Michels story dairy

It Was Always There?

How did I end up here? I'm on the ground, sirens can be heard everywhere
I'm bleeding out and no before you think I got mugged , I didn't. It's hard
to say where it all began, probably way before I could have even walked.

Since the time I was just a child I always felt that there was someone constantly
watching me. Every time I turned I saw a shadow disappearing, like it moved by
quickly. This did not happen every day but it had occurred frequently, almost
in a pattern.

First I get the creepy feeling that sends chills down my spine, which zooms me
out of reality, a momentarily pause for me to take a look around. Then I see
the shadow moving conveniently out of my sight, down the bottom right corridors
of my view point, like a snake that sliders away. After that my heart begins
to race, as if I'm in danger. I'm overtaken by fear which takes away my
focus on what I'm doing right in that moment.

Years has passed and I felt as if I should prepare for the worst :"What if it's
a demon that is hiding and waiting for the right moment to attack me?" So
I devoted my life training in hand to hand combat for the day anyone or rather
anything that comes at me with the intention to kill me.

So I know what you're thinking now, I am just crazy, but still I rather be prepared.

It's now October 17, 1991, my 20th birthday. I was out jugging about 10 o'clock at night
heading back home and I decided to pass through West Kustbatterij street and through
my neighbor's yard to get home quicker and there I suddenly saw a shadowy figure. This time instead of disappearing like it normally does, it began moving farther away from me as I ran behind it.
It slowly lead me to a dead end. With nowhere else to go I slowly approached it. As I was getting closer to it I hear someone singing and the sound of pigeons singing. I put one hand over the shadow's ghostly shoulders and it suddenly turned around and overtook me!
Within those few seconds I took a gleams of it's face and I saw something inhuman but I blacked out before before I can figure out exactly what it was.

When i came to I was on the ground bleeding out, sirens can be heard from the distant. People are also watching me and they are mumbling to each other , I couldn't make out what they were saying. I was taken to the hospital, and on its record of me said that my body disappeared without a trace.

But how can that be?

My family had a funeral thinking I was dead...But here I am standing in front of my own grave in the poring rain. I looked down in the puddle of water that formed around me, and I saw that I had the face of HIM!

The End.
