The Bitter Sweet Taste of Blood and Your Love.

Chapter Three

I shoved the sunglasses down over my eyes as I got out of my precious Impala. That car was my baby; no one except me was ever allowed to drive it. It was top condition and barely showed its age. The hotel was unhappy with me when I told them I would be parking my car and not them. Draven was almost as bad as I with her bike.
Speak of the devil…
Draven roared up beside me in the parking lot and took off her helmet. I tossed her a pair of sunglasses once she closed her eyes tightly when the sun hit them. She took them gratefully and pushed them on. No words were needed between us. We both knew how the other was feeling. I knew she could tell I was pissed and disappointed; the same way I felt that she was in pain from the direct sunlight hitting her eyes. Since we were children we were always like this; when one of us fell and scraped our knee the other would know and run to the rescue.

We made our way into the hotel, catching the eyes off all the people around us. It was partly because of our looks; I mean HELLOOOO we are drop dead gorgeous, especially when we are in our Chandra clothes. We were still in our clothes from the club because we spent the entire night tracking down the thing we found in it. In the end we still couldn’t find him. A whole night wasted!
“Lilith!” Draven hissed, yanking me by wrist towards the elevator.
I looked back so I could see why she was upset with me. A wavy line went up the banister I were my fingers had trailed along it and scorched it. I shoved my hands into the pocket of my leather jacket and tried to keep my angry under control. I don’t think burning a stair banister would go very well with the owner. Especially when you can’t tell them how it happened.
“I’m sorry,” I told Draven once the elevator door shut.
“It isn’t your fault. I don’t blame you for being angry.” Draven gave me a small smile and took the sunglasses off. Her eyes were a bit red from the sun but that would go away within the hour.
“How could he have just disappeared like that? We’ve never lost someone before,” I sighed.
“Even The Gods aren’t perfect,” she slide the card into our door and pushed it open.

I shut the door behind me and tossed my glasses onto my bed. Before a human could even blink I was unlacing my corset and tossing it into a pile on the floor. I pulled on a black t-shirt with some random cartoon plastered on it before I began unlacing my boots. Why do I always instant on wearing things that lace?!?! Once I got those off I began shimmying out of my leather pants and pulled on a pair of cotton shorts. I sat down on my bed when Draven walked into the bathroom to remove her make up.

“Check the police reports. Make sure he didn’t leave a blood trail.” Draven called out.
“What happened to internet being for porn not murders?” I laughed and began tapping out my destination.
“Yeah, okay! We both know you hate porn.” Draven chuckled.
I began searching through the recent reports; ignoring the thefts and random muggings.
The creatures we hunt are more into death.

My eyes went wider as I noticed a case that happened just last night. I’d seen 17 other deaths just like it in the last 5 minutes of searching.
“Draven! I think we’ve got something!”
I hit print and jumped up, landing right in front of the wireless printer across the room.
Draven made her way back into the room and sat on her bed. She had changed into an outfit similar to my own. “What is it?”
I scooped up the papers and walked back over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it. I handed her the first sheet in my hand. “This man died last night.” Draven looked at the picture of the dead man before looking down at the form below it.
”’Cause of death: heart attack’.” Draven read aloud and looked back up at me. “What’s so unusual about that?”
”Read his age.” I tapped the paper. Her eyes dropped back down to it and her mouth formed a small ‘O’. “Ohhh.”
“Tell me how a perfectly healthy 24 year old dies of a heart attack!” I exclaimed. I handed her another paper, then another and another. “Each of these men was in the prime of their lives, perfectly healthy and each of them died of a heart attack.”
I handed her the other 13 papers in my hand; each one saying almost the exact same thing. “And every last one of them was having sex when they died.”
I watched her as she sifted through each paper. This sort of thing was expected of old men; not of perfectly healthy young men.
“Looks like we’ve got a demon on our hands,” I smiled.
Draven looked up smiling in return, “More specifically; Lust.”

Did it make us sick individuals because we were happy about this?


