You Belong With Me

Reese's Love

Today was my date with Tyler. Excitement coursed through my veins. I would probably consider this my first real date. I mean, I've had boyfriends before but we never really did anything. This would be my first outing with a guy, other than in the band, in a little over a year. And if things went well, Tyler might ask me to be his girlfriend. It's been awhile since I've had a boyfriend. There just weren't many guys I was attracted to and by no means was I going to whore myself around to get a date. Though I'm sure that would get Brian's attention pretty quick. Those were the kind of girls to date Brian. Each year there's more of them, giving Brian an unlimited number of sluts to date. He could have a different girl each week and not run out; of girls or sexual ability.

I guess now I saw Matt's point about Brian. Even if I did have a chance with him, we wouldn't last more than a few days. But for now I'm happy with Tyler. Sadly, though, Brian would always be in the back of my mind. There was no way to stop those thoughts because he's always around. And I pretty much love him.

"Matt, what should I wear?" I asked. I hoped that he could give me an idea of what to wear. He was a guy and would know what was acceptable for a first date.

"I don't know. Why are you asking me?"

"Because you're a guy."

"Thanks Captain Obvious," he joked.

"And you will know what's good for a first date," I continued.

"Just wear something nice but not too…fancy," he said. "So stop following me and go get ready. I have to get ready to take Val out."

"Val! Val! She'll know what to wear!" I yelled as I ran into the bathroom to take a quick shower, but stopped and peaked my head back out the door. "She's coming here right?"

"Yeah, she'll be here in half an hour."

"Perfect." I shut the door and locked it. I slipped out of all my clothes and stepped in the shower. I washed my hair first, pulling the knots out and then rinsed it. I poured conditioner into my hand and lathered it through my brown locks. I picked up the body wash and rubbed it over my body, making sure my entire body was covered with bubbles. I rinsed the bubbles and the conditioner out of my hair and turned off the water.

I dried myself off and changed. I left my hair dry naturally, giving it a nice wave. I heard the front door open. I ran down and saw Val standing there.

"Val, I need your help!"

"Oh, it's your date with Tyler! Let's go get you dressed!" she said. Matt raised an eyebrow as his girlfriend ran past him. Val and I went up to my room and started going through my closet. While she was going through my clothes, it wasn't three minutes until she pulled that green shit out.

"You haven't worn this have you?" she asked, holding the shirt up. I shook my head then she tossed me the shirt and then searched for some kind of bottom. She pulled a pair of really short shorts that didn't even belong to me.

"Those aren't mine," I said before she raised her eyebrow.

"Whose are they?" she asked.


"I don't think she'll mind."

"But I don't wear that kind of stuff. I wear jeans and converse."

"This is a date," she said slowly, "you wear this kind of stuff."

I trusted her and took the shorts from her hand. I changed into the shirt and shorts as she picked out some shoes. She grabbed some make up and started to apply it to my eyes and lips. She declared my ready so I stood up and looked at myself in my full length mirror. I kept adjusting the shorts that kept riding up too high.

"Will you stop that? Your legs look fine! You have amazing legs!" she snapped.

"Sorry but I'm not use to this!"

"Well if you want to impress Brian, you better," she said.

My door opened and Matt walked in, looking very impatient.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, hold on," she said. My mom pushed Matt out of the way and walked over, pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"My baby's going on her first date," my mom said.

"Mom," I gasped. I was unable to actually talk because of the lack of air inflating my lungs.

"Sorry, but I'm so happy to see you going out on a date. You're finally growing up into a beautiful young woman," she said. I swear she's going to start crying.

"Mom, please don't start crying."

"Yeah, Mom, don't," Matt warned.

"Oh, okay." She walked out. Val gave me a hug and walked wished me luck. When they were about to leave, she made Matt do the same thing. Then they left to go on their own date while I sat downstairs waiting for my own.

I tried to be patient but when it was ten minutes after seven, I began to worry. But when the door bell rang, I jumped up and answered it. But I was disappointed when I saw Brian standing at the door.


"Did Matt leave already?" he asked.

"Yeah, you just missed him."

"Damn. I'll come back later."


"Bye." As he walked back to his car, Tyler's car pulled up. He got out and walked past Brian. When they passed, I saw a little tension between the two. Tyler waved as he made his way up to the door.

"I'm leaving!" I yelled into the house before closing the door.

"Hey," I said, hugging him.

"Ready to go?" he asked in the deep voice I loved so much. I nodded and took his hand. He led me to his car and he opened the door for me, waiting until I was securely in to shut the door. He ran to the other side and got in.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," he replied.


