You Belong With Me

Liar, Liar

I'm starting to get the hang of school again. But it was only three days down. It was going to be a long year.

The day was half way over. I was on my way to Chemistry. When I walked into the lab, I saw Brian sitting beside my seat.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm ready to learn about Chemistry, duh," Brian joked.

"I meant why are you in this class? Did you transfer?"

"My counselor said I need another science, so I took Chemistry," he explained.

"Are you sure it's not because you failed last year?" I mused.

"No. I just needed another math or science to graduate. So I chose Chemistry instead of a math."

"If you say so."

"I'm not a liar," he said.

"Of course not." The teacher started talking about the periodic table but with Brian beside me, I knew I wouldn't be paying attention.

"So how's your head?" he asked as I wrote down some notes.

Confused, I answered, "Fine. It's fine."

"Well that's good," He said.

"You are so confusing," I said, trying to be as quiet as I could so we couldn't disrupt the teacher. I was known as the good kid. I never got detention, I never skipped class. Pretty much the opposite of Matt and the guys.

"Are we supposed to write this all down?" Brian asked.

"Yeah. She just told us to."

"Oh. You know what I just realized?"


"We get to be lab partners. Thank god you're smart."

"Yeah, this will be exciting." Deep inside, I was jumping for joy.

"I can't believe he's in your class now!" Sydney exclaimed as she searched through my closet for my outfit. We were going to the mall to do some 'school shopping'. I got money from Mom and told her I was buying new supplies, when actually I was buying new clothes. I still had unused supplies from last year.

"It's not that big of a deal," I told her. She seemed appalled by it, I was ecstatic.

"Well I'm glad it's not me. You know Bails, I just don't want you to get attached to Brian and then have your heart broken," she said. "He has a new girlfriend ya' know."

"Yeah I saw." On my way to chorus, I saw him with Allison, the second biggest whore. She was the best friend of the captain of the cheerleading squad, until Brian left her for Allison. In the hallway, they were kissing and holding hands. I knew she wouldn't be around for long. I'd probably see another girl on his arm next week. Or I'd see him out with another girl, but at school he'd be right back with Allison. I wonder how he gets away with it.

Maybe they're too caught up in the fact of dating him, they really don't care. If only he wasn't a manwhore, he'd be perfect.

"I think you should get this," Sydney said, holding up a green shirt.

"Oh that is cute," I said, taking it from her. "I'll try it on."

"I'm trying this on."

"Oh, I like it." We walked to the dressing rooms and found two beside each other. I locked the door and tried on the top. I stepped out of my room and walked to Sydney's.

"Syd, what do you think?"

She walked out wearing her shirt.

"It looks great on you, you should totally buy it!"

"I bet Johnny will drop over dead if he sees that shirt on you!" She giggled and looked in the mirror.

"Yeah he will."

"I'm gonna buy it." We walked up to the counter to pay for our shirts together. After the woman put out clothes in a bag, we walked out of the store. We decided to go back to the house to see what the boys were up to.

When we walked in the house, we saw the guys playing. Brian was shredding one of his solos. I remember the first time I met Brian.

Matt and Zack were just starting Avenged Sevenfold and they needed another guitarist. They were going to try and convince Brian to be in the band. Matt told me Brian thought that he was too good. Eventually he agreed.

I was about fifteen at the time, almost a sophomore.

"Matt will you teach me how to drive?" I asked my brother, who had his license.


"Because Dad won't teach me yet."

"You won't be able to get your permit yet, so what's the point?"

"I just want to. Please?" I begged.

"Fine. But I have band practice soon, so it'll be quick."

We climbed in the car and he started explaining all the things to check before driving. Then, he had me turn on the car. I shifted it into drive and put my foot on the pedal. We jolted forward and slammed against the seat as I stomped the break.

"Lightly put your foot on the gas," he said. I did as he told me and successfully pulled out. I drove down the road and made my way around the block. When I came back to the house, I parked in the driveway. Matt said that he'd pull in the garage. Driving was so much easier than I thought.

A boy walked up to the driveway. He had a guitar case in his hand. Matt was making sure Brian was indeed good enough for the band. Luckily, I got to be apart of it. I already thought Brian was good enough.

It wasn't until a few weeks after that that I really started to like Brian. I still haven't actually admitted to Matt that I liked Brian, but I'm pretty sure she's guessed it. If he hasn't, he must really be blind.

And I'm pretty sure Brian knows.

"Lab buddy!" Brian yelled as they began their break.

"Lab buddy?" Matt questioned.

"Yeah, we're lab partners now!" Brian said, throwing an arm around me. Matt raised an eyebrow and shook his head. Now I was actually starting to worry. Brian's couldn't be that reliable. He skipped a lot and he liked to mess around meaning we'll never get any work done.

I wasn't going to let a boy rule over my grades. Mom would be so disappointed. And, in order to stay in Keyless Entry, you needed good grades.

"So what did you think of that song?" Matt asked.

"It was pretty good."

"I think it needs something. Something more exciting."

"What's it called?"

"The Art of Subconscious Illusion."


"Yeah we might just forget it and drop it from the demo.

"Spice it up a little."

"But how?"

"Not sure. You'll find something, I know you, Matt," I said.

"Well help me thing of something," Matt said.

"I will. I'm going to take a shower though."

I knew Sydney wouldn't notice my disappearance because she was talking to Johnny like always. I really wish Johnny would grow some balls and ask her. It's obvious she'll say yes. She's fuckin' obsessed with him; which doesn't make sense to me because she says I'm obsessed with Brian and she makes it seem like a bad thing.

I mean, I'm not obsessed to the point where I think about him 24/7. I don't have pictures of him everywhere. I don't act like he's all mine. I respect if he has a girlfriend and best of all, I'm not jealous.
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