You Belong With Me

Johnny Doesn't Know

Finally Friday. I was so excited that the week was finally over. I planned on sleeping in until twelve in the afternoon everyday. I just hoped today would go by fast.

From homeroom I walked to history. People crowded the hallways as always. I maneuvered between people and around them, making my way to my classroom. When I entered the room, I saw a guy that I've never seen before, talking to the teacher. He was taller than her by a foot almost. His brown eyes were the prettiest eyes I've ever seen, aside from Brian's. His brown hair stood tall on his head. His biceps expanded through his shirt to the extent that I could see every muscle. They weren't as big as Matt's or Brian's but they were still nice.

"Take a seat over here beside Bailey," she directed him. He nodded and slowly walked over. His gray long sleeved shirt clung to his torso and his black pants weren't to tight but weren't too baggy.

He pulled the chair out and sat in, pushing himself in again. I kept my focus on the board in front of me but I saw him looking at me from the corner of my eye. I turned my head and smiled.

"Hi. I'm Bailey."

"I'm Tyler."

"So you're new; where did you move from?"

"New Mexico."

"Really? Wow. I've never met anyone from there."

"Well there aren't that many people there," he joked. I giggled, recognizing that what he said was true.

"So how come you came just a week after school started?" I asked.

"I dunno. I guess we just came a little later for school."

"Oh. So do you like it so far?"

"Yeah. It's actually a lot better than New Mexico. But maybe it was because I've been there for seventeen years. At this point any new place would be exciting," he said.

"Yeah. Well I think Huntington Beach is one of the best places on earth. I haven't gotten sick of it yet. There's always something to do."

"Well maybe you could show me around sometime."

"Okay, that would be really fun."

"What are you doing after school?" he asked in his amazing deep voice.

"My brother and his friends are going to play basketball at the park. I was going to watch them. You can come if you want."

"Okay. I'll see what I can do," he smiled at me, confirming our plans. I was excited. Maybe things will start looking up for me this year. But what about Brian? I know Syd would be happy with me hanging out with Tyler, and so would Matt. But Tyler's going to have to work hard to get close to Matt.

In chorus, we warmed up before actually singing. I always liked warming up because we got massages. Mrs. Andrews reminded us that we were one week closer to tryouts.

We practiced for our upcoming concert; the holiday concert. I was never a fan of the songs we sang because I've sung them too many times to count.

In Chemistry, Mrs. Weaver put a journal entry on the board for us to do.

"You're still going to the park tonight, right?" I asked Brian as we started our journals.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I invited someone to come along."

"Who?" he asked.

"This kid Tyler. He's new and I wanted to be nice and invite him somewhere so he can meet more people."

"What's he like?" he asked.

"He seems nice. He's from New Mexico."

"So, because he's from New Mexico, that automatically makes him nice?"

"No. I'm just telling you about him. You wanted to know."

"Okay, what else?"

"He's seventeen."

"Yeah?" he said, begging me to continue.

"That's all I know."

"Well he seems cool."

"Yeah. He's kinda cute too," I said quietly.

"What was that? Does Bailey have a crush on the new kid?" Brian teased.


"Bails, you're blushing." I covered my face with my hands and prayed the color would fade from my face.

"Wait until tonight!"

"No! Don't say anything! Please Brian?" I begged.

"Would it embarrass you?"

"Yes! Oh my god!"

Brian let out a deep laugh as he shut his journal. He grabbed mine and passed them to the left to where the teacher could collect them for the week.

"Okay I won't. Just because I'm nice."


"Folks, copy this in your notes," Mrs. Weaver ordered.

I started writing. Brian was beside me, not doing anything. I shook my head at his actions. In the middle of writing my notes, my stomach rumbled really loud. I started to giggle as if I was the only one to notice, but I wasn't. Brian heard it.

"You hungry?" he asked.

I nodded my head, resting on my hands. Brian reached for something in his bad and dug around a little. His hand appeared with a granola bar.

"Here. You can eat this," he said, offering the bar.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I'm not gonna eat it. And besides, I stole it from McKenna."

"Such a nice brother," I said as I started chewing on a piece of granola.

"You eat that funny." I stopped chewing and stared at him, conscious that I looked like a pig.

"You tear off small bites and then eat it. Why don't you just take a bite?"

"I dunno."

"I don't mean that in a bad way. It's kinda cute." Did he just say that? He actually said there was something cute about me? He must be joking. Maybe leading me on. He has a girlfriend. And I know for a fact that I'm not his type but that doesn't stop me from loving him.

"Yeah so his name is Tyler," I said to the other girls. After Chemistry had ended, Brian left me for his girlfriend so I rushed to the cafeteria to tell them about Tyler.

"Oh my god! I knew this was gonna happen," Sydney yelled.

"Syd, you're jumping ahead. We're just friends."

"So? Things happen Bails."

"Well I'm not going to be like, 'oh my god, you're totally cute, let's date!' I'm not like that. I'm way to shy to do that."

"Well you need to get out there, get a boyfriend, get over Brian." I knew that was coming. "But, hanging out at the park is a start."

"Yeah. I hope Matt doesn't anything stupid."

"Yeah, on second thought, don't get too close or Matt might scare him away."

"Or embarrass me. Wouldn't be the first time."

"Ha ha, that would suck ass," she laughed.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see tonight," I said, finishing my juice. We both carried our trays up to dump them and then came back to the empty table. The guys must have gone outside because no one was there.

The bell rang so Sydney and I said good bye and headed our separate ways. I didn't want to keep talking about Tyler because I didn't want people to think I was obsessed with him. So Johnny doesn't know a thing.
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I know it's been forever! I'm sorry, but I'm suddenly getting back into writing, which should earn me a few comments, right? I might update again in a few minutes.