Status: if i get at least one comment per update, ill update again. if not. ill be sad. oh so sad. and updateless. rip jimmy!

You Hold The Power To Set Me Free

Chapter 8

“Brook.” Zacky said quietly in my ear.
“Huh?” I opened my eyes confused. In was bright outside.
“Wake up, you slept all night.” He said.
“I'm sorry. Did I miss anything?”
“No. It's early anyways. Probably around 6 in the morning. I just wanted to make sure you were up before the other guys so we could talk a bit before the day.”
“Oh. Well, what do you want to talk about?”
“I don't know. I have been with you for the last couple days and I don't really know that much about you. I know you probably don't feel comfortable telling your kidnapper about your life, but...” He paused.
“There isn't really that much to know. I mean, I have, had, a pretty boring life up until lately. My parents are kind of old fashioned and they don't approve of most of my interest.”
“What are your interest that they don't approve of?” He asked rolling over on his side and looking at me.
“It's nothing exciting. Music, the people I hang around with, you know, usual teenager stuff I guess.” I shrugged.
“Yeah, wish I could do regular teen stuff sometimes.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, I have been with these boys for forever and we never really did normal teen stuff when we were younger.”
“Too busy stealing girls.” I said under my breath.
“I told you I was sorry.” He sighed.
“Yeah.” I said. We were silent. I slightly regretted making it awkward. More awkward then it already was, since, I was with my kidnapper.
“You're so beautiful.” He said breaking the silence. I pushed my hair out of my face.
“No I am really not. I look as terrible as I feel.” I said.
“It shows how beautiful a girl is first thing in the morning. Before you put all that makeup on and do your hair. You're stunning. Easy on the eyes.”
“Well don't get used to it.” I said.
“I said, don't get used to it. Waking up beside me. As soon as you get me out of here I am running away. Far away.”
“But.” He frowned. “Well, who says you will be getting out of here.” He said sitting up angrily.
“Zacky. I know you wouldn't keep me here any longer then you have to.”
“Cause I love you.” He said under his breath.
“Nothing. Forget it.”
“No. You said something. Tell me what you said.”
“I meant, I don't want to never see you again. That's all I meant.”
“You love me.” I said. I couldn't help but smile. This was so wrong.
“I said it, but that's stupid. I don't. You just mean alot to me. I don't want to see you suffer, but I don't want to not see you. Get it?” He asked.
“Yeah, I guess I would miss you too, in a weird way.” I said. He was looking at me with a strange look in his eyes. I sat up and got to eye level with him. He looked down at his hands and then back up at me. It was a look of guilt and deep thought. His eyes were soft and wet. “Can I ask you something?”
“Who was in that picture with you. The baby, that was on the dresser.”
“I don't really talk about him.” Zacky said looking back down at his hands.
“You can trust me Zacky.”
“He was my son.” He said quickly looking up at me to see my reaction. I didn't move. “He was, I. He died though.” He swallowed. “His mother, was my girlfriend. I loved her. We weren't ready to be parents, and I wasn't living in a situation that welcomes children. I was pretty young, maybe 17 when she got pregnant. We weren't really hard into killing and stuff at that point. Just started, but we all had girls. Real girls. Not ones like you.”
“Not what I meant. We didn't steal them. Anyways. She got pregnant, and she had him. His name was Cameron and he was a real cute baby. I was never as happy in my whole life as when I held him for the very first time. I was terrified, but I was happy.”
“Well, where is the mom now?”
“Yeah. When she found out that I helped kill two girls, she couldn't handle it. She could barely handle being a young mother either. She shot herself.”
“She didn't shoot Cameron did she?”
“No. Cameron died because I was the shittyest father in the whole world. I tried my best to hide my life from him. I did such a good job hiding my life that I hid myself from him too I guess. I didn't even notice that he was sick one night. He coughed, screamed and cried, but I shrugged it off as nothing... He died that night in his crib, and I didn't even go check on him once through the night. I told him to shut up when he cried. I was too busy trying to plan where to hide the next body that Brian and Matt killed.” He stopped. His eyes filled up with tears, and one streamed down his cheek. “Maybe if I would have checked on him he would have been okay. Doctor said that he had pneumonia and a high fever. Very dangerous for babies. I should have taken him to the hospital.” Zacky said bringing his knees to his chest.
“Zacky.” I said. I didn't know what to say. How bad would you feel if your child died. It was natural for him to have these feelings, but I'm sure that it was only worst for him, because his “friends” weren't exactly good listeners, or caring. I put my arms around him and gave him the tightest hug I could. “I am so sorry.” I said letting go. He still hung onto me so I put my arms back around him. “It really wasn't all your fault. Pneumonia would have probably killed him anyways. He's with his mom now too.” I said trying to do the best I could to comfort him in some way. I am sure he hasn't had much of it.
