The Bitter Sweet Taste of Blood and Your Love.

Chapter Six

I ran in the direction Greed was last seen going in, Draven keeping an easy pace with me as we dodged the mortals as they cried into their precious cell phones about how traumatic this event has been for them. If it was as traumatic as they wanted to claim they wouldn’t be gushing about it on the phone. They just craved the attention that this event would bring them.
“Do you see him?” Draven asked, scanning the crowd.
“No, I think he’s go-,” I broke off my own sentence. “There he is!” I yelled, taking off in the direction of the demon that stood, leaned against the wall with his back towards us. It was strange that he would be so still when he knew we were pursuing him, but I was willing to take any chance that we could to kill him. We reached him within moments. Draven grabbed him by the shoulder, twisting his arms around his back and holding him against her front. By this time I had already retreived the bottle of holy water, held securely in a leather case incase it broke (Dhampirs and holy water do not mix well) and the dagger from my boot. I pressed the blade against his throat, hard enough for him to feel it but not hard enough to keep him from talking.
His frightened eyes got wider and dots of presperation appeared over his face. “Oh my god! Don’t hurt me! You can have my wallet! I’ve got kids! Please don’t hurt me!” He begged.
I looked over at his shoulder to Draven, baffled by this sudden displace of fear. A demon rarely showed fear, especially a powerful demon like Greed.
“He’s probably just lying.” Draven said.
”I’m not lying! The money’s in my wallet! Oh god.” He cried.
I frowned, “I don’t think he is. I don’t sense Greed either.”
”Do it.” Draven nodded towards the leather encased bottle in my hand.
I flipped the lid carefully, and put it up to his lips. He shut his mouth, trying desperately to dodge it. “Don’t be complicated!” I struggled for a few more moments with him before I got irratated. “If you don’t open your fucking mouth I’m going to slit your throat.” I pushed the blade against his skin. He immediately opened his lips and I poured the liquid down his throat, waiting for the screaming and burning smell that was sure to follow.
But it never did. He swallowed the liquid before speaking, his voice only slightly squeeky from fear and the pressure of the blade against his throat. “What was in that?! Did you poison me?! Am I going to die?!” He freaked out. I pushed the lid shut on the bottle and shoved it back into my bag. Draven let him go, and he ran off quickly. I bent over and put the blade back into my boot.
“So, Greed left him.” Draven said.
“It won’t be long till he finds another meat suit to wear.” I told her, straightening myself up.
“Well, at least he’ll be weak after switching humans.” Draven said, walking in the direction of our hotel. “And that will be our chance to take him.”
I fell into step with her as we discussed how to catch him again.
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Not that long, but whatever. Take it or leave it