The Bitter Sweet Taste of Blood and Your Love.

Chapter Five

”What the hell?” Draven threw herself backwards so she laid flat down on the bed. “Why is that Las Vegas goes all normal on us when we need unusual?!”
“Because the world likes to make things complicated for us,” I told her.
For the past week we have been searching through every police report, obituary, and even local gossip just trying to gain a clue as to where the next demon may be. But we haven’t found a single thing. It’s as if they went into hiding after Lust died.
“What about the guy who got shot outside the casino last night?” Draven asked. She was going crazy with all the research we had to do. Normally we never have this problem. We find a monster, we kill the monster, we return home. But now we are stuck here in this dirty sleazy place called Las Vegas.
“This is Sin City, Draven. This place is full of greedy humans.”
Draven groaned and smothered her face in a pillow.
I unfolded my legs from under me and stretched out across my own bed. Draven sat up suddenly and went towards the closet. I watched as she pushed through the many articles of leather clothing until she pulled out a few things. She turned towards me with a bright smile on her face, fangs showing and all. She tossed over a lump of black before beginning to strip out of her own clothing. I separated the pile on top of me and found it to a pair of low rise leather pants and straps of black fabric that were supposed to be a shirt.
“What is this for?” I asked skeptically as I tried to make sense of which way the straps went.
“We’re going out for dinner,” her eyes twinkled brightly.
I smiled back and leaped out of bed, practically ripping Connor’s t-shirt off. I wriggled the pants up until they rested perfectly on my hips. I held the ‘shirt’ up and looked at it skeptically. “Drav, there is no way I can get into this by myself.”
She laughed and finished lacing up the corset she was wearing, her amethyst belly ring shining in the light. She had on a short leather skirt that hung low on her hips and fishnet stockings that had multiple tears in it. To the world it looked fashionable; to me I saw the fight with a particularly grouching were-leopard with sharp claws.
“I’ll help you in a sec.” She dropped a pair of strappy heels and slid her feet into them easily.
I took off my bra and covered my chest with one arm while holding up the trap of a shirt with the other. There was no way in hell I could wear a bra with this. It was literally strips of cloth that would go across my chest and parts of my stomach. Well, at least it covered the essentials.
“Are you trying to make me into a dominatrix, Draven?” I joked while she pulled the shirt over my head.
”Ha ha,” She told me while moving the strips into the proper place. While she was doing that I pushed my feet into the boots in front of me. I’d have to zip them when she was done.
No sooner did she finish and I was pulling the zipper up on my boot did a knock sound at the door. We both froze instantly. No one knew we were here, we signed in with aliases. (Ultra Violet and Alice Evil, if you must know) The only people who knew where we were staying were Dimitri and Connor, and they sure as hell wouldn’t share that information.
Draven dashed to the door, grabbing the gun from under her pillow on the way. A knock sounded through the door again. I reached under my mattress and grabbed my own gun, Bloody Rose. Yes. I name my weapons. Got a problem with it?
I thought not.
Draven pointed her gun downwards, finger on the trigger, ready to fire when needed. I held Bloody Rose behind my back, concealing it. I gave her a short nod, signaling that I was prepared.
In our business we have made a lot of enemies. Enemies that would love to see us dead, so moments like this usually meant someone making an attempt at our lives.

We were as much the Hunted as we were the Hunters.

Draven signaled again before moving to the side of the door, a better spot to take a shot. I moved to behind the door, hand poised on the knob. I moved to look through the peephole and my body instantly relaxed, my finger on the trigger moving away. “It’s Monte and Ronnie.”
Shock was written all over her face. “I thought we were going out for dinner, not delivery.” She moved back to her bed and pulled a large metal lock box from under it.
“Guess we’ll be moving hotels.” She said, not waiting for me to respond to her witty banter.
I groaned and tossed my gun over to her, allowing her to store it away. She grabbed a thigh holster out before locking the weapons away and putting it back under the bed.
“Can we at least eat first?” I begged.
“Alright.” She agreed, putting one foot up on the bed so she reach under her skirt and strap the knife holster to her leg so it was concealed.
That reminds me…
I grabbed a blade out of the bedside table and carefully put it in the side of my boot.
We never went anywhere without some sort it of deadly weapon.
It’s kind of morbid if you think about it.
“How are we going to get out with the annoying Girl Scouts at the door?” I smirked a bit when I heard the ‘girl scouts’ knock again, louder this time.
Draven smiled at me innocently, “The window of course!”
I frowned, “I swear, if they cause me to break my heel I will take it out on their blood.” My complaining aside, we opened the window and jumped out, falling the short two floors and landing safely on my feet.
All four of our heels intact.

