My Version Of Aruba?

A Tail Of Two Hearts Meeting

The wind is hatred that floats everywhere.
And every building around me symbolizes the people I know.
They're all structures that has been uniquely chipped into my life.
Perfect in their own rights.
I walked alone in the empty streets always seeking something but unsure if I will ever find it. I'm broken down and tired by the heavy wind that is constantly around me. Its hatred slowly choking me , overtaking me and filling me up with anger.
As time passed I've lost my mind trying to overcome this feeling of loneliness. Trying to find meaning in this cruel world I've started running and running until I finally collapsed. My life force is completely drained, I had lost all will to go on, so I closed my eyes letting the darkness consume me.

I woke up and saw my friends passing me by. They are all moving forward and I
was left behind. Seeing that has given me the will to move again, so I got myself up and I continued moving against the wind.
The farther I walked the stronger the wind blows trying to stop me!
Despite that I continued moving forward, unyielding, not wanting to give up.
The wind had blown so strongly it collapsed a building in the background.
But I didn't stop not even after I lost all my strength.
I fell to the floor but I kept on crawling. And eventually I passed out and the wind stops blowing. The ground underneath me started to move and brought me to a new location. “Are we going more up north? I don't really know cause all I can feel are the vibrations.”

In my thoughts I saw only darkness. My eyes are closed and I feel someone
calling out to me. My eyes opened and my vision was slowly adjusting to the light.
I saw no one and knowing that I felt someone, I grasped onto hope which filled
my depleted battery a little so I may keep on moving. I got myself up and began searching for who called out to me. Despite the pain and the lack of energy I searched for you!
I searched and I searched until my search brought me to the tallest tower. I
started to climb up its stairs with the intention to be able to see throughout the land.

Almost nearing the top I almost fall from exhaustion but I heard someone crying. So I ran up to end of the staircase and there you were on the ground crying. I tried to get closer but the wind blew harder as I got closer to you. With every step I too the wind got fiercer and fiercer. But I kept on moving forward despite the state I was in. When I finally got to you the wind suddenly stop and you look at me. I sat down next to you and we began to talk.

Word for word, play by play , eventually we fell for each other.
A circle was formed around us, and that is the tail of two hearts meeting.

That circle exist to this day and it bonds has only grew stronger with the passing of time.

<3 [\b]
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This is meant for Jennifer-loe Richardson <3 The girl who has my heart