Status: On hold - Writersblcok :/

The UnSweet Sacrifice

Chapter 3

We were eating dinner with the guys.

"Hey, how did you came up with the name The UnSweet Sacrifice?" Georg asked and they all looked at me. I was the one that had come up with the name. I shrugged.

"I actually don't know how I came up with the name, I just thought it sounded good.." I said.

"Oh.. So it had nothing with.. Anything to do really?"

"Nope, just something I got in my head.."


"Don't ask me anything about the band name, cause I have no iea where I got it from, okay?" I giggled.

"So, who does the writing?" Bill asked.

"Oh, we all write lyrics then help to.." Pat started.

".. write the music." Dylan finished.

"It's a teamwork." I said and smiled.

"Oh, cool.. You ever had, like a fight about the text or music?"

"Well, we tend to discuss how we want it, but in the end we find something we all agree on.."

We continued to chat and eat and when we were done we walked to our bus and the guys went to theirs.

Two hours into the drive the bus breaks down. Compleatly. The motor overheats, the battery is dead (however the fuck that happened) AND we have a least two flat tires. Just great. We took our things and waited for the guys bus to come back and pick us up. It takes at least half an hour. When we got on the bus the guys looked at us for an explenation.

"Bus fucker broke down.." I muttered.

"Oh.." they said and showed us where we could put our things. Great, just two extra bunks. And Dylan and Patzey have already taken them. Gah! I sighed.

"Guess I'm sleeping on the couch then.." I muttered.

That was the worst night sleep I've ever had. Gah, I feel so cranky now. I need my sleep, coffe/energy drinks and make up.. Now I have two of three things. Not bad, but I need all three to be happy. Argh.

"Good morning.." I heard Gustav say as he came into the main area.

"Gah, fuck off!" I mummbled and hid my face under the pillow. He took it away from me. Bitch!

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm tired!" I whined. "I get cranky when I'm tired!"

"Didn't sleep much?"

"What the fuck do you think?" I said taking the pillow back and burried my face in it.

"If you want to you can sleep in my bunk.."

"Thanks." I stood up, walked to the bunks and climbed into the empty one and fell asleep in a matter of seconds.