“She would have been a great mom. She was such an amazing girl. She kind of reminds me of you in some ways.”
“Thank you. I am sorry you had to lose her too.”
“She chose it herself. I can't be sad about that. If it's what she wanted, then she got it. I just can't stand thinking about poor little Cameron. He didn't get to live yet.”
“I know, but does killing other people make it any better?” I asked.
“In some ways.” He said, obviously not looking proud of his answer. “At least I get to pick when they die. I can control how and when they die. It wasn't fair that god got to take away my baby. So.”
“So you take away somebody Else's baby to get vengeance Zacky?” I asked.
“Yeah I guess vengeance is what I am after. It's just not fair.”
“Well, making other people hurt isn't what she would have wanted Zacky. You know that.”
“I know, but she left me alone with our child. She was so selfish to leave Cameron like that.”
“She was young. She couldn't handle it and she didn't know what else to do.”
“You don't think it was selfish?” He asked suddenly annoyed at me for rationalizing her death. He turned away from me.
“It was very selfish. It wasn't fair to leave you the way she did, and it was sure as hell not fair to leave her baby alone. Especially after finding out what you were doing.”
“But I didn't kill anybody at that point.” He pouted.
“Zacky. You don't have to convince me of anything.” I said placing my hand on his lap. He turned back at me and softened his frown.
“I'm going to save you.” He said softly.
“Thank you.”
“If you kiss me right now.” He said. I looked at him for a minute processing what he said. He said it with a smile, so I leaned in towards him and slowly brought my lips to his. His lips looked so kissable. Big and soft. I closed my eyes as our lips met and I sucked on his bottom lip. He was sort of clumsy kissing me, but I had incredible butterflies none the less. He brought his hands up to my head and pulled me in closer for a deeper kiss. I put one hand behind his back to support myself from falling backwards and the other traveled down his chest. He pushed me down lightly and he crawled on top of me, not removing his mouth from mine. He put his weight on his arms as he held his body on top of mine and he stuck his tongue farther down my throat. I couldn't help but let a small moan slip through my lips. I could feel him grin through our kiss. He pulled his lips from mine and he traveled to my neck and began kissing it tenderly. His hot breath, paired with moving tongue was driving me crazy. I let out a louder moan. His hands moved from my side to my breast as he massaged them. I reached down to pull off my shirt, but he grabbed it and took it off for me. He suddenly seemed alot less clumsy as he pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side. He fell back down on top of me again and he kissed my lips again. His hands moved back to my side and he slid his hands down to my panties. He slid them off to my ankles and I kicked them off onto the floor. I brought my hands up to his boxers and pulled them off over his hard cock. My legs were shaking I wanted him so bad. He teased me by bringing himself close to me but not entering me right away. He hovered his cock right above me. I lifted my ass off the bed trying to get him to come inside of me. He finally looked like he couldn't wait any longer and he entered me slowly. I let out a loud “uhhhh!” as he pulled it halfway out and thrust-ed forward again. On his next thrust forward he brought his body really close to mine so I could feel him against my clit. He did this over and over again and I could feel my pleasure building and building inside. I pulled him even closer with my arms and I looked at his expression. He looked like he was going to explode too.
“Zacky I think I am going to cum.” I said shaking.
“Me too.” He said as he pushed himself harder and closer to me. “Oh god.” I thought. “It's coming.” It felt so amazing, and I knew if couldn't get any better. My body started shaking and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. (probably looked like a seizure) and I yelled “ah!” loudly. Zacky moaned loudly too. He collapsed onto my stomach, because he was clearly done. My orgasm lasted a bit longer. It was the longest one I have ever had, and when I was done my body went limp and I just layed there for a minute. Zacky gathered himself and he pulled out of me. I trail of his cum leaked out of me and onto his sheets.
“That felt amazing Zacky.”
“That was amazing. We came at the exact same time. Do you know how rare that is? You feel so good Brook. You have no idea.”
“I have an idea. You felt... Uh. Wow.” I said. I just couldn't get over how high I felt. I kind of wish I felt like this every morning first thing.
“Um, wow.” He said shaking his head. He stood up and pulled on a pair of boxers. “I was going to try to get you out of here today, but after that. I don't know if I want to anymore.”