‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 16


Faith fell pretty much straight to sleep that night which surprised me because she was upset and she was so livid at her brother...it wasn't a good combination at any rate. I honestly expected her to stay awake half the night with her mind in the state it had been left.

As for myself, well sleeping was seemingly not an option. All I could do was watch her, revelling in her natural beauty, wishing desperately to take away all the pain she was feeling. Her brother was such an asshole; I felt like going round and saying something, but I refrained because I didn't want to make the situation worse. He probably already felt like crap for making her hate him.

I couldn't believe she really wanted to go home. Worse than that I couldn't believe how far my stomach had sunk when I heard her say that. I had just about managed to convince myself I was sticking up for her as my friend and now here I was getting all worked up at the possibility of her going all the way back to Orange County. It was bad enough that at the end of the tour we'd be that far apart once I was in New Jersey, I didn't want it to happen sooner rather than later.

By the time morning had rolled around I'd only had about 3 hours of sleep, but I couldn't sleep any longer because my mind was far too restless with thoughts of Faith and exactly what my feelings were towards her. I rested my head down on the pillow beside her, watching her.

Her bottom lip was quivering as she mumbled in her sleep, her eyes hidden completely by her mop of black hair and green extensions. I brought a hand up, gingerly dragging my fingers over her smooth skin that felt like cashmere to touch. I pushed her hair away so I could see her face properly and smiled, my heart racing a little.

A yawn escaped from my mouth so I closed my eyes hoping that maybe this time I would be able to sleep, but the moment Faith began to mumble again I saw those hopes fly out of the tour bus window. I still laid there with my eyes closed though, listening to her, trying not to laugh, until finally I fell asleep again.


"Dude if Zack saw this-"

"Sssh Mikey!" Someone hissed, cutting him off.

"Yeah you'll fucking wake them up!" A voice I recognised as Gerard's said; so he wasn't passed out on the floor anymore. "Besides, unless you want Zack to turn into the Warped Tour Ripper, I suggest he doesn't find out, 'kay?"

"Well he's going to have to accept it eventually; everybody on the damn tour can see how crazy they are for each other."

"Whasgoingon?" A voice mumbled from above me; it was Faith stirring where she was laid a top of me. The guys instantly shut up, realising we were awake. Or rather, they knew Faith was; I kept my eyes closed and my arms clamped around her waist. I hadn't actually realised Faith was laying on top of me until then.

"Err, morning Faith," Mikey said.

"Hi," she mumbled, her breath blowing over me. "What the- ah dude! Frank wake up! You fucking dribbled on me! That's so fucking gross you asshole!"

I wanted to laugh so badly but I kept up with pretending to sleep, all the while the guys did.

"Frank!" She yelled again, slapping my chest the best she could. "Frank, let me go! Gahh, you suck you fucking asshole let go of me!"

The guys continued to laugh and I could hear wheezing which I guessed was Mikey, that was until I felt a pair of lips crash against mine. I gasped and instantly my eyes flew open, my arms slipping from around her and I shot up. Until I heard a thud and her lips pulled away from mine. I stared open mouthed at her as she brought her hands up to her head almost protectively.

"Ouch you fucker!" She whined, hitting me again.

"I didn't know you were gonna kiss me!" I yelped in reply.

"It was the only way to make you let go of me!"

"Well don't complain then!"

"You didn't have to sit up and make me bang my head though!"

"I wasn't expecting it!"

"You still didn't ha-"

"Okay kids!" Gerard now yelled, grabbing Faith around the waist and pulling her from the bunk and down the bus away from the beds. Ray and Bob hurried after her whilst Mikey stayed here with me. Now I wasn't having a minor spat with her I realised just how hot my cheeks felt.

I ran my hands over my face and heard a stifled laugh. I looked across at Mikey who was biting down on his bottom lip, obviously trying not to laugh. I frowned. "What?" Mikey carried on laughing. "Wha-at?!"

"Your face when she kissed you."

I scowled and threw a cushion at his head before hopping down off the bed and hiding in the bathroom. I turned the shower on before standing in front of the mirror and studying myself. My black hair was matted and hung in my face whilst my eyeliner from yesterday was smeared across my skin.

But that wasn't what I was really studying. I could still feel my lips tingling and they were still flushed a little from the kiss. My heart was racing slightly and a smile was creeping onto my face even though I knew the kiss was harmless, just something meant to wake me up.

If my mom was here she would say those were the symptoms of a man in love but that was crazy because I'd barely known her two months. I just can't believe she kissed me. There was a knock on the door but I ignored it and climbed into the shower.

When I climbed out I just wrapped a towel around my waist and yanked open the door, walking straight into Faith. She glanced down my body, her eyes widening, before looking back up and gulping, her cheeks filling up with heat as did my own. "S- sorry," she stuttered before hurrying around me and into the bathroom.

"Aha, she was so checking you out just then," Bob grinned at me.

"Shut up," I scowled before going to find some clothes for the day.
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Modified: 22 February 2011