Hey Brittany!


I answered the door and Brittanee and Xavier walked in.

"Hey um what are doing here?"I asked.

"Britt has a stalker."Xavier laughed.Brittanee glared at him,actually looked as if she was gonna attack him.After a little while Todd came to pick me up for the date.

"Bye Mikey."I yelled.He grunted.Brittanee and Xavier were double dating with Todd and me.

"Where are we going?"I asked.Nobody answered me.I sighed dramatically.I got bored and fell asleep.

"Babe wake up."I heard somebody say.

"hm?"I questoned.

"We're here."Todd whispered.I stretched then stepped out of his truck.I looked around and noticed we were at Trussville Playstation.

"Come on Britt I wanna ride the go carts!"Brittanee cried.I ran up the hill with her.Todd wrapped a bracelet around my arm so I could get in.I got in the closest one and they strapped me in.I smirked at Todd as we drove off.I crashed into him twice.Brittanee and Xavier trapped me while Todd kept bumping into my cart.We finally got off thirty minutes later.

"Come on paint ball time!!"Xavier yelled taking off down the hill with my best friend in tow.I slipped into the suit the workers handed to me.Then they handed me a gun.

"You're going down."Todd whispered in my ear.

"How so?"I asked.

"Xavier is a pro and taught me all his tricks."He smirked.I rolled my eyes.I ran into Britt several times.In the end I shot nobody,but I was everybody's target.

"Now can we play laser tag?"I whined.Todd nodded.He dragged me to the laser tag room.We were led through and to the gearing up area.I pulled a vest over my head and unclasped my gun.Xavier and Brittanee were on the red team and Todd and I were on the blue team.

"Ah no no no dont shoot me"I cried running away from Xavier.He smirked.

"Of course I would never shoot my girls best friend."He said.I was confused.I turned around and Britt got me.

"Urg!"I yelled then ran off to find Todd.

"Todd they are coming!"I screamed.We hid behind a pole.

"Game Over."I looked down and our vests turned off.We left the Laser Tag room.

"Baby can we go skating now?"Todd asked.I nodded.

"Sure."I slipped on my skates,luckily Brittanee brought them with her.

"Im gonna kick your ass."I heard Xavier say.

"Na uh!"Brittanee argued.They were already on the floor,racing of course.

"Come on babe,they're playing a slow song next."Todd whispered in my ear.I finished lacing my skates up and skated out with him.

"So what's your middle name?"I asked.

"Corey."He blushed.Then the song changed to 'I must be dreaming' by The Maine.

"I love this song."I yelled so Todd could hear me.

He smiled,"I hoped you would."He wrapped his arms around my waist while I skated backwards in front of him.

"Cant stop,wont stop I must be dreaming."Todd sang.Then the song changed as quick as it started.A few more rock songs came on then 'In the Ayer' came on.Brittanee and Xavier started skate/dancing to it.

"If anybody asks we dont know them."I whispered to Todd.He nodded.

"My brother is soooo embarassing."He said Xavier heard him.

"Shut up!"Brittanee giggled at her boyfriend's immatureness.
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Do you likey? it was the only cool place near me that's fun...besides Wal-Mart but who would have a date in Wal-Mart?