Status: On hold - Writersblcok :/

The UnSweet Sacrifice

Chapter 1

"OH MY GOD!!! PAT, DYL!! COME QIUCK!! YOU GUYS ARE NEVER GONNA BELIVE THIS!!" I yelled as I looked down at the letter I had in my hands. My roommates, Patzey and Dylan, came running from wherever they were in the house.

"What is it?!" They both asked at the same time.I just waved the letter I had in my hands in front of their eyes.

"WE ARE GOING ON TOUR WITH TOKIO HOTEL!!!" I screamed. Their eyes grew large.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Pat asked and snached the paper from my hand. Dyl just stood there, looking schoked. Pat red through it then looked up at me. "Are you serious?!"

"YES!! NOW go packing, we're leaving tomorrow!!"

Both girls ran into their bedrooms and I did the same. I started with packing clothes. All my pair of black jeans, my band- tees, my hoodies and my other various tops. Then I started packing all the important things, like cell phone, money, CD's, Walkman, passport, laptop (cant live without it, I do most of my writing on it) and other items that means a lot to me.

[The Next Day]

I woke up at six in the morning. Well, not really but that's when I got up. I sneaked into the kitchen, thinking that Pat and Dyl were still asleep. Man was I wrong. Both girls were sitting at the kitchen table, dressed and made up. And here I come in my PJ's with messy hair and no make up. Unfair.

"Couldn't sleep either, huh?" I asked them when I saw their sleepy, yet happy, faces. They shook their heads and I went to get a cup of coffe. I don't drink coffe that often, but now it's an emergency. I started humming on Another Try, one of our songs. I wrote the lyrics and the three of us wrote the music together. That's how we work, we're a team. I am not the only one in the band that writes, all three of us do.

The bus wouldn't come until three pm, so we had nothing to do. After breakfast I went to take a quick shower. I got dressed, brushed and blowdried my hair, put on some eyeliner. Then I went to lay down on my bed, where I fell asleep.

I woke up a couple hours later and brushed my hair again. My hair always looks like shit when I wake up, even if I just slept for five minutes. It's annoying as hell. When I was done I just watched TV with Pat and Dyl until the bus came. We were told that the guys would join us about halfway to the first show. We got our instuments, suitcases and other shit in the bus then got on. It was a pretty big bus. There was a kitchen area, main area, a bathroom and four bunks in the back. I headed directly to the bunks and picked one. I put my bag on it to show that it was mine then went back out to the main area. I sat down on the couch next to Dylan. We started talking about the band, the tour and how excited we were.

The bus started moving and about five, maybe six, hours later the bus stopped. We got off to meet the guys, we were told this is were we'd meet them. I squealed (yes, I am a compleate teenie at times, so sue me!) and the three of us hurried off the bus. And sure, there their bus was. We walked towards it and the door opened. The guys smiled at us as they came closer to us.

"Hey, you must be The UnSweet Sacrifice." Bill said smiling.

"Uh, yeah, we are. I am Beatrix, and this is Kate and Charmagne." I said, gesturing to Dyl and Pat.

"Char.. What?" Tom said, not really knowing how to prononce it.

"Just call me Patzey. Everyone does." Pat said.

"Not me! I call you Pat.. Or PatPat." I giggled.

"Okay.. So what do you girls play?" Gustav asked.

"Uh, I play bass and I am also the lead singer." I said, looking down at my feet.

"I play drums and also do some backup vokals." Pat said.

"And that leaves me with guitar and backup vocals." Dyl said.

"Okay. So, how long have you three played together?" Georg asked.

"Uhm.. What is it now, about a year and a half I think." Pat said.

We talked some more and then headed back to our bus since we had to get going and because it started to rain. Oh my GOD! I still think this is a dream and expecting to wake up any time now. I mean, we're not even that good, there's a lot of bands out there that's better than us and here we are. We are going on tour with Tokio Hotel..