When Hope Begins to Fade

Chapter Three

“The weekend goes by too fast.” Amber grinned into the mirror on Monday morning as she applied the eyeliner with Matt leaning in the doorway of their bathroom. She replaced the cap onto the pencil and looked over at her boyfriend.

“You think?” He grinned back at her as she walked towards him.

“Can’t you just call in sick?” His arms wrapped around her as she sighed. “I mean you already said that you feel nauseas.”

“Yeah well its been happening lately, it’ll pass. It will be better to get it over with anyway. And Lisa is supposed to stop by so it could be the perfect time to talk to her about the whole Johnny thing.”

“I still wish that you’d call in sick.”

“Of course you do but then you’d want to stay home from the studio, then the guys will be unhappy with you. I’ll see you this evening.” She kissed his cheek and wiggled her way out of his arms.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” After grabbing her keys she was surprised when he placed a soft kiss against her lips the second she turned around. With one last smile she turned and left the apartment.

When she arrived at the store Esme and Lisa were already waiting. She could see her sister sitting on the counter before she even walked in the store, their loving mother sitting behind it. The second she pulled the door open she was met by Lisa saying “Yay! You are here!”

“Well I work here. What’s your reason for being here?” Amber walked behind the counter and hugged Esme, the same as every other morning.

“My reason is I wanted to see my big sister. I’m a bit impressed at your choice in wardrobe. Plain black button blouse and classic jeans. You even pulled your hair back and put your name tag on. Alyce help you pick it out?”

“I can dress myself thank you very much,” Amber playfully glared at her sister. “Remember I am two years older than you.”

“Wow two whole years!” Lisa stuck her tongue out at her sister and Amber rolled her eyes in return.

“Oh real mature Lisa, real mature.”
“Amber do you want a doughnut? Lisa here brought them over for us when she came.” Esme smiled and opened the box that Amber had not yet noticed. She looked at the contents as she mentally debated whether to have one or not.

“No thanks, my stomach is a bit upset. Maybe later.” She leaned against the counter and waited for Lisa to say something.

“Fine then, more for us!”

“So how was your date on Friday?” Amber measured Lisa’s reaction as she asked. Her sister immediately sighed in response, grabbing a sugar-filled snack before launching into her review of the date.

“He was a pig. First of all he flirted with the waitress, looked down her shirt every time she brought something to the table. He even talked on his phone for five or ten minutes while we were at the restaurant. Then when he kissed me goodnight he practically shoved his tongue down my throat and then expected me to invite him in for the night.”

“Did you slap him?” Amber looked over at the box of doughnuts, once again weighing the pros and cons. At last she caved and grabbed a chocolate frosted one.

“What is it with you and violence Amber?”

“Sometimes it is called for,” Esme chipped in with a grin. “Now answer the question. Did you slap him?”

“Yeah. How was dinner for you guys?”

“Dad was annoying and frustrating. Same as always.”

“It could have been worse though. Just give him time sweetie, he’ll come around eventually.” Esme patted Amber’s shoulder, trying to give her daughter hope. Amber sighed and paused before going on.

“Yeah but when? What if Matt and I get married? Will he then? How about if he becomes a grandfather? Hell what about if I die first?”

“You are being over dramatic sweetheart and you know it.”

“Or what if you two have a baby and then get married?” Lisa chipped in with a giggle. Amber reached over the counter and smacked her sister on the back of the head.

“Shut up and eat your doughnut genius. Did you ever think that if you were still with Johnny that you wouldn’t be out on dates with waitress flirting, shirt-looker-downer, tongue down throat bad kissers who still believe they are going to get laid?”
“Way to be blunt. And if this is one of those he is the better choice pep talks you are doing a horrible job. It sounds more like one of those you are horrible at picking dates type of talks. So which is it exactly.”

“First off I never give pep talks, that is strictly either a mom thing or an Alyce think. Not an Amber thing. Second it was just a question.” Esme laughed and headed to her office, knowing that costumers would soon show up and break up her daughters discussion.