We walked into a small club and went straight to the bar. “I’m going to go look around; you stay here and see if you can sense them.” She nodded and ordered a drink.
I made my way to the crammed crowd in front of the stage as they listened to the band as they played. I weaved my throughout the people, keeping my eye out for women who were scantily clothed and pretty. That didn’t make my job much easier. Most of the girls here were in short jean skirts that barely covered anything and shirts that showed so much belly and boob it was pitiful. I girl knocked into me and told me to “Watch it, slut.” Yeah… because I’m the one who cut a slit down the front of my shirt so my boobs were showing. I glanced at the logo on the shirt, Escape the Fate. That must be the band here tonight; that name was on a good portion of the girls here. I glanced around again and saw one girl that stuck out the most. She was up at the front, dancing seductively and staring at the singer in front of her. She had long toned legs, a perfectly proportioned body, deep black hair and baby blue eyes. She was very beautiful. Her eyes looked over his body hungrily and her she licked her lips and for only a short moment her eyes flashed pure black.
“Draven, I found her,” I said into the small microphone.
The crowd erupted into applause and screams as the band ended their set. The voice of the singer was drowned out as the girls around me pushed me aside, desperate to get closer to the band.
I lost sight of Lust as I was pushed away. I tried to get closer back to the stage but I couldn’t unless I hurt a few of them.
“Shit shit shit!” I yelled out as I ran back towards Draven at the bar.
“What did you say? All I heard was screaming.” Draven asked worriedly.
”I found her! Dark hair. Blue eyes. She was wearing this tight red mini dress!” I searched the crowd for her, but not finding her still.
“Tan? With really huge boobs?” Draven asked.
I nodded, “You saw her?”
”Yeah. She just left with the singer of that band.” Draven’s face fell. “Shit... how are we going to find her now?!”
“Hey Draven!” A guy smiled brightly at her. “It’s Monte; we met last night!”
“Oh. Hi. I’m sorry to be rude but I’m really busy right no-.” I could practically see the light bulb turn on above her head as she smiled and turned her attention to him completely. “Weren’t you in the band that played up there tonight?” She gestured towards the stage.
Monte smiled, happy that she realized that. “Yeah, Escape the Fate!”
”The singer; he just left with a girl. Where would he have gone?” I asked him.
He shrugged, “His place probably.”
”Where does he live?” Draven asked him.
Monte turned his eyes back to her, “I can’t say. He doesn’t want random fans coming to his place.”
I rolled my eyes, “First off we aren’t fans. We’ve never even heard of your band. And if you don’t tell us you may end up looking for a new singer by sunrise!” I was getting impatient. Every moment we wasted she was closer to killing some innocent man.
Monte backed up a step and looked behind us towards the big men with ‘Security’ printed on the back of their shirts.
Draven noticed what he was thinking and placed a hand on his arm, “Look, we aren’t the ones who want to hurt him. The girl he left with is. We think she may have killed a lot of other guys before him. If you don’t tell us where he lives we can’t go and stop her.”
“Are you two cops or something?” He asked.
“Or something,” Draven answered him.
“Okay…” He agreed, looking slightly disturbed. He told us the address and we were out the door in a matter of seconds; literally.


We ran up the stairs of the apartment complex until we got to our desired floor. Draven was lacing her arm blades on as we ran down the hallway towards. My katana was sheathed at my side. I had a bag over my chest full of all the things we would need.
“This is his room.” Draven turned the knob, but it was locked. She back up a few feet and side kicked it with all her strength; kicking it in and off and breaking the lock in the process.
The room was filled with the smell of sex and the moans emitted from one of the rooms down the hall. Goosebumps covered my arms at the evil aura that was practically suffocating us.
“We’ve defiantly got the right demon.” Draven told me before we both ran down the hall and she kicked in the door again.
The same girl I saw earlier was perched on top of the singer as her bottom half of her bottom continued to move on him while her mouth was connected with his. To any normal human it would look like she was just kissing him, but we knew better. We knew that the mist coming from out of his mouth and into hers was not just our imaginations or a trick of light. It was her sucking his soul from his body.

