You Belong With Me

Lab Buddy Time

My plan was to sleep in as long as I could but I was woken up when the phone rang. No one was answering so I climbed out of my warm, comfy bed and quickly grabbed a phone.


"Hey there, lab buddy!"

"Hey, Brian."

"Why are you awake so early?" he asked.

"Because you called."

"Oh, sorry. Is Matt up yet?"

"No. Want me to get him?" I asked.

"No, he tends to get cranky. I was just bored and wanted to do something."

"So why are you up at 10:30?"

"I dunno. Hey, do you want to do something? I can come over and wait for Matt to get his ass up and while we're waiting we can watch a movie."

"Um, sure."

"Okay, I'll be over in a few. Bye Bails."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and sat in back on the charger. Is this really happening? Am I really going to watch a movie with Brian, alone? I'm going to faint. This is sort of like an unofficial date. I have to stay calm!

I ran into the bathroom to check my appearance. I looked like shit so I quickly applied some makeup and brushed my hair. I decided to brush my teeth because I didn't want to scare him away with nasty morning breath.

Sweat pants and a band tee shirt would be appropriate for this event so I didn't bother getting all dressed up. I was pretty sure Brian would arrive in the same attire. Nerves began to flood my body because I've never been alone with Brian before and I was curious to see what happens. The fact that he wanted to hang with me gave me hope that I had a chance with him. But he did say that he was hanging out here while he waited for Matt to wake up.

I heard Brian pull into the driveway and get out of the car. I didn't want the rest of the family to wake up so I opened the door before Brian could get there.

"Good morning," he said as he wrapped his thick arms around my small body.

"Morning." He walked into the house before I shut the door.

"So, Tyler seems like he likes to party," he said.


"He had a good time last night," he said with a grin. "It's a shame you weren't there."

"How drunk did you all get?"

"Not that drunk. We just had a few beers."

"Oh. So what do you want to do?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

"We could watch a movie like I suggested," he said, leaning on the counter.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, opening the fridge and studying its contents.

"Yeah," he said with a pained expression. He was acting like a little kid and it was so cute.

"Want me to make you something?" He nodded his head rapidly.

"Are eggs okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine." I pulled the carton of eggs out of the fridge and sat them on the counter. I pulled out a pan and sat it on the stove. I started cracking the eggs into another container and then poured the scrambled eggs into the hot pan.

"You can pick a movie if you want. The eggs shouldn't take too long."

"Kay." I watched as he kneeled down to look through our collection of movies. I went back to the eggs, making sure I didn't burn them. Once they were done, I divided them onto two plates and then put two slices of bread in the toaster. After they popped out, I put butter on them and put them on one plate. I stuck another two slices in the toaster and waited for them to come out.

"So when are the tryouts for that solo position?" he called from the living room.

"Two months."

"Are you nervous?"

"Yeah." I carried the two plates into the living room and handed one to Brian.

"Don't be. You're an amazing singer! One of the best I know," he said.

I tilted my head to the side and raised an eyebrow. I didn't believe him.

"Seriously, Bails. You're like the female version of Matt, just not as…screamo," he said, digging into the plate of eggs.

"I'm not that great. I'd be really happy if I made it."

"You will. Trust me. These eggs are really good by the way."

"Thanks. So did you pick a movie?" He held up The Breakfast Club; my favorite movie.

"How did you know that's my favorite movie?"

He shrugged, "I've heard you say how much you love it so I picked it."

"Well you really didn't have to do that but thanks." He put the movie in and came back to the couch. I sat with my legs crossed on the couch and he had his extended on the table in front of us.

I almost wanted to suggest Sixteen Candles because I love that movie as well and I’m almost in the same situation as Sam, in love with someone with no chance of him ever loving me back. That's too much of a chick flick; Brian would never watch it.

About twenty minutes into the movie, I heard a door upstairs open and someone was coming down the stairs.

"What are you two doing?" Matt asked, appearing in only his boxers.

"We're having some quality one on one, lab buddy time," Brian said.

"Lab buddy time?" Matt questioned as I was thinking the same thing.

"Yeah, we're lab buddies and we're watching a movie."

"I can see that." Matt walked into the kitchen and I heard him pull something out of the fridge and put it back in. I assumed it was milk.

"Did you make me eggs?" Matt called.

"No. You weren't up. I can make you some if you really want."

"That would be nice." I stood up, grabbed Brian's plate and carried it out into the kitchen.

"Did you want more Brian?" I asked, getting the eggs out again.

"Sure, why not?" I repeated the same process as I went through earlier. Matt joined Brian in the living room and I heard them talking.

"Alright, I just need ten, then," Brian said.

"Okay, when are you getting it?" Matt asked. Sounds like a drug deal.

"Not until the end of the week," he replied.

It wouldn't surprise me if they were getting drugs. I knew for a fact they'd never get into hardcore drugs though.

I've actually always wanted to try it; pot, alcohol, cigarettes, but Matt never let me and has threatened to kick my ass if he ever found out I did.

I piled the eggs onto two new plates, sat two slices of toast beside the eggs and carried them out to the guys.

"Thanks," they said simultaneously.

"Yeah. Do you guys want something to drink?" I asked them as they dug into their breakfast.

"Milk," they said. I walked into the kitchen and poured three glasses of milk but put chocolate in one for me. I carried the two glasses of regular milk out, set it on the table and went to go get mine.

"So I think Bailey likes Tyler," Brian grinned. Matt looked over with a grin on his face.

"Do you?" he asked.

"No," I lied.

"So if he asked you out, you would say no?" Brian questioned.

"Well, I don't know what I'd say." The guys laughed like they knew something I didn't. "What are you guys laughing at?"

"Oh, nothing," Matt chuckled. "You just like Tyler."

"You two are assholes."
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Sorry it took forever. I've been busy. But I felt like updating so you all should give me some comments or I won't update until next year!