be here!!!!” I yelled.

“Oh my god, Cameron, your making this about you! But guess what? Believe it or not, this isn’t about you. It’s about ME! It was MY choice, this is what I want to do, ok? And, don’t go around trying to make me feel guilty, because get this, it’s not working!”

“Dougie, just please, please try to put yourself in my shoes for one minute! Do you understand how I feel?”

“There you go again, trying to make me feel guilty, I know this is hard on you. BUT THIS ISN’T ABOUT YOU, OK?” Dougie yelled, turning the other way and walking off. Leaving me alone on the sidewalk. I fell to my knees and cried, cried, cried.