Hey Brittany!

worried much?


Mikey got up and turned the movie off.

"Well let's get some sleep BS."He said.

I glared at him.I turned over and fell asleep.

"Night Britt."Mikey said.

I could feel him cuddle up to me when he thought I was asleep.I thougth nothing of it.

'Why would someone like him like something like me?'I thought.

I tried to fall asleep but it never came.I heard Mikey's light snores and took that as a chance to get up.

"Brittany."He mumbled.

Then turned over.I let out a sigh of relief.Dont get me wrong I love Mikey to death but when he knows something is wrong with me he asks way too many questions.And I wasnt about to talk to him about me being in love with him.I tip-toed to the kitchen and fixed a glass of Milo's tea.

"Britt what are you doing up?"He asked from the doorway.

'Oh shit think quick!'I looked up at him and gave a small smile.

"I couldnt sleep."I whispered.He nodded.

"Yeah I figured you'd still be shaken up about that Dylan guy."He yawned.

Actually I had completely forgotten about Dylan.

"Why dont you head back to bed Mikers,I'll be there in a minute."I told him.

He nodded.

"Okay but if you're not in there soon then i'll drag you in there."I let out a small giggle.

He stumbled back to his room cracking the door so he could spy on me.I finished my glass and set it on the counter.I went to push his door open but something fell.

"Ow."I heard him whisper.

"Mikey what are you doing?"I asked tiredly.

"Uh....I lost my contact?"He asked.

"Mikey I've known you since I was born you dont wear contacts."I laughed.

"Well fine I was just worried about you Britt."He said sadly.

He crawled under his covers and let out a huff.

"Mikey you are so stuborn,i'm fine!"I exclaimed climbing in next to him.

He turned over to face away from me.

"Oh playing silent treatment,eh?"I asked.

I shook my head.

No matter how old he was he would aways be the immature one when we had fights.

"Boys"I sighed.

"Yeah you love me."He whispered in my ear.I giggled.

"Dont do that it tickles!"