The Bitter Sweet Taste of Blood and Your Love.

Chapter Seven.

“That’s it!” I exclaimed rolling over in my bed. Lilith glanced at me with an eyebrow raised, “What’s what?” Lilith asked setting her latest book down (Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies.)

“I figured out a plan!” I sat up and crossed my legs underneath me, “Somehow we convince those boys uh…” I scrunched my face up trying to remember their names.

“Monte and Ronnie! Yeah them. Well we convince them to act like big-shot millionaires, give em’ a couple of bucks to spend, and ultimately we lure Greed to them, then we kill him.” I explained, smirking afterwards.

“But how are we going to get them to- oh.” Lilith started, but cut herself off when she realized that those boys would probably jump off a bridge to hear us talk to them.

“So when are we going to pop the question?” Lilith asked, stretching her arms over her head.

I shrugged, “We’re not doing anything now, and we know where Ronnie lives.” Lilith nodded, and hopped off her bed.

She walked into the bathroom, doing whatever she needed to get done. I crouched down, and pulled my suitcase out from under my bed. I grabbed a black and blue corset, black destroyed skinny jeans, and black stilettos.

I slid my silk shorts down my legs, and pulled my jeans on. I picked my corset off the floor, and pulled my shirt off. I loved how the corset had built in support, anything to make them extra noticeable.

I plopped down on the bed behind me, and buckled my shoes on. I clattered my way to the bathroom, shimmying in beside Lilith to fix my hair. I grabbed a can of volumizing mousse and sprayed a good sized amount on the palm of my hand. I distributed it evenly through my hair, and fluffed it a little. Making it perfectly messy.

I rummaged through the makeup bag and hurriedly put on my eye-liner followed by a thin layer of lip gloss. I glanced at Lilith who sat on the toilet with a bored expression on her face. “You ready?” She asked, getting up.

I looked at myself in the mirror once last time and nodded, “Yep let’s go.” I grabbed my sunglasses and helmet off the night stand, Lilith tossed me my gun in its holster. I strapped it onto my thigh, and left the hotel room, Lilith closely behind. The hotel door clicked shut, and we strutted down the hall into the nearest elevator.

When we reached the lobby, we couldn’t help but notice all the men gaping at us. I slid my glasses down to the tip of my nose, and winked playfully at them.

In the parking lot we quickly got into our rides, and zoomed off to Ronnie’s place. At a red-light, some guy in his car gave me a weird look, to which I responded by a smirk.

In the time-span of 10minutes we were there, and knocking on his door. With our extra keen hearing, I could hear Ronnie shuffling to open the door, and when he finally did, his mouth fell open.

Liltih pushed him aside and walked in with me behind her. Monte sat on the couch watching T.V lazily. “Hello boys.” I greeted, taking a seat on the nearest armchair.

Monte’s eyes widened, “Hey Draven.”

He glanced at Lilith, “Hey Lilith.”

I smiled and crossed my legs, “We need you guys to do us a favor.” Lilith started, smiling darkly at Ronnie who still hadn’t said a word.

Lilith moved her sunglasses to rest on the crown of her head, “Depends, what is it?” Monte asked, cocking an eyebrow at Lilith.

Ronnie sat down beside Lilith, looking slightly interested in what she had to say. “Well we need you to help us lure what killed that boy at that casino.” She explained, “You won’t get hurt or anything we promise.”

Monte shrugged, and glanced at Ronnie. "We'll do it." Monte answered for them, I grinned at Lilith then focused my attention back on the boys. "But only if you girls act as our wives." Ronnie added, a smirk plastered evenly on his lips.

Lilith pouted momentarily, “Fine!” She groaned, glaring at Ronnie.

“AND! You have to go on a date with us.” Monte exclaimed, earning a pat on the back from Ronnie.

I rolled my eyes, “Okay but if you try anything we’ll kill you in a heartbeat.” I warned them, Monte smiled goofily, “Don’t worry we won’t.”

“So what’s the plan?” Ronnie asked leaning back in his seat.

“You guys go around spending a lot of money, acting like billionaires or something, Greed likes money, do you catch the drift?” I explained, peering out from over my sunglasses at the boys.

Monte knitted his eyebrows in thought, “And where are we going to get this supposed money?”

“We have that covered.” I grinned knowingly at Lilith. This is going to be fun.


Monte blew on the dice quickly, hoping that it would land on the numbers he needed. He tossed the dice, and they rolled a few times before landing on 7. It must’ve been a good thing because the small crowd erupted into cheers.

They handed Monte the dice once more, and he grabbed my hand softly, and lead me to stand in front of him. He placed his free hand on my waist, and raised his balled hand for me to blow on the dice.

I smirked honey-slow, and let out a small puff of air. I glanced at Ronnie and Lilith and noticed that they were in the same position. As much as Lilith ‘looked’ like she wanted to feel uncomfortable, she failed because she looked like she could stay that way forever.

Monte threw the dice, and the tension in the room increased. Once the dice stopped rolling a breath hitched in everyone’s throat. We all peered over to see what number it had landed on. “Fuck yeah!” Someone cheered, the dice had landed on seven once more.

Monte placed a small tender kiss on my neck. If I could blush, I’d be a million shades of red right now. I got this eerie feeling when a tan man joined the group of people watching Monte gamble.

Prepare for a night to remember babe. Lilith smirked, and glanced at the man. Oh, this is going to be fun.