‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 12


When I woke the following morning I was alone in the bunk, telling me Sarah obviously, had already woken. I yawned before sliding out of the bunk. The curtains on Faith's bunk were still drawn closed telling me she was still asleep and I smiled, shaking my head. That done, I went and grabbed some clean underwear and a top and went to the bathroom, before heading through to the front of the bus where all the others were.

Sarah smiled at me before presenting me a kiss and a mug of coffee. I kissed her once more before sitting at the table, hitting Johnny's arm in the process so that he would budge over. I yawned, and propped my head up in my hand before I felt someone shaking my shoulder and looked straight up into the dark green eyes of Sarah.

I smiled, before slipping an arm around her waist and pulling her down into my lap. I also noticed Faith's laptop on the desk; it was closed but I couldn't care less because now I could find out who the hell she was with the day before. I pulled it towards me and opened it up, before turning it on and waiting for it to boot up.

Damn password.

I scowled and scratched my head before gulping some coffee down. Then I began to go through all the possible passwords. None of which worked. Thinking like Faith should have been easy for me since we'd spent 22 years - and however many months and days it was - together.

I ran a hand over my face, before propping my head up and staring at the screen. "I see Faith's still asleep. Anyone know what time she got back?" I asked as I tried yet another possibility that didn't work.

"She's not even here," Jimmy pointed out, looking confused. "She didn't come back. I just brought the laptop in here because it was on the floor where it could get trodden on."

My eyes snapped away from the screen to him and then all the others who looked a little sheepish, almost as if they had known and didn't tell me. With that my attention was drawn away from them to the door which had opened. Actually we all looked and were met with the Berry's.

Good, Matt was good at hacking into things.

"Matt, get into Faith's laptop for me," I asked, sliding towards him. He rubbed his hands together, before kneeling at the end of the table and beginning his work, all the while Jason helped himself to sitting on Johnny's lap.

"I see Faith has got herself some man candy," he grinned, waggling his eyebrows.

"Man candy?" I frowned.

"Yeah, I saw her going to his bus last night," he shrugged, helping himself to breakfast. "I seen them together a lot actually."


"Who?" I asked, cutting Sarah off.

"Err, the guitarist one who like, saved her head when they fell down that hill. Frank somebody or other."

"Iero?" I frowned deeper.

"I told you it was Frank Iero!" His brother yelled, before sliding the computer round for me and my eyes set on the desktop picture. "Cough up bitch!"

I barely heard that or anymore of what those two or anybody else said because all I could do was stare at the screen. Frank and Faith had their arms around each other, smiling, but Frank wasn't looking at the camera. He was looking at Faith. Instantly I saw red and leapt from my seat, Sarah stumbling into Matt. If it hadn't have been for his quick reaction she would have fallen over or into one of the kitchen units.

"That son of a bitch!" I yelled angrily, flying down the steps and flinging open the bus door.

"Zack!" I heard Sarah and the others yell behind me but I just couldn't stop because anger had completely taken over my entire body. "Zachary James Baker, you stop this instance!" Sarah yelled again, sounding angry at me, but I kept on storming to the bus I wanted.


I woke before Faith the following morning, finding her cuddled right up to me in the bunk, and one of her hands resting on my stomach. I brushed the hair back from her face gently, tucking it behind her ear. She was so beautiful when she slept. Well, she was beautiful all the time but she looked so peaceful and serene as she lay beside me in my bunk.

You love her! You want to kisss her!

Go away annoying voice. You can't sing for shit.

I'm your conscience. I can't go away so ha! Plus, you know I'm right.

No you're not. She's my friend, I've only known her like, two months.

So? Love knows no barriers dear Frankie.

Piss off!

Gahh! I was talking to myself in my head. I closed my eyes and shook my head to get it away before opening my eyes and looking at Faith once more. "You're certainly something," I whispered as my eyes darted over every feature of her face.

I smiled and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before gingerly pulling my arm out from beneath her. That task done I climbed out of my bunk and headed to the bathroom. Once I was finished in there I went into the front to see Gerard and Bob already awake. I fixed myself some coffee before sitting at the table.

Our left over bowl of popcorn sat in front of me so I decided to eat some, even though it had congealed together in a hard mass now. "Who've you got here?" Gerard asked, looking up from his drawings with a sly grin, and pointing to the pile of clothes. A completely sober Gerard wasn't a very common occurrence so I revelled in it.

"Faith," I shrugged, as I broke off some popcorn and shoved it in my mouth. "She fell out with her brother and I told her she could stay here."

