You Belong With Me


"Today we are going to look at classifications of matter," Mrs. Weaver explained, handing papers out. "With your lab partner, describe the material, state, if it's a solid, liquid or gas, determine if it's an element, compound or solution, copy it's chemical formula and then decide if it's homogeneous or heterogeneous. You can use your notes from yesterday."

Brian grinned at me when she said 'with your lab partner'. I looked over the sheet she gave us. It didn't seem too hard. There were various liquids and solids around the room. Brian and I went to the least crowded solid and examined it. Well I examined it, he just copied my paper.

"Do you always copy people's work?"

"No. You look like you know what you're doing," he said.

"Well if I'm holding you back, you can do the next one," I said, picking up a clear, empty container.

"Well," he said, holing it up to his face to see, "it's obviously a gas."

"Yes. Oxygen is a gas," I said. "What's the formula?"

"Uh, I believe it's O."

"Try O two. It's a compound. But that one was easy, try this one." I handed him a test tube with a light yellow liquid.

He scrunched his face up as he studied the solution.

"Oh, this is alcohol in water. Think I can drink it?" he asked as he discovered the note card on the table giving the formula and name.

"I doubt it's safe to drink."


"But go ahead, see what happens."

"You just want me to die."

"Oh you wouldn't die."

"I'm still not drinking it."

"Okay good. Write on your paper." I already filled out this column, but his it so he couldn't copy.

"Is it homogeneous or heterogeneous?"

"You tell me."

"Is it homo?"

"Is it all the same?"


"Then it's homo."

"Do we have to get all of these done?" he asked.

"Yes, but if you stop complaining, it'll get done quicker." I pushed him to the next one and started writing.

When the lunch bell rang, Brian and I put away our completed worksheets and went to the cafeteria.

"How did you get to be so smart?" Brian asked. I just shrugged, not knowing the answer.

"I mean, that's a good thing. I'm sure your parents are proud," he added.

"Yeah, they're happy about it." I didn't really try to get good grades, they just came. Maybe I was in all of the easy classes.

Brian's new girlfriend, Allison, came up to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I'll see you at the table, Bails," Brian said, walking to the corner with Allison.

"Okay, bye." I walked to the table by myself. Brian didn't seem rude when he left. He sounded genuinely honest and happy, not that he was getting away from me, but that he was going to meet me back at the table.

Did it upset me to see him with another girl? No, not necessarily. Like I said, I wasn't jealous. I just liked him a lot and wanted to be that girl.

When I got to the table, I saw a familiar face, Cam Rackam, a friend of the band was telling them about someone who was talking shit on the band. Val was keeping Matt from getting up and finding hunting that kid down. And that was predictable of Matt. He was a big guy and wouldn't hesitate to kick some ass. It was scary sometimes to watch.

But Matt wasn't always scary. He had a really big heart. Between Val and me, he was our big teddy bear. He was never embarrassed to call me his sister. He is very protective of me and he cares a lot about me. We barely fight. We're always looking out for each other. It's been that was ever since we were little. He is the best brother I could ask for. People wouldn't guess that he was my brother, but when they find out, they know not to fuck with me.

Some people like to think that I believe I'm some kind of saint because of my brother. I don't rely on him to save me; but if anything happens, he usually does.

"What happened?" I asked as I stood behind Matt.

"It's that Robbie kid again. He just doesn't give up," Cam told me.

"What did he say this time?"

"Just the same old shit. They need to give up, they'll never get famous with that gay band and he called Matt a fag."

"Matt, please don't fight him. It's the first week of school. Mom would kill you if you got in a fight already."

"I just can't let him go around saying shit."

"Just forget him, Matt. He's not worth it," I told him.

"I have been waiting so long to kick Robbie's ass. So long. It's been long enough and I've had it with him." I sighed. Once Matt was stuck on fighting some kid, he wouldn't let it go. I really wish he didn't have such a bad temper.

"You know he'll never listen to us, Bails," Val whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, you're right. Are you getting lunch?"

"Yeah. You wanna go?" she asked, getting out of her seat.

"Yeah. You coming Sydney?" I asked. She nodded, gathering her purse. The three of us walked into the short line and waited.

"I really hope Matt leaves that guy alone," I said.

"Even if he does fight, you have nothing to worry about. Have you seen Robbie? He's a stick. Matt will surely kick his ass," Val said.

"I know, but still, I don't like Matt fighting."

"I don't either. You know how he gets."

"I think a lot has to do with the bad ass image they put on. They can't turn down a fight or it'll make them look like pussies," Sydney stated.

"True," Val and I agreed together. We entered the cafeteria and went through the crowd to pick our food. I was first to get my lunch so I paid and waited for Val and Sydney. Once they came out, we walked to the table. I was super glad Robbie didn't have this lunch. Matt had a murderous glare on his face and was about to break.

"Matt," I warned. His devious expression died down, but I could still sense his frustration. I sat down in front of him. Val said down beside him, but he got up to get food with the guys.

"So how do you like your classes, Val?" I asked.

"They're good. I have a lot of friends in my classes, so I'm happy," she said. "How are yours?"

"Alright. I have a lot of dumb people in my classes, especially in my history class."

"I heard there's a new kid coming already," Sydney said.


"Yeah. I'm not sure how they found out, it could be a rumor," she added.

"Well you never know. But why didn't they come on the first day?"

"They could have just moved here," Val suggested.

"Possibly. Maybe it's a boy and you two will fall in love!" Sydney exclaimed.

I put on a fake smile.

"We all know who Bailey really wants to fall in love with," Val hinted.

"She shouldn't be!" Sydney yelled.

"Look, she's blushing!" Val said. I covered my face with my hands. Val didn't have a problem with me liking Brian. I can always trust her. She will never tell Matt that I like Brian, even though he probably knows. I'd like to keep it a secret as long as possible. I've had to literally beg Sydney not to tell anyone. She lets it slip occasionally and I'm pretty sure that's how Val found out.
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