Hey Brittany!

Mikey's new friend!

I awoke the next morning to light snoring.

"Mikey wake up."I shook him a little.

"What?"He asked annoyed.

"Your snoring woke me up."I whispered.

"Oh sorry Britt."He whispered and turned over.I sighed and laid down.Sleep wouldnt come back to me.

"Britt you still awake?"He asked.

"Yeah."I answered.I felt movement beside me.

"So what time is it?"He asked narrowing his eyes to read the time on the clock beside me.

"Um...3:29a.m."I said glancing at the lime green digits.

"Ugh!you and waking me up early...I dont have school anymore yet I feel like I do!"He whined.

"Sorry."I said.I turned over and fell asleep again.


Brittany fell back asleep after my comment.It was a bit harsh but still completely true.I couldnt fall back asleep and that I was thankful for since somebody was suppose to visit today.I kissed Britt's forhead then left the room to take a quick shower.I stepped out and dressed in baggy shorts and a white MCR shirt.I ran to the living room for no reason.I made pancakes for Brittany and my guest then cleaned up the house.

"Wow Mikey you must really want to impress somebody."I heard a groggy voice behind me say.

"Yeah special guest coming today."I said quickly moving Britt over so I could dust the shelf above the fireplace.She rolled her eyes and walked to the kitchen.The door bell rang a few minutes later.I opened the door and there she stood.

"Jordan!"I greeted.

"Mikey,I missed you so much love."She said.I led her into the kitchen to meet Brittany.

"Jordan this is my childhood friend Brittany."I beamed.

"Hey Brittany."She said politely.Britt glanced at me as if asking 'who-the-fuck-is-this?'.I smiled.

"Brittany this is my co-worker Jordan,from Target."I said.She nodded.

"Nice to meet you Jordan."Brittany said she was smiling a bit.

"Well we'll be on the patio if you need us."I told her and grabbed Jordan's hand.'Things are going to be so weird.'I thought.I sat on the railing as Jordan took a seat on the only chair on the patio.

"So Mikey,is that the little bundle of joy you talk about so much?"Jordan asked lighting a cigarette.I nodded.I didnt know Jordan smoked,which I dont know a lot about her at all.

"Say Mikey are you going out with her?"She asked.I shook my head violently.

"No."I whispered.

"Maybe you and I could you know go out sometime."She said with so much cofidence it scared me.

"Sure."I smiled.She got up and grabbed my hand.

"Im going to be late for work if I dont leave now."She whispered in my ear.

"Oh okay i'll walk you out."I choked.We walked back into the house.Brittany was now watching 'Lady and the Tramp' on my flat screen t.v. in the living room.

"Bye Brittany see ya around."Jordan said not looking over at her at all.

"Yeah uh sure."Britt said,her eyes not leaving the screen once.'This is so gonna be awkward.'I thought.Once at the door Jordan stopped and waited for me to come over to her.

"So tonight sixish we go out to see a movie."She told me.

"Okay."I said not really having a choice."Oh and one more thing."She said.

"What?"I asked.

"Dont bring shrimp...it'll be just us."She said then kissed my neck and left.I was stunned.

"Mikey!"Brittany yelled.

"W-what?"I asked.

"What are you doing tonight?"She asked.

"Uh i have a date actually."I said nervously.

"That's okay I was gonna have a few friends over if that's okay with you,Mikey?"I turned and looked at her for a minute.

"NO party's!"I shouted.

"Of course not it's just gonna be Brittanee,Destiny,Kody,and maybe Garrett."She listed."

Oh well that's okay but no-"I started but she cut me off.

"Mikey im not like that,Im still a virgin and it will be that way when you get back."I nodded.

"Now what about you?"She asked.

"What do you mean?"I asked dumbly.

"Are you gonna come back the same or is my Mikey gonna get laid!"I was shocked.

"Britt I um dont think we should talk about this."I mumbled.She let it go for now.