Status: On hold - Writersblcok :/

The UnSweet Sacrifice

Chapter 4

I woke up hearing people whisper about me. I groaned.

"Hey, you're awake!" Dylan said

"Oh, fuck off!" I mumbled.

"Don't be such a bitch! She was just trying to be nice." Bill said and I could hear giggles from Pat and Dyl.

"I am not a bitch, Bill! I am just grumpy since I didn't sleep last night.." I mummbled and got up. I had my PJs on and as usual my hair looked like shit. After about ten minutes of brushing it and cursing in every lenguage I could curse in I got dressed and put on some eyeliner. Gah, I really wish I looked like.. Someone else. I looked myself in the mirror and sighed. I walked back out to the others, feeling my neck, back and arms hurt. Damn couch! If Gustav wasn't sitting on it I would probibly spaz out on it. And me spazing out is not a nice sight, trust me. If I'm ever alone I am SOO spazzing out on the couch! I sat down on a chair.

"Are you okay?" Gustav asked, probibly seeing my face twist slightly in pain as I sat down.

"Yeah, I'm fine.." I said and smiled at him. He looked at me like he didn't believe me, but I didn't care.

After I ate something I went to get some privacy (as much as you can get in a bus with six other people) to do some writing. I sat on my floor with my laptop in front of me, I had my Walkman on, blasting whatever song currently playing, and started to write on a song. I was so focused on the writing and music that I didn't noticed that someone was behind me, reading what I was writing. Until that someone put their hand on my shoulder, making me jump at least three feet that is. I managed to stop the song while jumping too.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.." Gustav said.

"No, it's okay.. I tend to be in my own little world when I write, so.." I said, smiling up at him.

"Well.. You're good at writing.."

"Thanks.." I said, blushing slightly.

"Hey, I just wanted to know if you wanted to join us, we were planning on going out for dinner.."

"What, now? Sure, why not.." I saved the document, turned the laptop off and followed him out to where the others were.

"Aah, the vampire emerges from her cave" Dylan joked and I shot her death glares.

"Very funny, Dylan... NOT!!" I said and slapped her on the back of her head.

"Dylan? But I thought your name was Kate?" Bill said confused.

"It is.. But Dylan is my nickname.. Long story.." Dylan explained and we walked to the resturant. When we got there the guys got atacked by fans. Patzey, Dylan and I went to sit by the table and waited for the guys. It was fun to see how they treated their fans. After about ten minutes the guys finally joined us. We ordered what we wanted to eat and then the guys looked at me.

"So, what is your nickname?" Tom asked.

"Beat. I am the only one of us that actually have a nickname that has to do with my real name." I giggled.

"Oh. Well, I like it." Gustav said and I felt myself blushing again.