When Hope Begins to Fade

Chapter Two

Amber’s cell phone was ringing, more specifically it was playing Avenged Sevenfold’s Unholy Confessions. The fact that her phone was ringing meant one thing and one thing only. Alyce.

With a slight groan she covered her ear that wasn’t against the pillow with her hand, temporarily blocking out the sound. When it stopped she moved her hand off her ear and relaxed again. That is until she felt the muscular arm around her waist move slightly. With a smile she rolled over, which wasn’t as easy of a task as it sounded, and faced a sleeping Matt.

“What time is it?” His voice was still raspy as he asked without even bothering to open his eyes. It was clear to her that he wasn’t awake that much.

“About nine,” Amber laughed slightly when he pulled her closer. “I take it that we aren’t waking up yet?”

“Not yet. You can tell Alyce that it was all my fault.” He kissed her forehead seconds before she snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes again. Sleep quickly overcame the couple again. That is until the phone rang again.

“Shit! Matt you’ve gotta let me go a little bit.” Amber complained around twenty minutes later when her cell went off again. Matt loosened his arm enough so that she could grab her cell phone. “Alyce why are you calling so early?” She fell back onto the pillow as she spoke into the phone.

“Because I know that you won’t wake up until late. Now get up and get ready because I’ll be there to pick you up in an hour.” Alyce made Amber roll her eyes.

“I hate you right now you asshole. We have all day. Can’t I sleep for like another hour? Pretty please?” By this time Matt had opened his eyes and was watching her talk to Alyce. A smile crept onto his face as she looked over at him.

“No Amber. Get up and get ready. I’ll see you in an hour and you know you love me.” Alyce was laughing which only caused Amber to make a face at the phone.

“You suck. I’ll see you in an hour.” Amber closed her cell phone and sat up, yawning in the process. She looked at the clock groaned.

“Morning.” Matt’s voice drew her our of her slightly bad mood, making her smile. She turned around and grinned down at him.

“Good morning.”


Amber was in the bedroom talking to Lisa when there was a knock at the apartment door. “I’ll get it,” Matt called just before he opened the door. “Hey Alyce.” Alyce placed her hands on her hips and raised one eyebrow.

“She went back to sleep didn’t she? She isn’t ready is she? Don’t even try to lie and cover for her Matt.” Alyce walked into the apartment with a roll of her eyes. If Amber wasn’t ready yet then her plan was to take a bucket of ice cold water and pour it over her.

“She’s in the bedroom talking to Lisa on the phone Alyce.” Matt sat down on the sofa and looked back at the tv with a smile as Alyce’s face frowned slightly. She’d been wrong and now she couldn’t use her plan for revenge.

“Well there went that evil plan.” Alyce plopped down on the other end of the sofa, hearing Amber saying goodbye to LISA over the phone.

“Alright Alyce I’m ready. You wanna go get this over with?” Amber was already leaning down to give Matt a kiss goodbye as Alyce answered.

“Yes, lets” Alyce stood up and walked towards the door.


“So why did Kellan randomly decide to take you to Hawaii for the second time this year?” Amber asked an hour later as she watched Alyce look for a new bathing suit.

“Because he is incredibly sweet and he loves me,” Alyce moved on to another rack, knowing that Amber would follow her as she went. “Blue or purple?”

“But don’t you ever wonder why he insists on taking your everywhere Alyce? Purple.” Amber glanced around the store they were currently in, hoping that Alyce would make up her mind quickly. The truth was for some reason this store had always made her feel weird. She glanced around at the bathing suits and sniffed the air. That was why, it smelt funny to her.

“Because he wants us to see the world together Amber. You’ve never had a problem with Kellan. He has always been your friend too. That hasn’t changed has it?” Alyce drew her attention to Amber, who withered under the gaze.

“Its just Hawaii twice in one year. It makes me wonder. And seeing the world implies going to more places than just Hawaii.” Amber smirked as Alyce cut her eyes.

