Hey Brittany!

Maybe i'll wake up and this will all just be a dream

The music stopped a while later and somebody spoke,"We are getting ready to close."I sighed and skated out of the door to wait on the others.

"Hey sweetie,here alone?"A man in his forties asked.

"Um no my date and friends are inside."I said.He looked me over.

"Well you would look mighty fine on my bed."I shivered.I ignored him.Todd finally came out and noticed the guy.

"Do we have problem?"He asked.The man backed away.Todd wrapped a protective arm around my waist.

"Come on babe."He told me.We sat in the truck a minute before Brittanee and Xavier came out.

I walked around the house wondering what Brittany and that Todd guy were doing.

"Oh My Gah this is boring!"I yelled at the empty house.I walked out to my car to see if I could find them.

"Todd that tickles."I heard.I ducked down into the seats.

"I love your smile."He whispered.I peeked up and he was kissing her neck!The nerve of that guy.I was jealous,I mean she's not my girlfriend.I love her so much though.

"Goodnight beautiful."He called.She walked inside my house giggling.I waited till her pulled out of the drive way before going into the house as well.

"Hey Mikey,where were you?"Brittany asked.

"Uh went on a walk."I lied."Have you eaten?"I asked.She walked into her room ignoring my question.

"Hello sweet Mikey!"She sang.

"Why are you so bubbly?"I asked.Her smile widened.

"I think I fell in love!"She sqeauled.I rolled my eyes,but on the inside I was dying.She danced off to her room again.I sighed.

"Way to go Mikey."I scolded myself.

"Stupid stupid stupid."I said repeatedly slapping my forehead.I sulked to my bedroom to sleep it off.Maybe I'll wake up and this will all just be a dream.
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Song title idea,'Mockingbird'-eminem

Aw poor Mikey he needs some lovin....I might give him another girlfriend who isnt a bitch.