“Can we just let it go? Besides there is a car pulling in the parking lot and you are supposed to be working.”


“So I heard that Lisa is in town.” Johnny said as he sat down in the chair next to Matt, trying to sound conversational. Brian was laying down a guitar riff and Zacky was on his laptop, smiling to himself. They’d lost Jimmy again.

“Yeah I heard that too. I think she was going to hang out with Amber today at the store.” Matt glanced at Zacky and cut it his. He didn’t enjoy being put in these situations.

“Is she going to go hang out with Amber at you guys’ place?” Johnny’s voice sounded more hopeful than he had originally hoped it would.

“I don’t know Johnny. Maybe you could call and ask her?”

“Or you could just ask your girlfriend.”


“I guess I’ll go get us all lunch. Subway sound good?” Lisa asked glancing between her mother and sister as she grabbed her keys. The two nodded and she headed towards the door, already knowing what they’d want.

“You are trying to get Lisa back together with Johnny aren’t you?” Esme asked when the door of Lisa’s car had closed behind her. Amber looked over and smiled sheepishly.

“Well sitting around and waiting for her to come to her senses has never really been my thing, now has it?” Amber’s grin grew confident as she explained, Esme laughing to herself.

“Waiting never has been your thing sweetheart. So I heard that Alyce and Kellan are going to Hawaii.”

“Yes they are going again.” Amber’s voice lowered as a costumer walked into the store.

“Do you know something?” Esme watched for a reaction from her daughter, some sigh that told her that Amber did know something.

“What would I know? I don’t understand why everyone thinks that I know something that I’m not telling anyone about.” Amber felt a hand on her back as her mom laughed.

“Okay I get it, you don’t know anything that you haven’t told us. And when are you and Matt planning on going back to Vegas?”

“You know us well Mom, you know us well. We were thinking after the band finishes up the recording, a weekend get away. How’d you know?”

“You two have been going back there since that first time that you guys ran off to get away. Some things don’t change, its been your favorite get away and/or vacation spot ever since. It’s the same reason why Alyce and Kellan always pick Hawaii.”

“Alright I get your point. You still have that ability to know everything. You don’t have to show off about it.” Esme laughed as a costumer walked up to the counter to pay.

“Fine I’ll stop then, and I’ll return to my office. Call me when Lisa gets back.” Amber nodded and began to ring up the costumer’s purchase.


“I’ll see you guys later.” Matt called over his shoulder as he walked towards the door of the studio. He has just walked out when he heard someone behind him.

“Will you ask Amber about Lisa for me?” Johnny asked, making Matt roll his eyes.

“I don’t know Johnny. Maybe, probably, but first off I’d like to spend a little time with my girlfriend.”

“Thanks man.” He heard Johnny head back towards the studio door as he reached his car. Once inside he pulled out his cell phone and sent a text to Amber to see if she was still at work. After she answered yes he dialed in the number to their favorite take-out Chinese place to put in their usual order.

By the time he reached the restaurant the order was ready. When he reached the apartment it was still empty, so he placed the take-out on the table. He knew that Amber would be home soon enough so he sat down on the sofa, turning on the TV while he waited.

The second Amber walked into the apartment the smell of Chinese food hit her nose. Inhaling the wonder scent, she walked into the living room, finding Matt watching TV. “You really are the best boyfriend.” She leaned down kissed his cheek, knowing that he’d capture her lips in a kiss.
“Well I try.” She grinned and straightened out, walking to their dinning table. She opened all the different take-out boxes and walked towards the cabinets to grab plates.

“You didn’t have to wait for me Matt, you could have ate already.” She grabbed the plates, spoons for the food, and forks for them to eat with before going back to the table. Matt was already waiting for her there, a smile on his face.

“Where is the fun in that? I wanted to wait for you, besides I haven’t even been here for long.” He took the plate that she handed him and they each got their food without another word. Amber stood there, glancing between the table and the sofa, debating. “What are you thinking about?”

