You Belong With Me

Balls To The Face

"Come on girls, out of the locker room!" the gym teacher yelled, forcing us into the gym. I walked out in my plain white tee and short red shorts. I kept adjusting them so that they wouldn't ride up.

Being only the second day of school, I was excited for gym. This is probably the only day I'd be excited. I saw Johnny messing around with the other guys in our class. The teacher sent us to the track to run four laps before we started volleyball. I quickly ran the laps and met with the rest of the class back down in the gym. The senior gym class came in and stood around while we were assigned volleyball teams. Brian was in the senior class so that suddenly made gym better. I was praying that Brian was on my team.

"Vanessa Smith, Jasmine Tyler, Bailey Sanders, Tom Miller and Brandon Light," the gym teacher called. I was slightly disappointed that Brian wasn't on my team. Instead he was on a team that wasn't on the court. They had to run around until they could go in and play.

I was playing against Johnny's team. We were five points ahead of them. While Johnny was talking to his team about what the score was, I saw Brian and two other guys running past us. My eyes followed Brian as he jogged. If only he was shirtless. Time seemed to slow down until something hard collided against the side of my head and I fell to the ground. My team mates rushed over to my side along with the other team.

"Bails, are you okay?" Brian asked as he helped me up.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said as I clutched onto my head. The room was spinning. Brian stood me up making sure that I had my balance. Johnny ran over to apologize.

"Oh my god, are you okay?"


"Why don't I take you to the nurse," Brian suggested.

"I better go too," Johnny said.

"You've done enough short shit," Brian said as he started walking me out of the gym.

"And that's why I should go." Johnny followed behind us. Brian had an arm around my waist supporting me, and the other was holding my hand. This is why I loved Brian.

"Get the door dumbass," Brian spat. Johnny ran to the door and held it open so Brian and I could get through.

"What happened?" the nurse asked.

"She got hit in the head with a volleyball," Brian answered.

"Are you feeling dizzy?"

"Just a little."

"I'll get you an ice pack." She grabbed an ice pack from the small fridge and handed it to me.

"I think you'll be alright. But I don't thin you should participate I gym for the rest of the day," she advised.

I nodded my head and walked out with the help of Brian. Johnny kept apologizing over and over again. When we got back to the gym, I pulled away from Brian. I didn't want everyone to know that I was injured. I didn't need everyone's attention on me.

"Thanks for taking me to the nurse, Brian," I said.

"Yeah. I just wanted to get out of class," he said. I wasn't sure if he was joking or not. He had a smirk playing on his lips as if he was going to say 'just kidding' but he didn't. At least he was holding my waist and my hand. If I weren't in public, I'd probably have a freak out session.

"Bailey, I really am sorry," Johnny said.

"Johnny, really, it's okay. Please stop apologizing."

"You're not going to tell Matt are you?"

"Why would I?"

"I don't know, so he could kick my ass."

"Yeah, I don't think so," I said as I sat against the wall.

"Johnny get back to the game!" the teacher yelled.

Johnny waved and walked back to the court. I kept switching between Johnny and Brian's game. And of course there were a few times when I pictures Brian naked.

Today when the guys had band practice, I avoided them by staying up in my room. Mostly because I had a major headache from gym class.

"Bailey!" someone yelled from downstairs. I didn't feel like yelling back so I just got up and went down stairs to see what they wanted.

As I entered the living room, all eyes were on me.

"What's wrong?" Matt asked. Sydney was sitting next to Johnny.


"So how did you like taking those balls to the face?" Brian interrupted. His attitude changed from caring to thinking that was funnier than hell.

I ignored his comment and sat down beside Sydney.

"What happened?" Sydney asked.

"Johnny hit me in the head with a volleyball."

"It was so funny! She fell to the ground!" Brian howled.

"You didn't seem to think it was funny then," I called as he left for the kitchen.

"How did that happen?" Sydney asked.

"She was staring at her lover," Johnny whispered, pointing towards the kitchen. I shook my head after Sydney slapped Johnny's arm for being to inattentive. I walked into the kitchen to find out if Brian was bi-polar.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.


"Why are you being a dick?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about Bailey," Brian said, trying to sound sincere.

"You obviously didn't find it that funny when it happened," I spat.

"Like, I said, I wanted to get out of class."

"So you really didn't care that I was hurt?" Brian turned to face me. He stared at my like I said something stupid.

"I'm not saying I didn't care."

"Then what are you saying?"

"You really shouldn't play sports," he said before walking out. I sighed and leaned against the counter. I decided maybe taking some aspirin might help my headache.

I walked up to my room again. I heard Sydney calling after me. She followed me up and sat on my bed.

"So were you and douche bag making out or something?"

"No, why?"

"Because he came out with a grin on his face."

"He's just being a dick."

"So you don't like him anymore?" she asked with hope that the answer would be yes.

"No, I still do."

"Aw, why?"

"I don't know. He just has that type of effect on me," I answered.

"He just has that type of effect," she mocked. I stuck up my middle finger at her and watched her continue to make faces.

"He took me to the nurse, though."

"Wait, Brian took you to the nurse?"

"Yeah. And he had his arm around my waist and he held my hand," I said.


"It felt amazing!"

"What, did you orgasm?" she joked.

"No! He was so gentle and sweet," I said. I remembered the feeling of Brian's hand cradling my own. I would love to just hold his hand all day and be one of the blonds on his arm. Or to kiss his thin lips. Or to run my fingers through his hair.

"Okay, enough about douche bag. How are your classes going?"

"Alright. Definitely not excited for history."

"Ugh, neither am I," she agreed. "But at least I have Johnny in my class."

"Are you two dating yet?"

"No, I'm waiting for him to ask me out," she said.

"I'm sure he will soon. Don't worry, he might just be nervous."

"You think?" Do you think he even likes me? I'm starting to worry."

"Syd, don't worry. I know he likes you. But do you want me to talk to him?"

"No! That'll make me seem desperate!"

"You are."
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Thanks for the comments guys! You are amazing! This one's for you!