Status: On hold - Writersblcok :/

The UnSweet Sacrifice

Chapter 5

I looked myself in the mirror and sighed. I looked like the girl next door, only duller. That's when I decided to do what I've always wanted..

"I'm going out.." I yelled to Pat and Dyl. We were currently staying at a hotel since we wouldn't have a show in the next two days.

"Were are you going?" Dylan asked.

"What are you, my mother" I giggled as I put on my jacket. "I'm just going out."

"Okay.. Be home by nine!" she joked and I flipped her off. She new I wasn't being serious though.

I walked out of the hotel and the cold air hit me. I walked to the hair salon I've seen earlier, hoping they still was open. They were, yes! I stepped inside and a woman walked up to me and asked if she could help me. I told her what I wanted and she showed me to an empty seat. It took a while to get done, but it was well worth it! The result was AMAZING! I couldn't have been happier. Mom will probably spaz a bit when she finds out, but she'll just have to live with it. I smiled, payed and walked back out. I felt like a new person, happier. I was now prettier in my eyes. I felt more satisfied with the way I looked. A bit anyway. I started skipping towards the hotel and bumped into someone.

"Oh, I am so sorry, I didn't see you.." I said and realized that it was Gustav. "Gustav, hey.. What are you doing here?"

"I was actually sent out to look for you. Kate and Patzey are worried, so they sent me to come look for you.."

"Okay.. That doesn't sound like them, but whatever.."

We walked into the hotel and that's when he saw it.

"Hey, you've dyed your hair! It looks good!"

"Thank you, Gustav.. Yeah, I got bored of my old hair color, so.."

"Okay.." he said and smiled. We walked to our rooms and as I entered I could hear the girls snoring from were the bed was. That's when I knew that they couldn't have sent Gustav to look for me, they only sonar if they've been asleep for at least an hour, hour and a half. I laid down on my bed and fell asleep, thinking about how much my life has changed since we started The UnSweet Sacrifice. I mean, look where we are now! We are on tour with Tokio Hotel, something I never even dared to dream of. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

I woke up by hearing shrieks from Pat and Dyl.

"Oh my god, you dyed your hair?!" they practically screamed.

"Yeah, I have.. Now let me sleep!"

"No! You are coming with us down to breakfast!" Dylan said and practically pulled me out of the bed. I landed on the floor with a thud.

"Oowww!! Dylan, that hurt!" I whined and stood up.

"Well, go get ready, hurry! The guys are waiting!" she said, shoving me into the bathroom and threw in a pair of jeans and a shirt. I brushed my hair (for once it didn't take more than a couple of minutes), got dressed, applied eyeliner and for once in my life I was happy with how I looked. I realized the clothes Dylan had picked for me were my tightest jeans that I never wear and a tight black shirt with a white heart that has a black cross in the middle. I giggled.

"Hey, Dyl? Are you sure you're not bi?" I joked and got death glares as response. "Just making sure!" I giggled and the three of us walked down to were the breakfast was. The guys were waiting for us down there I had been told.

When they saw me their eye grew large. I don't know if it was because of my new hair color or my clothes or both, but it looked like their eyes were gonna jump out of their sockets soon.

"Hey guys." I said smiling at them.

"Beatrix.. Your hair.. It looks awesome!" Bill said and gave me a hug.

"Thanks Bill. I've always wanted to dye my hair, so last night I did."

"But black? Isn't that a bit.. Drastic?" Georg asked.

"Funruiner! Come on, lets eat, I'm starving."

After breakfast the seven of us decided to hang out in our room. The guys wouldn't stop staring at me though, witch kinda made me feel a tad bit uncomfortable.

"Guys, would you stop staring at me!" I whined and they emedatly started looking elsewere. I giggled slightly, they looked so silly. We talked and after a while got bored, so we started doing random things. For example, I dressed in a big yellow, furry coat and sang The Internet Is For Porn as Trekkie monster together with Pat as Kate Monster. We were laughing so hard after that.

Somehow I ended up alone in the room with Gustav. There was an awkward silince for a while.

"You know.. I really like your hair.." he said, smiling nervously.

"Thanks.." I said smiling and blushed a bit. What is wrong with me, I never blush! I looked down at my feet to hid it and when I looked up he was standing so close to me I could feel his breath brush against my skin. His lips softly brushed against mine.

"I.. I'm sorry, I don't know what.." I silenced him by kissing him. I spaced out at that moment. Here I was, kissing a guy I haven't even known for a week. Mom would not like this at all. Add the hair dye and it will end up in a heart attack or something. But then again, my mom said that as long as I lived under her roof I had to follow her rules and I don't live with her anymore..

I was brought back to earth by the door slamming shut. I turned around and saw Dylan and Patzey stare at me and Gustav.

"I.. I should go.." Gustav muttered and quickly left.

"What was that about?" Dylan asked when the door had closed behind Gustav.

"Oooh, I think someone has a boyfriend!" Patzey teased, sounding like a five year old.

I explained everything to them and they were not suprised. Appearently they'd noticed that he liked me from the start. Well, guess there's a lot I still have to learn in life..