Hey Brittany!


I had that flashed back of last week when Brittany was dared to kiss me.I thought I would have been blown away!Her soft sweet lips were on mine.I wish I could relive that momment every second of the day.But she'll never love me like that.A silent tear rolled down my face.I heard the floor creak as weight was being put on it.I quickly wiped the tears that had fallen and straighted out my clothes."Mikey?"a small voice whispered behind me."Yeah?"I asked.I felt small arms wrap around my thin waist."You've always been there for me and I love you so much....I dont want anything to come between us.Ever!"She was whispering so I had to listen hard.'Did she just say love?'A voice in my head asked.'She means as friends.'I corrected.'Sure whatever you think Mikey.'It said.I turned around and hugged her back.
I left her in the kitchen a few minutes later.I had finally fallen into a deep slumber.
I was running.But why?"Hey Mikey!"Jordan whispered."Uh hi?"I mumbled."I had a great time last night."She giggled and ran her hand up and down my chest."I love you."She said seriously."Uh what exactly did we do last night?"I asked.Her face lite up."We got married!"She shouted.All color drained from my face.She kissed my cheek.I stood up and went to the bathroom."What is going on?!"I cried."Mikey baby Im going to go fix some breakfast."Jordan called through the door.I didnt reply instead I punched the mirror.My hand was bleeding and I was dying,quickly!
I awoke in a sweat.I walked out of the room and laid on the living room floor.I fell back asleep,this time without dreaming.
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Sorry for taking so long again guys....I dont really have that many readers so I dont post as quickly as I would if I had more readers/subscribers
Hell even a comment would make me post more frequently!