Status: Work in progress.

Trouble is a Friend

Chapter Three

We ducked into my two-seater Toyota, it was really the only way to get in and out seeing as it was smaller than most cars, lighter as well. “So how was work?” Mina asked as we pulled away from the driveway.

“Actually interesting for a change.” I said with my eyebrows raised “Well, the end was interesting that is. I met a vampire.”

“Ooohh! Was he cute?” She was a bit of a vampire fanatic.

“What makes you think it was a guy?”

“Why else would you mention it?” She had a point…

“Well yes he was cute but that’s not the point. He followed me home last night and tried to get me to follow him out of the house.”

“Oh shit. That’s not good. How did he find you?”

“Well, he actually saved me. I was going out to my car after work; it was pitch dark except for a few street lights I felt like someone was following me. I looked in the shadows and saw someone moving so I tried to open my door but my hands were shaking too much. Then I got knocked to the ground and after a while I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me.

“I asked if he was going to drain me but he just laughed and helped me off the ground.” I looked over trying to gauge her reaction but she just looked thoughtful.

“So he either saved you or knocked you to the ground himself to make it seem like he saved you. Sound about right?”

“Yeah, that about sums it up. Then he came to my house while I was taking a bath and tried to get me to come out. And when I went to bed I closed the blinds but when I woke up they were open.”

“Ooh, creepy.”

“You're tellin' me! I'd really rather not be another one of those attacked in the last month...”

“Well you did resisted him all on your own. Now all you have to do is keep a rosary with you at all times and not go out at night.”

“He knows where I live! What if my mom accidentally lets him in? Then what? I become vampire chow? Besides not going out at night seems a little impossible with my schedule.”

“Just tell your mom not to let any strange men into the house, and be even more careful at night. Hell, maybe your boss will change your shifts around. Now details, what did he look like? Did you get his name?”

“He had brown hair, he was pretty tall, he had these amazing green eyes,” I had to shake myself, those eyes were for attracting prey, and I qualify as prey “and his name was Ferrell.”

“I like him already. Maybe you should talk to him...”

“You've gotta be kidding me! Are we talking about the same species here? He's a vampire Mina, all he wants is his next meal." I knew she liked the idea of the undead, but she'd never talked about befriending one before.

“I don’t think so, it could be that he saved you and did he tell you he wanted to eat you? And his name means dog, which means loyal and friendly.”

“Well he told me he ‘actually wanted the company’, but vampires are notorious liars!”

“Well, I guess but maybe he wasn't lying.” I rolled my eyes as I parked near the back of the lot.

“You do realize you're supposed to be on my side, don't you?”

“No, I'm supposed to keep you level and make you consider all options.”

“Or try and get me eaten.” I muttered darkly.

“Calm yourself, I’m not trying to get you eaten. All I’m saying is that you need to have a bit of adventure and maybe all that means is talk to the guy from the safety of your room but seriously you need to live a bit. You’re twenty one and you act like you're in a retirement home!”

“As opposed to being an extra in 'Girls Gone Wild'?” I said with a glance at Mina’s reaction.

“I have more fun as an extra than you will ever have as a grandma.”

I sighed as we entered the air conditioned store and headed towards the baking aisle. But when we came up to the beginning I stopped dead in my tracks then quickly slipped into the next aisle grabbing Mina’s hand along the way.

“What was that about?” She asked but I slapped my hand over her mouth.

“He’s here! In the next aisle! Sirius!” Her eyes widened and she slipped out of my grasp to check him out. But instead of just peaking around the shelves like one would normally expect, she just waltzed past him. I peaked around and saw him sniff the air as she walked past, his eyes narrowed and I slipped back to my hiding spot so he wouldn't see me.

Mina finished her lap and came back to me “He’s freaking hot! Why don’t you go for it?”

“Don’t you find it a little strange he’s out in daylight?” I said, I was on the verge of panic.

“Well it is pretty cloudy, maybe he’s just able to go out if it’s cloudy!”

“When have you heard of a vampire going into sunlight?” I stared at her waiting for some recondition of any kind.

It dawned on her “He’s found his soulmate?” I nodded slowly. Vampires can’t go into the sunlight because they don’t have souls, but if they find their true soulmate then they share a soul with that being. Everyone has one but it’s more important for a vampire to find theirs so that they can become stronger but it also provides a vital weakness. If their human soulmate is discovered by an enemy then it's game over. Once that loved one is lost the vampire can be driven insane and easily killed.

Of course they can turn their soulmates into vampires as well, or their soulmate may already be a vampire, but unless they find that other person it can make eternity seem that much longer.
“But if he’s found his soulmate then why is he chasing me? Shouldn't he be at home with her?”

“Maybe he’s not actually a vampire but a really weird, really hot, normal teenager.” She said with a hopeful glance to the other aisle.

“I do prefer that but why would someone lie about being a vampire? Do they want a wooden stake through the heart?”

“Who knows? But I know how we could find out!” She snatched a rosary from her purse and walked calmly towards him; once she was right in front of him she dangled the necklace before him.

“Ahh!” He clutched at his eyes and was driven to the floor. “What the hell?!”

“Oh sorry! I didn’t know! I was just asking if you’ve seen my friends! She has one just like mine!”

“You already know what I am so why bother lying?” He asked as he slowly pulled himself off the floor “Just checking huh?”

“Well you can never be too sure now can you? But one thing we want to know.”


“Why are you out in the daylight?” He didn’t answer but his eyes flicked over to where I was peeking around the shelves.

“Come out come out where ever you are.” He said in a sing song voice. I ducked back, trying to avoid his sight. “I saw you honey.” I swore under my breath and came to join Mina by the blood sucker.

“Well?” I asked tapping my foot on the floor.

“Well what? Honey you have trust issues. Why would someone lie about being a vampire?”

“You tell me!”

His eyes narrowed “You want proof?” I nodded. His eyes turned to Mina “Mina darling…” Her eyes glazed over and she turned on her heel and left the aisle.

“Where is she going? And how do you know her name?”

“Just like I know your name is Cain Edwards, and I can make her, or you for that matter, do whatever I want.”

“I-I don’t believe you!” I started to back away.

“Cain.” He said in that same sing song voice. I couldn't stop myself; I walked towards him, gazed into his eyes, and put my arms around his neck. “See, I can even make you trust me. Just hold still.” His arms snaked around my waist while his head drifted to my neck. His lips brushed across my skin, his cool breath raised the hairs on the back of my neck, and I heard the slow inhale of his breath as he took in the scent of my blood.

I wanted to fight him but his arms around my torso were so solid and I had doubts about my ability to move my feet. It was as though cement blocks were holding me to the ground.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys liked this one, I'm already working on the next chapter so it sould be out in the next few days!

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