“To eat here at the table or eat in the living room.”

“Babe its Monday and you hate Mondays, allow yourself the comfort of eating with your favorite boyfriend in front of the television. Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.” She rolled her eyes and he smirked at her.

“You are my only boyfriend you idiot.” After eating and putting the left-overs in the refrigerator the two took their normal spots to watch a movie. “You know Lisa refuses to talk to me openly about the whole Johnny situation.”

“Johnny wants me to play go-between and ask you if she’s going to hang out with us here while she’s in town. Wanna trade?” Matt looked over hopefully at Amber, who was laying with her back propped up against the end of the couch and her legs bent at the knees, smiling back at him.

“Nah I’m good,” She smiled and let her head fall back. “We’ve gotten lazy you know that? Remember in the beginning when we’d hang out with Alyce and Kellan or the guys and the girls everyday. Now I feel like don’t nothing by the end of the day.”

“You’re just getting old.” Amber playfully matched his teasing smile with one of her own, already knowing her comeback.

“Well you are a few months older than me so look who’s calling the kettle black.” They both laughed and then went silent again.

“So how long did you feel bad for this morning?” Amber had known that he would ask, he worried about her and she knew it.

“Not too long. I don’t know what the hell has been going on with me, I just hope today was the last day. I don’t want to get sick right now. There is too much going on and Alyce would kill me if I’m sick when she gets back from Hawaii.”

“Why would she do that?” Matt watched as his girlfriend shrugged and smiled.

“She’s Alyce. Do we need a reason for it besides that? She’ll probably feel the need to go shopping again and she needs a victim to drag along with her.”

“I could always just follow you guys and steal you back then keep you hidden away.” Amber sat up and smiled at his plan.

“She would get revenge.” He sighed and looked back at the TV screen, nodding his head. She placed her head on her knees and contently watched Matt, until there was a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it.” Matt stood up and walked over to the door of their apartment, Amber not bothering to move. She waited to hear one of the guys or Alyce at the door but she didn’t, instead she heard a “Come in.”

“Surprise!” Lisa clapped when she say Amber. The older of the Davis sisters looked at the younger and their father, who was entering the room behind Lisa. Amber groaned internally and put on her best “big girl” face, as she called it.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here? Where is Mom?” Amber glanced apologetically at Matt, who was walking back towards the sofa with a smile. Lisa sat down on the love seat and Anthony sat down in the kitchen.

“Something about giving you two some privacy. I felt like coming to see my big sister though.” Amber looked from her little sister over to Anthony. It wasn’t that unusual for Lisa to stop by unannounced, it was however extremely unusual for Anthony to.

“What about you Dad? You hardly ever come by announced; let alone come by unannounced.”

“What? I can’t decide to come see my daughter just because I want to?” Matt and Lisa were now watching the exchange, unsure if they should add anything in or just enjoy they show. Amber, however, was carefully examining how clearly uncomfortable her father was in the apartment.

“That’s just it Dad, you could come anytime and you should know that, but you never do. The few times you’ve been here you seem extremely uncomfortable. You were never uncomfortable in the apart Alyce and I shared so why are you in this one?” Amber hid more away from everyone than a single person would ever know. Sure she felt completely horrible for it but in the same sense it was something that she felt needed to stay with her. Every time she saw the expression her dad got the moment he walked through the door it made her heart start to ache and her eyes to sting. She’d watched her mom and both of Matt’s parents walk through the door and look completely happy and at ease. She knew that it was because her dad still didn’t even approve of Matt.

“Its because it is different. When it was you and Alyce all I was walking into was an apartment shared by my daughter and her best friend since birth. That seemed so normal and even natural. But now,” He paused to look away from Amber. “its so different.”

