Status: Starting Out, Hope It's Gonna Be Good =]

Three's A Crowd

Something You Should Know

Kat and Stacey picked up the pieces. They sat Lauren down, they told everyone else to piss off, and Stacey left the imprint of a lingering kiss on the lips of Matt Jones, telling him to call her. Then they wiped her eyes and simply waited for a renwed flow of tears to come.

By the time Lauren could talk without breaking down into heart-wrenching sobs, her eyes were puffy and her cheeks stained. Her breath was exiting her lungs in ragged gulps and Stacey poured a shot of whisky down her throat in a vain attempt to calm her down. In the end all three of them had one.

"I don't understand. I loved him so much. I feel so stupid."

"It's so sudden." Kat murmured to herself, whilst Stacey stayed utterly silent, rubbing Lauren's back and passing her tissue's. She herself seemed in deep thought as though she couldn't quite get her head around what had happened.

"I just don't get it. He's usually so sweet, but he seemed like a different person today. Maybe if I hadn't spent so much time with him, you know? Maybe I pushed myself on him. Maybe he needed more time with his friends. God, he didn't even want to come tonight -" Kat looked up, annoyance flitting across her face before concern and sympathy returned.

"Don't waste your time thinking about that wanker, babe. He's obviously not good enough for you, and nothing you could have done could have changed tonight. He'd obviously made up his mind. Probably." Stacey said indignantly She tried to hug her friend but this was made impossible when Lauren curled up into a ball sobbing so hard she thought she would break apart.

Kat went into the kitchen, wincing at the empty cans of lager, and food wrappers scattered over the floor. Not now. She put the kettle on, intending on making three cups of hot chocolate, and maybe dig out some Ben&Jerries from the freezer. It had to be the best heart-break cure known to man. Plus of course they'd watch some movie on revenge that made them want every character to die horrible, painful deaths. It was only just past eleven; they had a good few hours before Lauren would be ready to go to sleep without opening her eyes every few seconds to tell the other two something else amazing that Jack had going for him. It was just lucky that Kat's mum was on the night shift, and wouldn't be home til around 8am.

Kat was still slightly tipsy, and had to concentrate much harder than normal on leveling out the spoonfuls of chocolate powder and aiming them at the mugs. She'd deliberately found the cup that her mum had been given to celebrate her divorce and intended on giving it to Lauren - it said "Boys Smell"[i/]

Kat had never understood why people got so upset over the ending of relationships. She had to admit that this was one thing that she and Stacey agreed upon. Whereas Lauren had always been the emotional one that usually needed a long-term relationship to keep her happy, the other two were much more detached. Surely the point of being young was to be free and single, too?

Finally the kettle boiled and she started to pour the scaldingly hot water, at which point the inevitable happened; she spilt it all over her left hand.

"Bollocks!" She hissed, running the cold tap over her already scarlet hand.

"Kat?" A voice said from behind her. Stacey.

"Mmmhmm?" Kat said through gritted teeth, concentrating on not screaming out from the pain. She kew it would probably blister, and take days, maybe even over a week to go down. Brilliant.

"I need to tell you something."

"Did you leave Lauren alone? You should probably sit with-"

"No, I can't. I mean, I know why Jack broke up with her." Kat eventually looked up and raised her eyesbrows. Stacey's usually beautiful face was the picture of distress, and her eyes were shiny with unshed tears.

"Go on."

"I..." Stacey closed the kitchen door, looking like she was about to cry. "Fuck it, I slept with Jack." Surprisingly to her disappointment, the pain in Kat's hand was suddenly the last thing on her mind.