Back When It Was Funny.

Death Wish For The Lady.

Point Place, Wisconsin.. That is where I live now. It's a big change from living in Las Vegas all of my sixteen years of living, so I'm not completley on a high about moving here.. But my dad, Richard, got a new job here working at some factory and apprarently it's a better work place than the casinos at home.

Today is my first day at high school here. I know nobody, nobody knows me, it's the middle of the semester and I have already proclaimed that I, Becca Walker, am an outcast.

Stepping out of my dad's Plymouth Duster, I took one look at the worn yet clean place that is now my school and the begining of my near adult life..ew.

There were cheerleaders standing near the front of the door, twirling their hair and smacking their gum, to the right of them were a group of hippies sitting on the grass and right behind them, in the shadows of the school, were a few potheads..well it looked like it because their eyes were wide and they seemed to be staring at nothing..

"Now, you be good, okay Becca sweetheart?" Richard,which he allowed me to call him, said from inside the car. I looked at him and nodded as I grabbed my bag, which had a few band names written on such as AC/DC, KISS, The Beatles, and Judas Priest. My favorite bands in the world.

I closed the car door and watched as my father drove away, then I heard a whistle and looked behind me to see a few people sitting on a car.

"That was one hell of a nice ride!" One of the guys said to me. He had shaggy-ish, brown hair and was wearing a colorful shirt.

I nodded and turned to walk away, but someone called out to me.

"Hey, you're the new girl right? Richard Walker's daughter?" A red head girl said to me, before a skinny boy sitting next to her chimed in.

"Walker is such a kick ass last name! I mean, Walker?! Seriously, it'd only get better if your first name was Sky..Wait, is it?" I simply stared at him as he went on. I kinda got the whole Star Wars thing a lot at my old school, but nobody went full into like he did..Or get as excited as he did. Maybe I was mistaken, maybe this group were the pop smokers..

I tried not to laugh as I noticed he moved his hands and eyebrows a lot when he talked..What a strange thing..

"Um, no. It isn't, it's Becca." I saw the dissapointment on his face. When no one said anything else, I turned around and headed inside.

What an eventful day it will be here at Point Place..
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Thanks for reading! I know it's short, but hey! It's the first chapter ;D Did you guys like it? Hate it? Let me know please! :)

This story is written for Becca, thanks for requesting it ;>)
Becca Skywalker's Profile!!

Again, thanks to the readers and Becca too! ^^