“Shut up. Now I’m settling on this one so lets go checkout and head to another store.” Amber followed her friend towards the register, extremely pleased that they were leaving. When she felt her cell phone vibrate she reached into her pocket and grabbed it. The screen told her that she had a new text message.

She flipped it open and selected the read button. I’m just so confused. I really like him still. She grinned as she read Lisa’s text before selecting “reply.”

Then just talk to him. Tell him that u still like him. Amber hit send and shoved her cell phone back into her pocket seconds before Alyce linked their arms. “I missed you while I was in L.A.”

“And I missed you while you were there too. You’ve gotta set time aside one of these months and stay home for more than two weeks.” Amber laughed as her friend nodded her head vigorously in agreement.

“We should go to the old bowling alley someday, we haven’t been there in years.” Alyce suggested as they walked out of the store and into the rest of the mall. Amber sighed to herself and thought about how to respond for more than a second.

“I think it would just bring back too many memories. That was our place that we could all hang out when I was hiding with Matt. When we needed to get away from Aaron. Are you sure that going back would be a good idea or would it just bring back so many of the feelings that we went though with the whole Aaron thing and what I went through while hiding to be with Matt?”

“I guess you have a good point. But think about it, we had a lot of great times at that place. I mean the reason why we were there completely sucked but we did have a lot of fun while we were there. Think of all the lights and laughter, even the moments of stupidity. Are you sure that going back wouldn’t be a great idea?”

“I just don’t know Alyce.” Amber sighed and looked straight ahead, trying to avoid any questions that might be asked. Alyce had been suspicious about Amber hiding something from her, and she was right, but she’d been thinking in the wrong direction.

“Amber is there something you aren’t telling me? Are you and Matt having problems?” Alyce lowered her voice as she pulled them towards the food court. “You know what, lets get some Chinese and talk about it over that.”

Once the friends had got their lunch and found a table Amber knew that it was coming again. “Good idea about the Chinese. It’s the best isn’t it?” She quickly tried to distract her friend in order to keep her away from asking again.

“Yes it is. Now are you and Matt having problems and tell the truth.” Alyce watched as Amber groaned and closed her eyes.

“For the last time Matt and I are not having problems. Nothing is wrong Alyce. Not a think alright?” Amber took a bite of chicken and looked her best friend directly in the eyes, a look of calmness on her face.

“I still think that there is something that you aren’t telling me.”

“I’m just plotting with Zacky to get Lisa and Johnny back together. Do not tell anyone about that either!”

“Aw you two are playing match maker!” Alyce grinned happily and Amber rolled her eyes before taking another bite.

“Shut up and eat your food you dork.”

“I am not a dork!”

“Whatever you say Alyce, whatever you say.”


When Amber arrived back at the apartment there was only an hour until the barbeque. She looked around curiously when she didn’t see Matt around. She was just about to call out when she heard a faint “meow” and a “What Willow?” from the bedroom. With a smile and a roll of the eyes she headed for the door that was cracked.

“I’m back.” Matt was sitting on the bed with his laptop in front of him, a look of concentration on his face as he looked at the screen. Willow was lying next to him, looking at the computer screen and complaining softly.

“Hey babe.” Matt glanced up with a smile that showed his dimples before he looked back at the computer screen. Amber sat down on the bed in front of him as Willow walked over to her with another complaint.

“What are you doing?” Amber gently scratched Willow’s head as she watched Matt type something in.

“I’m working on this song.”

“Then I’ll let you finish working on it. Just make sure you are done in time to leave for the barbeque. Brian will never shut up if you are late again.”

“He should be fine with it since I’m working on lyrics for the new album. You should stay here though, I see no reason why you should leave.” Amber fell back on the bed, placing Willow on her chest and petting the cat.

“What is the name of the song you are working on?”

“Um Burn It Down.”

“Can I hear it later on? Pretty please?” Amber attempted to pout but she quickly realized that Matt had learned to look away when she did.