Amber sighed and looked away from Anthony; she just wasn’t ready to deal with this yet. It was undeniable that her relationship with her dad had went downhill since she’d met Matt and Aaron had returned. It was the same level of undeniable that the relationship that she had with Lisa had improved since the Aaron problems, they may have even been closer than ever before. “Right so I just got to see Fairy before we came over here. I’ve been home 24 hours and I just got to see the damn little dog.” Lisa interrupted, making Amber begin to laugh.

“No one ever sees that dog! I swear I see her maybe one every two months or so. The only time that I actually see her is if I go into mom’s office at the store, other than that she’s always off in some other room playing or doing God knows what.”

“When you and Willow were still out the house, or even when Mom has kept while you are out of town I’d see her more than the dog.” Anthony chipped in just as the cat pranced into the living room.

“Speak of the devil and she shall appear.” Amber rolled her eyes at Lisa as the cat made her way to the couch.

“Anybody want a drink?” Matt asked as he stood up, glancing between everyone.

“Will you get me a glass of water?” Amber looked up with a smile, which he returned with a smile and a nod.

“A soda would be nice, thank you.” Anthony chipped in as Matt walked toward the fridge.

“You want anything Lisa?” Matt handed Anthony a Coca-Cola and then turned to look at Lisa.

“No thanks, I’m good.” Matt shrugged and walked back to the sofa, handing Amber the glass of water. She took a drink and then sat the glass down, moving closer to Matt. Lisa smiled at the couple and Anthony looked away, not ready to see his daughter that close to her boyfriend in their apartment.

“Maybe we should go Lisa.” Anthony stood up and threw the now empty soda can in trash can.

“We just got here!” Lisa groaned and cut her eyes at him, he didn’t care though. It was too awkward for him to be there and he needed to leave.

“Why doesn’t Lisa just stay here with us?” Matt suggested, looking down at Amber with a sneaky grin.

“Yeah Lisa, just stay here with us tonight. I’ll take you home tomorrow or something.” Amber smiled warmly at her sister, the same plan forming in her mind that was forming in Matt’s.

“Alright. Bye Dad.” Lisa grinned looking up at Anthony and waving goodbye. She was distracted long enough for Matt to send one single text message. He smiled slyly at Amber and she looked smugly over at Lisa.

It had only been about thirty minutes after Anthony had left when there was a knock. “I’ll get it.” Amber jumped to her feet and hurried to the door, revealing Johnny and Zacky when she opened it. With a grin she said, “Hey guys!”

“Hey Amber.” Although they spoke at the same time you could hear the difference in the two voices, the different emotions. Zacky’s voice conveyed a slight amount of amusement. Johnny’s voice, however, conveyed an excitement that couldn’t be masked.

After an hour and a half of everyone hanging out and talking Amber decided that it was time to get some sleep. “Night everybody, see you tomorrow,” She stood up and the glances of Lisa, Zacky, and Johnny, each of their expressions slightly confused. “What? I’m just tired.”

Matt stayed in the living room for a while after Amber had went to bed. Lisa and Johnny were talking to each other as Zacky mostly observed them and watched TV. Although he tried to stay focused on what was going on in the living room the exahustan had began to set in, with a glance at the clock he noticed that it was pushing 11 o’clock.

“Night everybody. Zack lock the door on the way out.” Without waiting for anyone to respond Matt disappeared into the bedroom, where Amber sat up the minute he walked in. He could see the small smile on her face.

“You got tired?” She asked with a yawn as Matt crawled into bed.

“Yeah. I think they can handle some alone time. Are you sure that you’re feeling okay?” His arm rested over her side, awaiting her answer.

“Yes Matt, I feel fine. I’m just tired, nothing to worry about.” She closed her eyes and began to drift off again. As soon as she was asleep Matt closed his eyes, still listening to what was happening in the living room.

Matt finally fell asleep not long before Zacky and Johnny left. Amber didn’t wake back up after she’d fallen asleep the second time. Lisa took over the couch and by 1:30 in the morning the entire apartment was silent.