‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 10

To say it was a good show would have been a dreadful understatement set to insult Frank and his band the moment they walked off the stage. The kids were absolutely insane, screaming the lyrics back at Gerard as he sang them note-for-note pitch perfect despite being highly drunk and possibly highly high.

And Frank. He may as well have been one of the kids since he just couldn't keep still. I'd never in all honesty, ever since anyone thrash around with so much energy and still be able to play the guitar, but maintain that energy all the way through till the last song. It was a feat even my brother and his band of merry men hadn't managed I don't think.

When they were coming off I clapped them with a smile, to which Frank grinned. I hugged him tightly before realising what I'd done and stepped back sheepishly, biting my nail. "Sorry, force of habit."

"Don't be sorry, I like hugs," he grinned, opening his arms. I smiled and stepped back into it, wrapping my own arms around his middle. "Wow, I never thought I'd find anyone shorter than me but I have."

"I like being short, I'll have you know. I can get the guys to do stuff for me."

"Haha, use it to your advantage," Frank laughed.

"Chyeah," I replied as we pulled away from our hug. "No-one ever started any shit with me in school because my brother and his friends are all like, eight foot tall-"

"Eight foot?" Frank questioned with an amused smile.

"I like to exaggerate some times," I flapped my hand. "Makes stories more fun, and besides compared to me it is like they are eight foot tall. Not so much Johnny since he's 5'6 but. Yeah. They are all technically eight foot tall."

Frank laughed at me and I raised an eyebrow at him. After a few minutes he still hadn't stopped and was getting quite hysterical as he doubled over and I couldn't help but laugh back at him. The other three guys from his band - whose names I had yet to learn - came over with confused looks and amused smiles.

"What did you do to him?" The one with the glasses asked as he pointed at Frank who was now laying on the floor laughing.

"Erm, I told him that I like to exaggerate some times and that my brother and his friends may as well be eight foot taller than me," I shrugged, poking Frank with the toe of my shoe. He swatted it away, but grabbed my ankle as he stopped giggling. He took a few last breaths then wiped the tears from his face, still holding my ankle. "Can a lady get her ankle back please?" I asked, smiling as I tugged my foot a little.

"Damn, you're so funny Faith," Frank now smiled almost helplessly up at me, as he yanked my foot, pulling me over so that I landed on him.

"And is this how you woo the girls?" I replied, turning my head to look into his amazing eyes as they watched me.

"Is it working?"

"I don't know. It's a long time since anyone tried," I sat round, to see his other friends, leaning up his side and flashing him a grin. "I stopped growing at 5 so people tend to not notice me all that much."

Frank and his friends laughed some more. "Aww, you're so cute!" The one with the afro then said.

"Yeah, well she was my friend first so nerr!" Frank poked his tongue out at them as he snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me back against him.

"Aww, you think I'm your friend?" I cooed, twisting round to look at Frank properly.

"Who wouldn't want to be friends with you?" Frank shrugged, propping himself up on his elbows; why we were still on the floor I had no idea. "You're awesome."

"Awww, so are you," I grinned back, before climbing to my feet and helping him. "So you going to introduce me to these fine fellas?" I then said, inclining my head towards them.

"I don't know about fine-"

"You're just jealous of my beauty Frank," The one with the afro interrupted, before sticking his hand out for me. "I'm Ray."

"And I'm Bob," The blonde with the blue eyes then said, also shaking my hand.

"I'm Mikey, Gerard's little brother."

"Coolness," I nodded, making mental notes of their names. "You're already way nicer than my brothers friends."

"Ahahahahaha, Way!" A voice laughed from behind us and suddenly an arm fell across my shoulders. I looked up to see Gerard grinning at me. His pupils were just pinpricks now, making it all the more obvious what he had been up to. I smiled anyway, though I think Frank noticed my hesitation because he flashed me that same self apologetic smile.

"So what're you up to, now you've finished watching us gorgeous guys," Gerard asked me.

"Erm, iunno actually," I shrugged.

"Yay!" Frank now yelled happily. "Imma kidnap you and you can come back to our bus with us."

"Your brother must pay the ransom if he ever wants to see you again, mwahahahaha!" Bob now cackled as he and Frank both grabbed an arm and began leading me away from the other three. I laughed and let them, shrugging Zack and the guys right to the back of my mind.

They were the only guys I had ever hung out with, the only ones Zack would allow me to hang round with. He only just let me be friends with Nori. Every time I asked for a reason he would tell me it's because he knows them, that he trusts them with his life and therefore trusted them with mine. It was almost as if I never got a say in the matter, and so had learnt to put my trust in the guys.

But right now I did have a choice. And for the first time in my life I choose to trust five guys I'd only known a few minutes, but felt like I'd known my entire life. My brother and his friends were like their very own Jackass-meets-Dirty Sanchez crew who felt it necessary to hide exactly how they felt. Until either Sarah or I were getting hit on by people and they didn't like it.

These guys however, still had the Jackass thing going on yet there was something more. They seemed like guys who didn't give two shits whether people knew they cared and had feelings and stuff like that. They were the type of guys I often wished my brother and his friends could be.
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Modified: 30th December 2010