“Yeah, I’m almost done with it now.” Matt typed another line on his laptop before looking over at Amber and Willow with a smile. The cat was complaining at Amber as she licked her face clean.

“You know Willow I think my face is clean. So you can stop bitching at me and trying to clean my face at the same time.” When Matt laid down next to her she looked over with a smile. With a final meow Willow left her spot on Amber and jumped off the bed.

“We should probably go soon huh? I don’t think I feel like dealing with Brian complaining how we are late again.” Amber sat up and nodded her head, briefly remembering the last time they were late with a small laugh.


There was a reason why Brian had volunteered to throw the barbeque this time, the new beach house that he and Marriah had moved into a few weeks before was officially ready for its first cook out. Everyone was gathered in the backyard with Brian at the grill. Matt had volunteered to help Brian with the cooking while the other guys stayed with their girls or terrorized each other.

Jimmy was teasing Johnny about how short he was as Zacky carried Lilly around on his back. Leanna was laughing at her boyfriend and Johnny’s argument over height and trying to get Jimmy to leave the shorter one alone. Marriah and Amber had opted to stay closer to the grill with Matt and Brian.

“You think that Jimmy will listen to Leanna?” Amber asked with a laugh as Jimmy punched Johnny on the arm.

“Nah, I doubt it. He looks like he is having too much fun.” Marriah grinned as Johnny abandoned trying to shut Jimmy up by walking away from the conversation.

“When is he going to get back with your sister?” Brian asked skeptically as he looked at Amber before glancing back over at Johnny. They all knew that it was only a matter of time before the couple was back together again.

“Soon hopefully. I talked to her about it today a little bit and she said that she really misses him,” Amber smiled as Matt wrapped his arms around her waist. “And we all know that he misses her. It can’t be too much longer.”

“What are you guys talking about over here?” Zacky asked walking up and sitting Lilly down. He glanced between the four of them curiously, wanting to know what they were privately discussing.

“Getting Lisa back together with Johnny.” Marriah answered as Brian sat down and pulled her with him.

“You four are playing match-maker?” Lilly asked with a smile.

“It doesn’t count as playing match-maker when they were already together. All we are doing is easing them back together so they can be happy again.” Amber grinned mischievously as she spoke.

“What the hell is going on over here?” Johnny asking walking up and glancing between all of them skeptically.

“Nothing!” They all answered quickly, causing Johnny to narrow his eyes slightly and nod his head. He didn’t believe them and they knew it.

“Well I’m going to go inside and get a drink. Anybody want anything?” As soon as he’d asked he regretted it. Everyone answered with a yes and he groaned. There was no way he was carrying drinks for all six of them and himself. “Jimmy come on! We are getting everyone drinks!” He yelled as he walked inside the house.

“Well that didn’t sound suspicious at all now did it?” Matt asked as he and Brian went back to focusing on the food that was on the grill. Everyone watched the door to see who was going to return into the yard first, Jimmy or Johnny.

“Here you lazy assholes, drinks for half of you.” Johnny sat the bottles down as Jimmy walked out with the rest of them, sitting them by the others. Marriah walked over to Johnny and hugged him tightly, making everyone else laugh.

“Thank you Johnny, you are the best!” He rolled his eyes and laughed before Brian cut in.

“Hey! I thought I was the best!” Marriah kissed him on the lips before she bothered to say anything to him.

“You are.”

“Well Zacky here is the hottest.” Lilly chimed in with a laugh. Amber rolled her eyes and smiled challengingly at Lilly.

“I disagree. Matt is.”

“Oh boy, here we go. Amber you think Matt is, Lilly you think Zacky is. There we go! Everybody wins!” Marriah quickly tried to settle the same discussion that had taken place so many times behind the guys back.

“Marriah who do you think is?” Amber grinned at her, Lilly trying as hard as she could not to burst into laughter.

“I’m not getting into this one.” She shook her head to emphasize that she was completely serious about not joining in.

“Can’t say I blame you.” Amber considered how awkward it would be to be pulled into a situation like that and shuttered.