She pulled herself away from him and his head dropped back down to the pillow. She looked back at us; her eyes the color of the deepest shadow. She smiled widely at us. “Do you mind?”
”Yeah, we do. Now get the fuck off of him.” I glanced at the man below her, hoping he was still alive and we made it in time. I sighed in relief when his chest rose with another breath.
“Why would I do that? We were having so much fun,” She ran a finger nail down his chest, leaving a small trail of blood as she cut him. It wasn’t deep so I didn’t worry about him as he hissed in pain; even though he was still out of it.
“Because we won’t let you kill him, Lust.” Draven spat out at her, her blade shining in the low light.
Lust began to laugh, “So, you know who I am. I’m flattered. Why don’t you come back after my dinner and we’ll finish this then?”
“Didn’t you hear us the first time? We said we won’t let you kill him! And since you can’t ‘eat’ without death, that’s not going to happen.” I told her. My hand moved towards the hilt of my katana.
“But he’s just soooooo yummy.” She smiled as she leaned down again, running her tongue up the trail of blood, lapping it all up. “You know, we could all share? I’m not interested in his blood. You two can have that. It would be a waste to just let it spoil.”

I tried to ignore the prick of my fangs as they extended at the thought of drinking his blood. “No thanks, Rock Stars aren’t part of our diet,” Draven said as she made her way towards Lust. I could see her own fangs when we spoke, telling me she was having the same thoughts as I.
I joined Draven as we began to fight the demon. “Draven; be careful. She only possesses a human.” I told her as I dodged a punch.
”Grr!” Draven tried to stop her swipe with her blade but was only able to get it away partially. The blade cut cleanly into the demon’s arm; leaving a gash that would require the human to get stitches. Draven undid her blades and tossed the gently aside; not wanting to harm the girl again. If we could get the demon out the girl she was possessing would still be alive. She’d be hurt but alive. “Give me the bag!” She called out.
I kicked Lust in the gut; she flew back and hit the wall. I ripped the cloth strap in pursuit of taking it off and threw it to Draven. She immediately pulled the chalk out of the bag and began drawing symbols on the floor.
Lust lunged at me, knocking me off balance and I fell back on the bed and on top of the man with Lust on top of me.
Can I point out how awkward it is to be below and on top of two very naked people?! Lust began scratching at my face and chest with one hand as she tried to punch me with the other. “Are you done yet, D?” I asked as my fist connected with Lust’s jaw. The man below me was conscious again and trying to shove us off.
“Almost, Lil! It’s not exactly the quickest thing to draw!” Her hand moved around quickly leaving the appropriate symbols behind.
”Hurry please!” Lust growled and wrapped her hands around my throat attempting to stop the flow of air.
“What the hell! Get off of me!” The man shoved against my back harder.
”I would if I could!” I yelled back, pulling at her fingers.
“Alright! DONE!” Draven stood up and moved away from the markings.
I grabbed her wrist roughly and pulled them away from my neck; hearing the small cracks as one of her wrists broke.
I brought my knees up to my chest and used them to kick her off of me so she landed on the floor. She tried to get up again but was shoved back again.
Draven smiled proudly at her ward worked, not allowing the demon to leave out of the circle of symbols. “Got ya.”
I got up and the man scrambled out of the bed, falling onto the floor. “What the hell is happening?!”
I ignored him and walked over to Lust. “Sorry to cut dinner short; but to make it up to you we’ll read you one of our favorite excerpts. D?”
”My pleasure.” Draven smiled as she began reciting the all too familiar Latin words. Soon enough Lust was screaming and black smoke came pouring out of her mouth and went downwards; back to Hell. You see the thing about Hell is not even Demons want to be there. And it is a very hard place to make your way back out of, if you ever make your way out. The girl she was possessing collapsed and I caught her in my arms before she hit the floor and sat her gently down. “You’re okay now.” I told her as her eyes fluttered open.
“Thank you! Thank you so much,” She cried before passing out, her sad yet happy eyes covering with her lids.
I’ve always felt bad for the humans who became possessed. Some could never be saved and ended up dead, but the ones who were saved… well they were there the whole time. They were put aside so the demon could take control but they saw and felt everything that was happening. Everything their bodies were doing.

“What the hell just happened?!” This time it wasn’t the man in the bed talking.
Monte was standing in the doorway of the door, and by the way he looks he’s been there awhile.
Oh shit.
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Hope you like it Charlie!