Hey Brittany!

Hang Overs


Mikey left a few minutes ago so I was left alone until the guys and girls showed up.

"Come on where are you guys?!"I panicked thinking of everything that could go wrong.I didnt mind being home alone it's just Dylan scared the shit out of me.There was a faint knock at the door.I opened it to reveal my best friends.

"Hey Britt."They all chorused.I nodded.Everyone walked in and sat at random placed in the living room.Destiny was the first to speak up.

"So let's watch a movie!"She exclaimed.We ended up watching 'Sex Drive'.

"I love this movie!"Britt and I said in unison.

"That was weird."Garrett said.

"Not if you hang with us more,we always do that."I told him.Britt and I fell asleep in my room and everyone else crashed on the floor in the living room.

I awoke to the sunlight coming through my window.I heard somebody beside me groan.

"Turn the damn lights off."Britt slurred.I shook my head she acted like she had a hang over...Oh wait she does.I stepped over the bodies in the living room and into the kitchen.I grabbed four advil and two glasses of water then hurried back into my room.

"Give me the damn Advil!"Brittanee cried.I handed her the pill and a glass.She set the glass on the night stand then clutched her head.

"Ow it fuckin hurts!"Destiny yelled.I walked in there and everybody was awake now.I grabbed the bottle of advil and threw it at them then gave them a glass of water.

"Now shhh I dont know if Mikey came in last night or not so stay quiet."I ordered.They did as I said.Destiny,Garrett, and Kody left around noon which left me with a cranky Brittanee.

"Can you make me pancakes?"I asked.

"Yeah,but why cant you?"She asked.

"I'm too lazy to get up and do it myself."I giggled.She sighed then walked to the kitchen.Mikey walked into the house when we finished eating.

"Britt I gotta get to work see ya later."She said getting up.

"Bye Britt."I called.Mikey walked in.

"And where the hell were you last night?"I asked.He was shocked.

"Um i,i,uh"He studdered.

"You got laid didnt you?"I asked jokingly.

"No....I wish."He laughed.

"But seriously where were you?"I asked.

"Oh I went to Jordan's house but she had to work so I watch her neighbor's kid she had promised to watch."He explained.I shrugged.

"Whatever."He glared at me.

"I didnt do anything with her I swear."I rolled my eyes.

"Sure."Then I left the room.A few tears fell.

'Why the hell am I cry?'I thought
because you love him,you're jealous!Another voice in my head said.
'Who are you?'Great i'm going insane.
Your coinscience dumbass!I rolled my eyes.

"Wasnt that obvious."I mumbled.

"Britt open the door."Mikey pleaded.I opened the door and he had his worried expression on.

"What is it Mikes?"I asked.

"I just wanted you to know that I didnt do anything with her."He was avioding eye contact,meaning he was very nervous.

"Yes you did or you'd be looking me in the fuckin eye Mikey!"I shouted.

"I swear on my fuckin life I didnt fuck her!"He yelled."Besides what would it matter if I did it's not like we're dating."He mumbled.I now avoided eye contact.

"Because I care about you Mikers I dont want you getting any STDs."I laughed to cover up my lie.