“Alright enough with the debates. It is time to eat!” Brian ended any further discussion of it very quickly with his announcement.


“I’m gonna go watch a movie or something in the room. I’ll see you when you decide to come to bed.” Amber kissed Matt’s cheek before she stood up before he pulled her back down onto his lap.
“What am I boring you?” He tried to keep a straight face but she could see the smile tugging on the corners of his lips.

“No you aren’t boring me, you big baby.” She placed her arms around his neck before he could speak again.

“I am not a big baby. If I’m not boring you then why are you determined to go into the other room and leave me here?”

“Because it has been a long day and I’m a bit tired. I just want to go lay down and watch a movie or something on TV. Keep in mind Matt, I spent half the day shopping with Alyce. It is exhausting keeping up with her when she is on a mission to shop.”

“Okay, fine. Just leave me all alone in here.” Matt released Amber and she laughed as she stood up.

“You big baby!” She called over her shoulder when she walked into the bedroom.

“I am not a big baby!”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night Matt!” She grabbed a pair of pajamas out of the dresser before going into the bathroom. She returned to the bedroom after getting ready for bed to find Willow asleep on her side of the bed. “Okay sleepy head, wake up and move over.” She picked the cat up and put her under the covers at her side.

She had just settled the TV on a channel when Matt walked in. He looked at her with a smile before he grabbed his guitar and left the room without a word. Amber turned the volume down to hear what he was singing but he wasn’t being loud enough for her to clearly hear the words.

“Willow I have a sweet tooth.” She whispered to the cat, who meowed and put her paw over her face. Amber crawled out of bed and went into the kitchen, knowing that Matt was watching her.

“Hungry?” He asked with a chuckle as she opened the refrigerator door.

“No. I have a sweet tooth and there is still some of that raspberry swirl white chocolate cheese cake in here. Do you want a slice?”

“Sure.” After putting two slices on their own plates she replaced the remaining slices in the refrigerator. Grabbing two forks she went back into the living room and handed Matt a fork and one slice before she sat down.

“This is the second time this week that I’ve gotten a sweet tooth. How weird.”

“How did you find this?” Matt asked, pointing the fork at the remaining part of the slice.

“I ventured down the cheesecake part of the aisle because I had a sweet tooth. Its good isn’t it?” She took another bite after answering Matt’s question.

“Yeah its really good.”

When Amber finished she returned the plate and fork to the sink and went over to tell Matt goodnight, knowing that she’d fall asleep soon. When she returned to the bedroom and crawled back in she felt the exhaustion sink in fully.

Not wanting to watch any more TV she turned it off and listened to the sound of Matt’s guitar. The sound was calming to her and soon she was sound asleep.


When he was done with the song he was working on Matt sat his guitar aside and picked um the remote. There was no light coming from the bedroom so he knew that Amber was already asleep. He didn’t expect that there was anything on, he just didn’t want to disturb Amber just yet.

After several minute of channel surfing he settled on Headbanger’s Ball. A glance at the clock told him that it was almost 11. When his cell phone vibrated he knew that it would be on of the guys.

We are on headbanger’s ball!

Matt looked up and saw the beginning of Unholy Confessions before selecting reply. Yes Zacky, we are.

After a few more minutes Matt turned off the TV, and the lights. When he crawled into bed he felt Amber move around a little bit. “Matt?”

“Yeah?” He laid his arm over her side like he always did, waiting for her response.


“Night Amber.” He placed a kiss on her cheek then laid his head on the pillow. The plus side was that the following day was Sunday and so far there were no plans. Which meant hopefully they wouldn’t be woken up by a ringing phone.

“You know you never did show me that new song Matt.” He grinned when he heard Amber’s low whisper.

“I will tomorrow, I promise.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Once again, a bit slow. I promise that it will get better very soon! In the next few chapters is when it really gets started. Comments would be loved! And a special thanks to those who comment/subscribe. To anyone who hasn't read the prequel please do, this one will make a lot more sense if you do :)