Did You Get What You Deserve?

Chapter 53

Within a week, everyone at school knew James and I were back together. And, depending on who they were, that was either good news or bad news.

But two weeks after we got back together, the worst happened.

We were sitting in our form room that Wednesday morning, waiting for Alec to arrive.

“What the fuck?” I muttered to James, “It’s eight-thirty. Where is he?”

Bang on cue, the door opened.

“Took your time,” I said loudly.

Silence fell as the teacher walked to the front of the class. It was not Alec.

“Where’s A- Mr Marshall?” I asked.

The teacher silenced me with a look.

“Mr Marshall is no longer employed at this school,” he said coldly. “He was fired this morning as soon as he arrived.”

“Why?” I asked, shocked.

“I would have thought you, of all people, would know,” he said. “Don’t play daft with me, Miss Iero. I’m not in the mood. And I must ask you not to talk out of turn in my class.”

He turned to the board and began writing on it.

“My name is Mr Dean,” he said. “I will be your teacher for the remainder of the year.”

James raised his hand.

“Why has Mr Marshall been fired?” he asked.

Mr Dean glared at him for a moment.

“What’s your name?” he barked.

“James Way.”

Mr Dean sniffed.

“I don’t think I need to answer that question, Mr Way.”

I was just about to raise my hand when I noticed a car pulling into the school yard. But this was no ordinary car. This was a police car.

I jumped up.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” I blurted out. And without waiting for Mr Dean’s reply I sprinted out of the classroom and down the corridor. I dashed into the reception area just as the police officer was walking through the front door. Alec was sitting on one of the couches, looking bewildered and miserable.


He looked up.

“What’s going on?”

He stood up, holding out his arms. I hugged him, feeling him sigh.

“Alecsandra, you know it’s not true. Whatever they tell you, you know better than anyone it’s not true.”

“What’s going on, Alec? What are you talking about, no-one’s telling me anything!”

He knelt down so his eyes were level with mine.

“I’m not sure what’s happening, Little One. Things will work out, just give it time. I’ll be fine.”

The Police officer tapped him on the shoulder and he stood up.

“Sir,” said the officer, “if you’d just kindly come with me.”

Alec smiled sadly at me.

“Bye Alec,” he said.

I stared helplessly as the officer led him out the door. And only as he disappeared from sight did I let a single tear roll down my cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠


Thanks Bellkura, Critical_Lemon, loveACTUALLY and music is life for commenting.

Cari: No, sorry, that's just James being James. Don't get your hopes up, he's in love with JULIA. Don't deny it James, you know it's true.

And and and either I am a shitty writer or you are all shitty readers. How could I convey Keith so wrongly?! He's not supposed to be evil! He's supposed to be sweet, kind and understanding! The evil one is... but that would be telling.


Oh, and hands up who thinks the new "Writing Rules" are crap? Yeah, thought so.
