Dante' s Muse



It's just the most fucked-up thing. We desire others. We desire things. We desire to be desired. Perhaps that is the most dangerous type of desire out of all of them. The desire to be desired has the potential to kill. To make a person so unhappy that tears never fully leave their eyes. To make them so full of that want to be lovable that they just might burst.

Desire is a dangerous power to behold.

It is one of the first lessons we are taught in life. When we desire to be held and fed and coddled as infants. When we desire toys and books as selfish children. When we desire cars and friends and to fit in during those torturous years of adolescence.

It is a lesson that we never fully learn. We desire beauty beyond measure instead of loving what we were given. We desire the possessions of others, their nice cars, and houses, and six-figure salaries. We desire people. Those who we cannot attain.

Oh, the worst desire is to want someone who is unavailable in the most significant of ways.

But desire is merely a trick of the mind. As humans, we all desire what we do not, or cannot, have. Otherwise, how would we ever feel the emotions that make us humans in the first place? How would we feel the swelling of fresh love if we did not desire the one we are attracted to? And how would we feel the shattering heartbreak of love lost, if we did not desire more than what we can get and give in return?

That is the human flaw. We could get everything and still desire more. We could have everything and still act as if we had nothing at all.

Desire's fountain never runs dry. So we are always drinking, drinking to quench the unquenchable thirst...