The Bitter Sweet Taste of Blood and Your Love.

Chapter Two

I patted my hair softly in the towel, everyone knows you don't pat. Lilith was on her lap-top doing God knows what, while I was getting ready. Lilith was ready a long time ago, when it comes to missions she doesn't play. I finished fastening my corset and pulling my shoes on.

"Where we going?" I asked standing up, feeling a bit better because of my heels. I was 5'4 and in my heels (which were 6 inches) I was finally six feet! I grabbed my helmet off the bed.

"Mystique, the most popular night club in all of Vegas." Lilith answered closing her lap-top. Why would we be searching for the super natural in a nightclub? I don't know, but I learned never to question Lilith. We got into the elevator, and Lilith handed me an ear piece and mic.

We walked out to the parking lot and I hurriedly placed my earpiece on under my helmet. Lilith nodded as if telling me to follow her on my bike. I hopped on my Bike and pulled out of the parking lot behind Lilith.

The nightclub was a packed and we almost didn't find a parking space. We got in the line and waited to be admitted into the club. The bouncer asked for our I.D's. I looked at Lilith, Holy Shit. We didn't have any, we were born 200 years ago. Lilith smirked, and worked her magic.

"Alright ladies have fun," He said giving us a wink, while unhooking the red rope from the base. We walked into the club and immediately all eyes were on us. It's not like we were dressed any different than them.

Not to be cocky but Lilith and I were pretty hot, and we glowed a little bit due to the color of our skin and the lighting the club had. Lilith and I split up, to cover more ground and hopefully get our disturbance quicker.

My eyes glanced over every person, all of which were human. I passed by a table that sat 4 drunken men. All of them minus the blond one wolf whistled, I rolled my eyes and went to the bar.

"Shot of tequila please," I slapped a five on the counter and the tender handed me my shot. I leaned my back against the counter and scoped the room. "Sorry about my friends, I'm Monte." I nodded and downed my drink. "Draven," The alcohol burned my throat but I ignored it and turned to the bartender again.

"Can I have a blue motherfucker?" No I wasn't shy or embarrassed to ask for that drink. The first time you order it you'd be all like 'Can I have a blue...mofo?' Then after you have a few more drinks you end up asking for 'a blue fucker'.

I reached in my pocket for money, but Monte stopped me. "It's on me," He smiled and paid the bartender. "Thanks," I ran my fingers through my hair, and my ear piece started to emit Lilith's voice. "No sign of anything suspicious," I brushed my hair to cover the side of my face, so that Monte wouldn't think I was talking to myself.

"Same here,but the night is still young." The ear piece screeched meaning she was done. "Come here often?" I looked at Monte and opened my mouth to say something but something caught my attention.

It was a sickening scent, it made my stomach churn with discomfort. It was here.He walked right past me, a smirk on his pale face. He knew who I was, he was taunting me. Luring me to chase after him. "I'll be back," I turned on my heel swiftly and followed after the guy.

"I'm in pursuit of our subject," The guy was able to weave in and out of the people with ease. "Where are you?" Lilith asked, I could tell by the tone of her voice she was excited, we haven't gotten much action in a while. Well not like that, I'm pretty sure she gets a lot of that, if you know what i'm saying.

"Out by the collection of electric blue couches, and thereon." The guy quickened his pace and exited the club. I felt Lilith's present and smirked when the guy walked into an alley.

"Is it safe to follow him?" I asked stopping before going any further. "Pshh come on it's you and me," Lilith scoffed taking another step towards the alley. The alley opened up and ended with a dead end. We saw the guy run into the alley, but when we stood at the beginning, he wasn't there.

"I swore I saw," I stuttered trying to come up with an explanation for the sudden disappearance. "I saw him too," Lilith said biting her lip. Another mystery we have to solve, and get rid of. With all the shit we get in, we might as well change our name from Chandra society to The Mystery Gang.
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This story has a surprise
it's not all about Dhamps, and vamps. =)