The Morning After Was the Way Today Began

Nothing Can Stop Us

"I could care hundred times more than he."
"I'm sure you can,'s hard to explain why I can't be with you. Please, just...let's be friends."
"Friends. I hate that word. How can I be friend with you when I feel this feeling for you?"
"Don't make it any harder than it is. If faith wants us together, we will be together, just not now. Not until I have time to think about everything."

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and left. He followed me five minutes later. I sat down and closed my eyes, but I felt eyes on me. I opened my eyes and looked at Ryan on my side. He wasn't listening to music anymore.

"Please tell me you and Brendon didn't do anything."
"We just talked."
"What is between you two?"
"He hasn't told you?"
"No. Me and Spencer are worried."
"Worried? What the hell do you mean by that?"
"Brendon hasn't been himself. After he met you again, he's changed. I wondered maybe you'd know."
"Well I think I might know. But he might have to tell you himself, not me."

So Ryan turned his iPod on again and I found a magazine from my bag. I read it and when I finished it, the plane had landed. As I waited for my bags, Brendon stood next to me, also waiting for his bags. He was flirting madly with Holly. I didn't pay any attention to him and her. I got a text message from a friend back home. I smiled and laughed out loud. It got Brendon's attention, but he turned his attention to Holly a second later.

We arrived at the hotel and straight there was a problem. There were four people in a room and as thing would have it, I had to say in the same room with Brendon, Ryan and Melody. I dropped my tired body to the bed and made Melody jump.

"Why so jumpy?"
"My ex called."
"Yeah, but you seem to be in a good mood."
"Ex sended a text message."
"And that makes you happy why?"
"He should I put this...great."
"Oh you naughty girl."
"What? I'm the goodest girl ever."