Okay I'm Awake

Okay I'm Awake

I wish I could figure out a way to get Zero to talk to me again. He's been avoiding me since the change. He hated me now because I had become one of them. Still, he had no right to treat me like this because he is well on his way to becoming a vampire too. He just has less self-control than I had and my body didn't react like his. Thank heavens.

Soon I was transferred to the Night class and forbidden from seeing my friends. It's not like I asked to be attacked by some random pureblood.

I was accepted by the others and Yuuki treated me no differently. Zero was the only one who changed. He refused to look or speak to me.

"Still thinking about him?" a voice says breaking my thoughts. "It's no use."

I turned to see Akatsuki standing beside me.

"I'm have no clue what you're talking about," I lied.

"Sure you don't," he says before sighing. "Come on. It's time for class."

As we walked through the gates the humans began to cheer. They were so annoying. It would take me forever to get used to this.

"I love you Mika-chan!" a boy yelled basically drooling.

I waved and gave a small smile but continued walking.

As a scanned the crowd I caught sight of that silver hair I had grown to recognize.

If only I could see those eyes, but that wasn't going to happen seeing as though their owner refused to look my way.

I sighed in defeat and a hand was placed on my shoulder.

I looked to see Kaname give me a small smile.

"Pay him no mind," he spoke.

I nodded and continued on my way.


I sneered as Kuran placed his hand on her shoulder.

How dare he touch her.

Then I realized I had no say in what she did. I wasn't even acknowledging her existence.

It pained me to have to treat her this way but my nature wouldn't allow me to act otherwise.

I wanted nothing more than to have her in my arms.

I wasn't her fault that she was one of them now.

I just can't seem to except the fact that the one girl who held my heart is now supposed to be my sworn enemy.

"Come on Zero. We have to make sure the Day class students get to their dorms safely," Yuuki said jumping in front of me.

I sighed and followed behind her.


Classes were as boring as ever!

My last teacher would not shut up.

He just continued to go on about who knows what.

I spent most of the time passing notes with Aidou.

"Class dismissed," the teacher finally announces after an eternity.

"Daydreaming again Mika?" I heard the voice of my close friend ask.

"Yea, sorry Kaname," I reply.

"It's alright just pay attention next time. I want you to learn everything you can," he says patting me on the head.

I nodded. Kaname always knew what was best for me. One thing he didn't approve of was my feelings for Zero. Although I never told him about it Kaname knew me too well.

After class I snuck away from the group, although I'm sure Kaname knew what I was up to.

During my last class I came up with a plan.

So I was now in Zero's dorm sitting on his bed. I wasn't going to move until he talked to me.

Around 3 o'clock a.m the door opened. He froze when he saw me.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

"We need to talk and I'm not leaving until we do," I say.

"Talk," he says.

I wait for him to come in and sit at his desk.

"Okay, so listen and do not interrupt or I will chop your lips off," I said seriously.

He frowned and I smirked.

" I know you're avoiding me because I'm a vampire. Yea we're supposed to be enemies and what not. But Zero, I could care less. You may not accept this but..I love you and I don't care what anyone says, does, or thinks." I say. "And that's about it."

He just sat there looking at me.

I sighed and made my way to the door.

Suddenly his tall frame was blocking my path.

"Move," I said calmly. On the inside I was boiling.


"Get out of my fucking way," I say trying to push him.

"No Mika. I am not moving," he said unfazed.

"Why the hell won't you move?" I yell.

I was so mad right now. I knew I had tears forming in my eyes.

Zero placed his hands on my shoulders and I looked up at him.

His gaze was intense.

"I will not move because I love you Mika Nonaki," he says seriously.

"What!?" I asked stunnned.

"I said I love you," he said slowly.

I frowned. "Prove it," I challenge. "Prove this is real and I'm not dreaming."

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close.

"Close your eyes," he whispers.

I do so and warm lips meet mine.

After a moment of getting over the shock I began to kiss him back.

Our lips move perfectly together.

We both pull back in need of air.

It felt like my head was spinning.

"Okay I'm awake," I say breathlessly.

"Yes you are," he says placing his forehead against mine.

I smile and wrap my arms around his torso.

We stood there and just stared at each other.

"We probably look dumb just standing here," I said.

"You always look dumb," he said with a smirk.

I lightly punched his arm again before kissing him deeply.

~2 hours later~

I was sneaking as silently as I could into the Moon dorm. If you were wondering Zero and I didn't do anything...yet. So now I'm happily taken.

I crept up the stairs and into my room. After I closed my door I sit on my bed and let out a breath.

"Phew, made it," I say to myself.

Thinking about tonight's earlier events I giggle.

Suddenly my desk lamp flickered on.

"What is so funny Mika?" Kaname asked.


"Where have you been?" Akatsuki asked.

Kaname sat in my desk chair and Akatsuki stood behind him with their arms folded over their chest.

"Hi, guys what's up?" I say ignoring their previous questions.

"I believe we should be the ones asking that," Kaname said.

"Well after class I wanted to clear my mind so I went on a nice long walk through the woods alone," I said putting extra emphasis on the last word.

"If you were alone then why do you have a hickey on your neck?" Akatsuki asks.

"What ever are you referring to?" I say nervously laughing as I pull up my collar.

They just stared at me.

I sighed heavily. "I'm busted aren't I?" I ask after a moment.

They simply nod their heads.

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Hope you liked it!