Status: Working On Slowly.

Cutler, Maine

Hello, Cutler

New York City - the place that never sleeps and is always filled with lights and chatter. That’s where we had lived since for the past fifteen years.

Cutler, Maine - the place that is always asleep underneath the cloudy skies that’s always quiet and never really heard of. That’s where we were going to live for Lord knows how long.

Why my brother decided to move us there suddenly was totally out of my logical thought, but hey, it’s my brother what else could you expect from a person like him? The long day trip up there was agonizing. I had to stop every hour or so just to stretch my legs. They felt like there was no circulation in them at all after having my foot pressed down on the gas pedal for so long. The highway and interstates were just as barren as the open land around us. Why he decided to up and move us is, again, beyond my understanding.

I wanted to kill him though. New York City had so many more things than this ghost town of a place. There were more things to… well, there’s a reason why I was called ‘Dante’ by my family. I won’t tell those reasons, but I will get on with my story.

My brother and I were twins, so wherever one went the other followed. That’s just how the process of being a twin went in our family. All I could do was give a mental whine and give in. He’d only bug me about it if I didn’t let him have his way. That’s just the way younger siblings were. It was his turn to pick anyways.

Why I had to drive this time, I don’t know and I really cared about it. I would have rather started working on my novel or sleeping instead of watching nothing but gray road pass us for hundreds of miles. Lord I hated my brother with a passion, but I had to live with him. Just like that stupid Harry Potter prophecy saying, “...and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...."

Yeah, I know its cliché.

Vian shifted slightly in the passenger seat as he slept our long ride away. He so owed me for this. He probably owed me more than his life already, but we’ll just leave it at ‘he owes me’. Well, shifted again… and again… and again… and then started to snore. Okay, maybe not snore. Maybe something along the lines of… breathing so damn hard that I couldn’t even hear myself think!

Of course, when I get tired of this, all I have to do is plug his nose and close his mouth.


“God Damnit, Dantia!”

“God is not Damned, Vi. You should know that already,” I answered with a smug grin and went back to pretending like I wasn’t tired of driving for the past eight hours. Okay, I’ll admit it. I love my brother. I always have. He was what kept me up and going – even if it was from chasing him so I could ring his neck. He was my little brother. It’s their job to be my living hell. It only made it harder with the fact that we were twins; whoopee-fuckin-doo.

“How much longer, Tia?”

Oh no the hell he did not just ask me that!

My head snapped around, the fury in my sea blue eyes burned brightly against the foggy background of the window. Vian shrunk back at my glare and quickly turned up the radio to begin singing a song he didn’t even know. I huffed, took my anger out on the steering wheel as I clenched my fist so tight I swear I heard the thing crack, and continued driving down the empty highway.

Let’s back up for a moment.

Hi, I’m Dantia van Sperdia. The idiot that I was just talking to was my younger twin brother, Vian. We are the last of the van Sperdia family. Yes, our parents are died…. We’re seventeen years old. We live up to the name of twins. Both of us have brown hair and dark blue eyes. Our only difference is the fact that I’m more mature than his lazy ass… and our clothing style. I wear whatever I can find that is clean. Vian… well let’s just say he wears whatever he thinks is clean.


Two hours, fourteen minutes, and eight…nine…ten seconds since my last conversation with Vian; surprisingly, he’s actually stayed absolutely quiet since my glare and his failing at singing along to a song that he’s never even heard the artist of. New York and Maine aren’t so different actually… Oh who am I kidding?! Maine has trees. Nothing but trees. New York has nothing but cement. That’s a pretty big difference, to me. The most trees I would see any day is when passing by Central Park to go to school or work.

“How much longer, Tia?” Vian whined after he finally got tired of my peace and quiet. To tell you the truth, I was getting a bit unnerved at it, too...

“Well, from the info on the GPS, and the fact that I’m going 80 on an empty wet highway… If we don’t crash, we should be there within the next twenty or so minutes.”

He groaned again. Oh shut it you big baby! Hey, I wasn’t the one that picked a desolate town out in the middle of nowhere. Sure, it may have a weird name and the fact that it’s on the coast, but that doesn’t mean that you can just up and move us in the middle of the year!

After my inner rant, I lowered the volume to the blaring music and tried to concentrate on the road again. If we were lucky enough that the fog hadn’t reached our luggage any with such thick fog, our stuff might not be ruined. But, I forgot to knock on wood with that, so… our stuff is probably ruined. Great. Thanks a fucking lot, Vian!

And soon enough, twenty minutes passed by like a few seconds and the welcoming sign of Cutler, Maine – it definitely needed a new paint job - welcomed be to my new hell and Vian’s new playground. For a place out in the middle fo now where with barely even six hundred people living here, it was pretty big. A daycare, a primary school, an elementary school joined with a middle school, and finally – the place that Vian and I would be going for the next few months until we graduated – E. B. Cutler High.

Hello Cutler, the van Sperdia twins have arrived!
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright! It seems the van Sperdia (said vah-on spear-dee-a ) twins have arrived!
Are they just two random teenagers showing up out of thin air without parents?
...or is there more than meets the eye to Vian and Dantia?