“Shake Shake Shake Shake Shake it!” The loud remix pumped through the speakers of the club we were currently dining in. Or, getting ready to dine in if you want to get technical.
My dance partner was running his hands over my body, not that I minded; he was pretty scrumdidilyumptious. His friend was all over Draven, no doubt thinking the same thing: that they were gonna get some.
They couldn’t be more wrong.
“Why don’t we go somewhere a little more private?” He whispered in my ear. I gave him a quick ‘sure’ in response and let him lead me out of the crowd and towards the back exit. I ran my tongue over the sharp tips of my fangs, anticipating the moment they would sink into his flesh. Soon we walked out into the brisk desert night and he immediately pushed his lips onto mine. I walked forward a bit, moving him so he was against the wall with me in front of him; he would need the support it offered.
I heard the door creek open again and I glanced over, it was Draven and her man. I sent her a wink and gave the man against me my full attention again. I led my lips away from his and down his jaw then to his neck. I felt the constant thudding of blood pulsing through his veins as I kissed his neck once more. He let out a short “mmm” as I grazed my teeth over the skin. I smirked before I sunk my teeth into his flesh. He gasped a bit, moving his hands to my arms in attempt to push me away. They fell back down to my hips as his eyes rolled back in ecstasy.
Ronnie was right when he made the assumption that being bitten by a vampire was better than sex. The endorphins in our saliva gave our ‘feeders’ the most amazing feeling ever. It was like being on cloud nine. They left feeling like they just had the best high of their life. I guess that’s why it was so easy nowadays to do this. Biting was ‘kinky’ and not uncommon now. Luckily our feeders never know they just donated blood; they just are under the impression we are really good with our mouths.
Wow that sounded wrong…

I was too busy drinking to even register the fact that the door creaked open again. Not until I heard glass shatter as it hit the ground and the sharp intake of breath from two people.
I moved away from the neck in front of me and gaped at the two intruders.

Ronnie and Monte.

What the hell?! We’re they stalking us?!

The taller one, Ronnie, schrunched his nose up and pointed to his own lip, “You’ve got a little…”
My tongue darted out quickly, licking up the blood before it could go any farther. I moved away from the man in front of me, going straight to Draven. She was staring at the two of them.
“What are you doing here?” She asked; annoyance clear in her voice.
Monte held up a pack of Marlboros, “Smoking.”
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you it was rude to interrupt some one while their eating?” I watched as the two men mumbled their ‘see ya’s and went back into the club.
When I looked back to see Ronnie’s eyes roaming my body (more like my chest and lack of shirt…) I crossed my arms in attempt to cover my body.
He smirked, “If you don’t want me looking wear a shirt with a little more material next time.”
I glared at him, “Fuck you.”
“Anytime. Just tell me where and when.”
I rolled my eyes and Draven placed a hand on my arm. “I think we should go now Lilith...” she trailed off.
I nodded in return and let her lead me back into the club, ignoring the two boys behind us as they tried to follow us. We lost them in the crowd quickly.

We walked back to our hotel, passing all the casinos and strip clubs as we went. It wasn’t until we were passing a rather large casino that we noticed something was up.
The smell of fresh blood hung in the air.
Draven and I ran into the Casino as people began to scream.

In the middle of a pool of blood lay a boy, barely old enough to be allowed in this casino, and an old grandmotherly woman standing above him, holding a thick glass tray soaked in bright red blood.
“What happened?!” Draven grabbed a girl and shook her waiting for details.
“That lady! She just bashed his head in! Over a fucking quarter!!” She cried and yanked herself away from Draven’s hold.

In the midst of the whole crowd stood one still figure, his only movement was the shaking of his body as he laughed.

”Still don’t believe it was Greed?” Draven hissed, watching as the laughing man disappeared into the running people.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm a sick and twisted individual.....
Just be lucky I took out the fact that there was scalp and brains on the tray too...

Comment for updates!

This is for a certain game show contestant who always puts up with my odd ways. :p
Bet ya you love Door Two :p