Status: On hold - Writersblcok :/

The UnSweet Sacrifice

Chapter 7

Once again I woke up by hearing Dylan and Patzey whisper about me. But this time I didn't care, I was too happy. Gustav was still sleeping peacefully, he was so cute. Of course my cell phone had to start ringing just at that moment. I groaned and Patzey gave me my phone. Gustav stirred but remained asleep. I rolled my eyes at him and answered.

"Hi darling!" my moms cheery voice on the other line.

"Hey mom. What's up?"

"Not much, you?"

"I just kinda woke up."

"Oh, I didn't mean to wake you.."

"Nah, it's okay. So, what do you want?"

"I just want to know how you are doing.. You know, what's up?"

"I'm good.. I'm on tour right now with The UnSweet Sacrifice, so it's really fun."

"Oh.." my mom said. "Well, I have to go now.. Bye."

"Bye mom."

My mom never really accepted me being in a band (or being bi for that matter), so if I mention the band she says she has to go. Works every time. I put the phone away and sighed.

"What's wrong?" a very sleepy Gustav asked.

"Nothing.. It's just my mom.." I said and smiled at him. "Sorry if I woke you.."

"It's a good thing, you guys really need to get up now!" Dylan cut in, poking the both of us.

"Argh!! Dyl, leave us alone, we are getting up!!" I growled at her and sighed. We got up and walked into the main area, where the others were. They all looked at us with huge smiles on their faces.

"Okay, what have you guys done now?" I asked, looking at Dyl and Pat.


Then it hit me and I groaned. They must've taked a picture of the two of us in the bunk. "You did, didn't you?"

Dyl and Pat nodded and bursted out laughing. Great.. I started chasing them, just for the fun of it, and after a while I got tired of running. I sat down on the couch next to Gustav and he quickly pulled me to sit in his lap. I heard 'Aaaw's come from Patzey and Dylan and I rolled my eyes. The most of the day was spent just fooling around, playing various games.

Later on, at the bus stop they decided to get some fresh air, but I wanted to stay in. Mostly because I know people who lives in the city we're currently in and I don't want to see them. After ten minutes someone knocked on the bus door. The driver wasn't around, so I went to see who it was. When I opened the door I froze.

"You!" I said with a mix of disgust and fear.

"Aaw, is that how you greet an old friend?" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Old friend? You? Who the fuck do you think you're kidding?!" I said, trying to remain calm.

"Aaw, come on, B.. No hard feelings?"

"No hard.. No hard feelings?!" I yelled. "Who the fuck do you think you are?!! You made my life a living hell and now you come here and say 'No hard feelings'?!"

"Hey, calm down babe..!"

"NO!!! Don't call me 'babe'!" I said, getting ready to hit him. I can not believe the nerve!

"Can't we just talk about it outside? Please?"

I sighed and stepped outside. "What do you want, Andreas?" I asked, sounding nicer than I was.

"Well, I just want to say that I'm sorry for how I treated you in school and.. Well, I really like you.. I have liked you all this time.."

Oh, puhlease! That was the lamest thing I've ever heard! I wanted to just punch him in the face, but I didn't. I just glared at him. Then he did what I never thought he would do; he kissed me! That FUCKER kissed me! I tried to push hin away from me, but he pushed me up against the buss and held my hands above my head. I tried to struggle, but he was too strong. I heard footsteps comming closer and before I knew it Andreas was on the ground with a broken nose. Gustav looked up at me, tears in his eyes. I knew what he was thinking.

"Gustav, please, let me explain.." I begged, but he ran into the bus. Andreas was long gone and I sank to the ground, crying. After five minutes I heard the others comming. Dylan and Patzey hurried to my side while the guys stepped into the bus.

"Hey, Bea, what's wrong?" Patzey asked, putting her arm around my shoulders.

"Gustav hates me.." I said in between sobs. "He.. He thought he saw me kiss another guy, but I really hate the guy that kissed me and now Gustav thinks I kissed him and he hates me.."

"Aaw.. It can't be that bad.. Come on, we need to get going.." Dylan said and we walked into the bus. The guys were nowhere to be seen, so I guessed they were talking to Gustav. I laid down on the couch and burried my face in a random pillow I found. The girls let me be alone, that's why I love them. They know when I want to be alone, they know when not to ask me how I feel. After what felt like forever I felt a hand on my back. I looked up and saw Bill.

"Hey.." he said and I smiled slightly, just to show him I heard him. I didn't feel like talking. "So.. What happened?"

I sat up and he sat down next to me. "Well, this guy I knew from school knocked on the door and I went to open. He said he wanted to talk to me and so I stepped outside. Then all of a sudden he.. He kisses me and I tried to push him away from me but he pushed me up against the bus and.." I bursted out crying again. "He hates me, doesn't he?"

"No, no. He doesn't hate you.. He's just.. Hurt. But if you explain it to him.."

"I tried to, but he just ran inside.." I mummbled.

Bill gave me a one armed hug. "Just, give him some time to calm down, then explain to him."

I sighed. "You're right.. It's just.." I sighed again. "Nevermind.."