Just a Promise

Canada isn't that bad. Right?

Somebody's huge luggage bag slammed right into me. They clearly noticed but didnt say anything. Obviously people from Canada had no manners. My mom lives in Canada and I haven't seen her since the divorce, which was a while. People rushed by me eager to get on their planes. I hate planes, they always make your ears pop and they make annoying noises. "Emily?"A voice from behind me asked. I whirled around, "Mom!" My mother gathered me in a big hug. She snatched my bags from my hands and said "God Emily it has been too long, How is your father?" I sighed, I forgot that my mother never stops talking. And I on the other hand don't talk that much. "He's good mom." "Good" she replied and opened the car trunk. I got inside the car, I couldn't lie, but I can't wait to see Mom's house.

Mom said that she painted my room for me and that we could go furniture shopping together sometime. I was really excited and anxious to go to a new high school, for my last year. My mom and dad decided for my last year I should live with my mother because I haven't seen her in such a long time.

"We are here baby!" I looked out the window and saw a medium sized house. It was surrounded by a lot of trees. There was a garden in the front but it looked like the flowers were struggling to stay up because the cold was killing them. It looked pretty good. "Well what are you waiting for hun?" Mom asked. I climbed out o the car and walked inside. The celing was really tall, and right when you entered there was a big staircase. The kitchen was amazing and dont even get me started on the dining room. I made my way up the big staircase. I found my room and when i opened the door i was amazed. It was huggeee! It had a queen sized bed, and a plazma TV. And there as a walk in closet, not a huge one but it was a pretty decent size. How on earth did my mother pay for all of this, I never heard her talking about a really well paying job. "You like it?" i jumed "Oh mom I didnt know tha you were standing there. And yes i love it!" I ran to my mom and gave her a big hug. She smiled and said "We can get you some drawers and other furniture another time." "Thanks so much mom I love you." She smiled, and when she did it made me realize how much I had missed her.

"Oh here." My mom said and placed my bags on the ground. I sighed, If only my friends were here to see this amazing room. I wont see them for another year. But i'll make new friends here right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Haiii :D
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