"I wasn't sure where to take you because I don't really know what's around here," he confessed.

"That's okay," I laughed. "I don't expect you to take me anywhere nice or anything."

"Well good because we're going to the beach," he said as we pulled into the beach parking lot. I laughed a little when I saw the beach, not because I thought it was cliché, but because I thought it was sweet.


"Nothing, nothing. I think it's cute you brought me here," I said. Tyler pulled a picnic basket out of the back seat and carried it to a spot on the beach that was very secluded. It was quite a walk to get there. We had to go under the peer and cross over a bunch of rocks to get to the spot. Nobody was there; I liked it that way.

He spread a blanket on the warm, smooth sand and sat the basket on top of it. Then we sat down.

"This is so cute, Tyler," I said.

"Thanks. Your brother actually suggested this place. He told me how to get here. And I asked my mom what to bring."

"Aw. Well I love it."

"I'm glad," he said as he handed me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He also handed me an apple juice box. This was so cute of him!

"I hope you like it, I made it myself," he said as I took a bite of the sandwich.

"It's delicious," I said truthfully.


"So everyone's coming to the beach tomorrow. Would you like to come?"

"This beach? Sure," he replied with a smile. After we finished our sandwiches, he ran the basket and blanket back to the car so we could walk around. He returned and we started walking back towards the car but we stayed on the beach. We walked along the shore, talking about everything and anything. Finally he grabbed my hand and continued walking. We traveled for a mile and decided to turn back.

"Wanna go get ice cream?" Tyler asked me.

"Sure." He guided me towards the car and opened my door just like before. He drove to a small ice cream parlor along PCH. He parked the car and we both walked in hand in hand. We stood a few feet from the counter, staring up at the menu.

"Do you know what you want?" Tyler asked me.

"Um, just a sec," I said. It was between mint chocolate chip and Reese's peanut butter cup.

"Take your time," he said.

"Well, I know now." We walked up to the counter. He looked to me to tell him my order so I told the guy I wanted a small Reese's peanut butter cup. Tyler ordered the same as me but a medium. We waited as the guy prepared our ice cream. When they were finished, Tyler paid and we found a table.

"I love Reese's peanut butter cups," he said.

"Me too. They're my favorite candy ever!"

"Well now I know what to buy you," he joked.

"Yeah, just give me some Reese's and I'll be happy," I laughed.

"You'll be getting a lot then."

"Hey, I don't want to get fat now," I said.

"You are far from fat. A few peanut butter cups won't hurt."

"I guess."

"So what time tomorrow?" he asked as I took another bite.

"Um…I think we're going at 11," I said.

"Okay. Want me to pick you up or what?"

"Matt was going to just drive me, Val and him so you could ride with us," I told him. "So you can come around ten."

"Okay, sounds good."

"So tell me something I don't know about you," I demanded curiously.

"Well I used to be in a band back in New Mexico. We never had a name, we just played for fun. I sang and played guitar."

"You sang? I sing too! But not for a band. I'm in chorus though," I said.

"Awesome. So what about you? Tell me something I don't know about you."

"This is pretty much my first real date," I confessed.

"Really?" I nodded. "Wow, I thought you went out a lot. I mean, you're gorgeous. Tons of guys must want you."

"I don't know. I think Matt scares them all away."

"He's just protecting you from all the bad guys out there," he said.

"Yeah, even if I like the guy and I think he's nice, Matt still chases him away."

"Like Brian?" My jaw dropped. "I know you like him."

"Well Matt has a point when he says Brian's a bad guy." I tried getting myself out of this conversation by playing it off that I understood Matt.


"And it's obvious I don't have a chance with him so I'm not even going to try." He nodded his head in an understanding matter.

"Well you can forget about him because you're with me now," he said, grabbing my hand across the table. I couldn’t help but smile.

"It's getting pretty late. I should probably get you home," he said, standing up. He offered his hand so I grabbed it and he pulled me up. We walked to the car and he drove me back to my house.

"I had fun tonight," I said as he walked me to my front door.

"Yeah me too." He was holding my hands when he leaned down to kiss me. His lips stayed attached to mine and I wasn't complaining. We moved out lips together as the kiss advanced. Before he could run his tongue over my lips, the porch light came on causing us to jump apart in fear of getting caught.

"He pulled me into a hug before walking back to his car.

"I'll see you at ten," he said.

"Yeah, bye."

"See ya!" I walked into my house and shut the door behind me. Matt was standing there looking at me like I was crazy.
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Ok here's another update, but I'm serious when I say i want some comments. Do me a favor and tell your friends or something.