Status: if i get at least one comment per update, ill update again. if not. ill be sad. oh so sad. and updateless. rip jimmy!

You Hold The Power To Set Me Free

It was a Saturday... The day I saw him. The man that would soon change my life, and in a twisted way it was for both the worst and the better. I was just doing my job, mopping, and I could feel the heat of someones eyes staring at me. I looked up from the floor half annoyed that my cleaning was being interrupted by yet another customer but it was all a part of my shitty ass job.
Standing there, on the other side of the meat case was a young man. He was about my height and he had very straight pitch black hair. I mentally kicked my self for ignoring him, due to his cuteness. I looked around to see if anyone else wanted to take him. Nobody else that was working was around.
“Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there...” I giggled feverishly.
“No worries.” He shrugged.
“Well can I get you something?”
“Uhh.” He paused. “Yeah, you guys make trays and stuff right?” He asked.
“Yes...” I said, also mentally kicking myself because the joys of making trays were endless.
“What do you make?” His tone was almost obnoxiously calm.
“Umm.” I hesitated. “Meat, and cheese nibbler trays.” I sighed at the incredibly dorky name. “Just basically different assortments of cheese, sandwich meat, deviled eggs, smoked fish, veggie, sandwich and fruit trays.” I said breathing after fruit trays harshly.
“Oh wow. You have to make all that shit?” He asked with a simple smirk on his face. I was begining to get the feeling he wasn't really interested in anything in the store. Although my feelings were wrong.

To Get A Visual Of Brook: Brook
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  5. Chapter 5
    Explicit Content Warning
  6. Chapter 6
  7. Chapter 7
  8. Chapter 8
    This Chapter Contains Sex
  9. Chapter 9