Hey Brittany!

You can have her

I missed her like hell.She had stormed out and now she was probably never coming back.Then my phone started ringing."Hello?"I answered."Hello Micheal how is Brittany?"Oh shit it's her mom."She's fine,but at the moment she's at a friend's house."I heard a grunt."Well I wanted to inform you that you can have her,I'm never coming back and that she needs to get all her stuff before the landlord throws it out."Then it went to a dial tone.I sighed."Dammit!"I kicked the door.I walked to her house.Packing up the remainder of Brittany's things then headed back to my house.Luckily there had been a bunch of boxes and a skateboard to drag it there."Excuse me!"A blond girl around my age called.My head snapped up."Yes?"She blushed."Do you need any...er help?"She asked.I looked at the boxes and realized I would need help."If it isn't any trouble."I told her.She grabbed a couple of boxes and we walked."Oh my names Jasmine,call me Jaz for short."She told me.I nodded."Mikey."I replied.She was pretty...okay understatement she's beautiful.She had shoulder length redish brown hair,light green eyes,and she was very petite.I smiled at her."What are you smiling about?"She laughed.I shook my head."Nothing."We got to my driveway and she stopped."So...I'll just leave these here so your girlfriend doesn't get the wrong idea."I stared at her for minute."No come inside and I don't have a girlfriend."She blushed again."Oh."Was her reply.I pushed the door open and we brought the boxes inside."So who's that girl that's always here then?"She asked."A friend."I answered.
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Sorry i've been a bitch for not posting this sooner it's been on my laptop forever....I promise I will try to make up for it!!