Bob's Happy Day

Bob's Happy Day

In a little town called Treeville, there was a happy man named Bob. Bob lived in a cute little house in Treeville with all of his wonderful friends and neighbors. His house was blue with a dainty garden in the front and a stone walkway leading to the door. Bob loved his house and he always kept it very neat.

One morning, after cleaning all of his windows and vacuuming his house, Bob went to the grocery store. He rode to the grocery store on his new red bicycle. The red bicycle had a basket for putting things in, a reflector so Bob could ride at night, and a bell to ring so that people would know he was coming. Bob liked his bicycle very, very much.

When he reached the grocery store, he parked the bicycle in the bike-rack next to the store. He walked inside with his wallet and a list of grocery supplies that he needed. First, he went to the dairy aisle and bought milk. Then, he went to the cereal aisle and bought Frosted Flakes. When he went to the vegetable aisle for vegetables, Bob looked at his list. He needed tomatoes, but he couldn’t find any.

Bob went to the nearest shop assistant for help. “Excuse me,” he said politely, “Could you please help me find tomatoes?”

The shop assistant smiled and replied, “I’m sorry sir; we don’t have any tomatoes right now. However, we have a sale on these farm-fresh cucumbers.”

Bob frowned. “I don’t need cucumbers. I need tomatoes. What can I do now?”

“I wish I could help you,” the shop assistant said apologetically. “Perhaps you could try a different shop for tomatoes.”

Bob thanked the shop assistant and went to the beverage aisle to buy juice. He bought grape juice, apple juice, and lime soda. Bob’s favorite beverage was apple juice. Next, he went to the pet aisle and bought a new bowl and some food for his kitty. His kitty’s name was Sam. Bob loved Sam very much and took very good care of him.

After Bob paid for all of his groceries, he unlocked his bicycle from the bike-rack. He put all of the grocery bags in the basket attached to his bicycle. He began to pedal and rode down the street. On the way, he met his friend Steve. Bob stopped and waved to Steve. Steve waved back.

“Hello,” Steve said with a smile, “How are you, Bob?”

“I am fine! Isn’t it a beautiful day?” Bob replied.

“It is indeed! I was just on my way to your house to give you these cookies.”

“Why, thank you,” Bob replied as he took the bag of cookies from Steve. Bob loved cookies. “Your cookies are always delicious.” Bob and Steve said goodbye to each other. Bob continued to go home on his bicycle. He was very happy.