The Bitter Sweet Taste of Blood and Your Love.

Chapter One

Once again I was reminded of why we I always petitioned to get our own private plane as we tried to retrieve our weapons from security. Luckily with only a small effort on my behalf to ‘convince’ the bulky man to let us take the luggage without being put through a scan. And by convince I mean I used one of my favorite techniques and put the thought into his head that he had already checked them and the cases were filled with our clothing. Draven was already clutching the suitcase that held her blades to her chest with one hand as she loaded our bags onto the trolley. My own long leather bag was tucked to my chest. It held my favorite weapon of all; my katana. It was lighter and far more deadly than any sword I’ve seen. The hilt was wrapped in a blood red material that made for better grip and matched the sheath. I kept my blade well sharpened and always clean despite all the blood that covered it on a regular basis.
“Lilith, the car is here.” Draven told me as a sleek black rental car pulled up outside the door. This would be our mode of transportation to the hotel where my Impala and Draven motorcycle were waiting.
I pushed my oversized sunglass down so they covered my eyes as we made our way out into the bright hot city. Draven and I were born and raised in England hundreds of years ago. If you have ever read any of the Jane Austen books or seen the movies made after them than you can envision our childhood. I miss some things about back then; like the peace and the civility people had for each other. But modern things were amazing. When I was a child all we were permitted to wear were dresses. Now everywhere you looked women were wearing pants. I loved pants; I love the freedom that comes with them. You are able to move so much freely. One thing had stuck with me through the years though; I still wore corsets. Though the modern ones were much easier to breathe in than the ones from 200 years ago they were much more beautiful.

Wait… why am I talking about my wardrobe when we have a job to investigate for?

I slide into the back of the car as Draven got in the other side. We waited until the driver began to move before I flicked on the music to cover our voices. Our hearing was much better than the average human so if we whispered the other would hear without our driver overhearing the conversation.
“Did Dimitri give us any clues as to what we are looking for here?” I asked her in barely a whisper.
“No really; he doesn’t have many contacts in the US who live around here. But this city is filled with all sorts of creatures.” Draven looked out the window as we passed a muscular tan man as he walked down the street with a small child attached to his hand.
We both knew without saying that this man was a werewolf and he was not the creature or one of the creatures we were sent here to eliminate. I don’t know how, but we were able to sense the presence of our own kind; supernatural beings. My hand instinctively touched the pendant at my throat; the symbol of Chandra. Every member wore one; the males wore a long chain necklace and the females wore a black chocker with the pendant. Draven and I’s were different than all the other females though. Instead of black velvet ours was blood red to signify our position on Chandra.
You are probably wondering what that is. Well, I will tell you.
Draven and I are the only living dhampirs. Dhampirs are the children of a vampire and a human. In our case our mothers were human sisters both raped by the same vampire male; making us both cousins and sisters. We were told that once, many, many years before we were born that dhampirs were not such a rare occurrence. But over the years they were murdered by either humans who feared them or vampires who considered them an eyesore.
We are the last of our breed.

Dhampirs, like their vampire parent, have special abilities. Though unlike their full blooded relative we do not know what those abilities will be until we discover them. We can have any power that a vampire wields or any weakness. Luckily Draven and I got away with not having many of those weaknesses.
Sun for instance is very harmful to a full blooded vampire; but Draven and I can be out in the sunlight without causing too much harm to ourselves. Of course we were not able to go sun bathing or stay out in the direct light for too long without feeling either pain or weariness but at least we don’t die in it.
Some of our newest Chandra members think that sun is our weakness because we are rarely seen outside during the day. Can we help it if most of our jobs require us to be out all night and we have no choice but to get rest during the day?
Nope. I blame that entirely on Dimitri.

“We should probably go rest,” Draven broke me from my own thoughts as we pulled up at the hotel. “We only have a few hours until sunset.”
I nodded and watched as the bell boy loaded our stuff onto the trolley. “The freaks come out at night.”
The bell boy looked up at us before taking in our looks with a skeptical look. I’m sure we looked out of place in all of the leather we wore mixed with the scorching heat around here. “This is Vegas, Ma’am, the freaks are out during the day too.” He smiled.
If only he knew how right he was.
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