"Where is she now?" Bob then added.

"My bunk. Asleep."

The pair of them raised their eyebrows as they looked between me and her clothes. And I realised what the hell they were getting at. "Dude, she's my friend! Get your head out of the fucking gutter!"

"Oh you lo-"

"Get your scrawny little pansy ass out here right now Iero!!" Gerard was cut off by an angry familiar voice yelling. We looked at each other confused as Mikey and Ray now joined us with just as much confusion on their faces.


I lay in the empty bunk, looking at the pictures stuck to walls around it. I smiled at each of them before an all too familiar voice met my ears, followed by other voices. I lay in the bunk for a moment, waiting to see if there would be more but there was nothing.

I hopped down from the bunk, snatching up one of Frank's hoodies and pulling it on before heading down the bus. The door was open so I headed down the steps only to stop when I got to the bottom to see Zack and the guys hurrying over, yelling at Zack as Frank and his friends moved towards him.

I completely froze, just watching the scene as it unfolded like the idiot I was. Zack shoved Frank, making him stumble back; Zack had a good five or six inches on Frank and I bit down on my lip as my feet let me descend the final step to the already hot asphalt outside.

"What the fuck are you doing with my sister?" Zack growled.

"Looking after her, unlike you!" Frank retorted, his voice laced with venom as he regained his feet.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He snapped angrily, his fist now balling up.

And now I found my lungs. "You know exactly what the fuck he means Zack!" I screamed.

So now everybody was alerted to my presence. I think my attire only made things worse though - you know, wearing nothing but Frank's top, Frank's boxers and Frank's hoody - because his face turned even darker. "You fucker!!" And with that his fist connected with Frank's face. Several times.

Frank stumbled backwards, holding a hand to his face as Zack walked towards him for more. I watched as Frank spat blood on the floor. "Since when did 'looking after' someone mean sleeping with them?!"

I ran forward and came to a halt between the two of them, just as Zack was about to lash out again. Jason, Matt, Matt, Brian, Jimmy and Johnny all took that chance to restrain him, as Frank carried on spitting blood onto the floor. I glared at Zack hard who was panting as he seethed.

"What the fuck did he do to you?" I spat as Sarah stepped up beside me, her arms folded across her chest, glaring just as hard at her boyfriend.

"He touched you, that's what," he spat back.

"Frank hasn't laid a fucking finger on me!" I yelled. "Unlike you guys, he doesn't perve on anything with two legs and a fucking pussy!"

"Just because he hasn't touched you doesn't mean he doesn't perve," Zack hissed.

"And what if he does?" I then asked, spreading my arms out.

"Better yet," Sarah now piped up having stayed silent till now and I noticed - with much satisfaction might I add - he now gulped. "Why does it matter that you found out who she was spending all her time with?"

His eyes settled on her with a look of fear and pleading set into his eyes, as if she knew something and he didn't want anyone to know. I was intrigued now and I hoped to God that my darling sister-in-law would completely ignore the looks he was giving her.

"Why did it matter so badly that it was Frank she was spending her time with?" Sarah went on, but Zack remained silent and kept making the same looks at her. "Or maybe, just maybe, it could be for the exact same reason that Faith has never actually had a boyfriend."

I felt my stomach drop as I stared at Sarah; I couldn't believe she just went and said that out loud. Obviously, neither could Zack. "Sarah, don't," he pleaded.

"Don't what Zack?" She frowned. "Don't you think Faith deserves an explanation to it? Don't you think Frank would like to know why you beat him up for seemingly no reason?"

This was new to me. But obviously not the others. "What're you talking about Sarah?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"Sarah, I told you I didn't want her to know," Zack whined in a voice I had never heard him use before.

"You know how Zack always told everyone he wasn't scared of anything?" She asked, turning to look at me. "It made him the biggest liar on Earth because his biggest phobia, the thing is he is scared of most of all is that you'll fall in love, Faith. He doesn't want another guy to look after you, he wants to be the only guy to protect you. That's why you never had a boyfriend, other than being offered those four."

I felt hot salty tears stream down my face as I looked up at Zack's face. He looked so miserable, so guilty and I saw a tear in the corner of his eye. But right about then I had never felt so much hatred in my life. Especially not towards a guy who was supposed to love me. "You bastard," I whispered, before walking away, leaving them all where they were.

And what broke my heart even more was something Zack still continued to say after all that:

"You stay away from her Iero."
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Modified: 2nd February 2011