‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 18

The morning of our arrival in Huntington Beach you could already tell we were in Orange County. All possible windows were open on the bus as far as they would go and it was still too hot. Well, the guys were moaning about the heat but I was loving it. I'd proper missed my home whilst being on the tour.

So much so, to honour my homecoming I dressed that morning in a denim mini skirt and a plain mint-green halter neck top over the top of a bikini and with my flip-flops, whilst slinging my hair up messily off my neck. All my clothes were packed up to go home and get them washed too because, although I had washed them whenever possible, I wanted to make sure.

The moment we'd passed the 'Welcome to Huntington Beach' sign - yes I had been sitting at the bus window waiting for it - I ran to the other end of the bus where the driver was and sat watching with an eager grin as my beautiful home town approached toward us. Even from here I could see the glistening of the wonderfully blue warm water and I couldn't wait to get to the beach.

I felt a gentle hand rest on my shoulder and I looked round to see Frank looking ahead with a smile. When he noticed me looking he passed me some items which I noticed to be a black cap of his and my Roberto Cavalli sunglasses and I took them, giving him a smile of thanks which he returned. Not the thanking part, he just smiled back I mean.

Then beyond him I noticed the other four and grinned some more before turning back. "Welcome to my hood guys." I stated and I heard Frank's soft laugh as his calloused fingers dragged over the bare skin on my slender shoulders before leaving all together.

"Do we get to meet your parents?" I heard Bob speak up enthusiastically and I laughed.

"If you promise not to kill them you can." I replied. "Funnily enough I do actually love my parents."

"Erm, just one, teensy weensy, tiny whiney, lickle ickle thingy-m-bobby, Faithy." Mikey now spoke up and I turned to look up at him curious.

"That would be?" I raised an eyebrow slowly.

"Erm, Zack thinks you're at home apparently."

"Oh crap." I scowled before flapping my hand and turning round once more. "Oh well, if he gets there first I'll bullshit him. He sucks at telling when people are lying."

That said I felt a pair of arms slip around my waist and some legs stretch out either side of me, as Frank - not hard to figure out after close inspection when he's the only member of the band with tattoos - pulled me back to lean against his chest. Then he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Someone's happy to be home." He said quietly, his warm breath blowing over my neck and making me laugh before I could control myself. "What?"

"Your breath really tickles." I giggled.

"So when do I get my tat?" He then asked. At this point I think we were alone with just the driver because I heard receding footsteps whilst I was giggling.

"Erm, well you'll be playing today and we have the day off tomorrow so, tomorrow?" I reasoned. "I can take you to the shop that way and it will be all nice and clean and then I can decide what I wanna take with me."

"Sounds good to me. I get a tat in a proper place, they get them done backstage and on buses." He agreed with a smile in his voice.

"Decided what you're having done?"

"Yup, it's in your sketch book."

"Doesn't matter where it is, I only need to see it once and I'm clutch." I answered. "I have a photographic memory, you see."

Suddenly I felt a pair of lips against my shoulder before they moved away and returned several times until reaching my neck, lingering much longer this time. So much so I could feel him smiling before he let go and rested his chin on my shoulder once more, his head right beside mine this time.

"You are simply amazing Faith Baker." He sighed softly.

"So are you Frank Iero."

"No I mean-"

"Oh yay!" I squealed cutting him off and leaping to my feet as the bus rolled to a stop. Hopping up and down impatiently I nagged the driver to hurry up opening the doors and once he had I jumped off, missing a few steps entirely out of pure excitement to be home, even if it was for a few days.

It meant I could see mom.

Then I remembered Frank had been about to talk when I interrupted him. I turned back as I pulled on the cap and sunglasses, to see him hopping down off the bus too, his eyes down to the ground and his hands shoved in his pockets. I frowned slightly, going over to him.

To get his attention I jabbed his side with my finger, an action that only made him jump aside and whine slightly as he rubbed his side before looking at me. I grinned. "What's the face for?"

"You poked me." He pouted.

"No, I mean the whole 'hands-in-pockets-looking-at-shoes' gig you'd got going on when you got off the bus."

Frank considered me silently for a moment, his hazel orbs scanning over my face. After a few seconds he opened his mouth as if to say something before closing it with a sigh I don't think I was supposed to have heard. And finally a smile met his lips. "Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about."

"I'm not pretty." I retorted, shoving his arm lightly.

"What sort of a mirror have you been looking in?" Frank scoffed. "The evil twin mirror to the one on Sleeping Beauty?"

"Frank really, I'm not-"

"No, you only think that 'cause you've never had a boyfriend and until now that was the only thing you could think of to explain it, when in actual fact it was just Asshole." Frank said, as he grabbed both my shoulders making me stop. "You, Faith Annalisa Baker of Huntington Beach, Orange County, California, are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and I won't hear a word against it."

"I...I..." I began to stutter like an idiot as I simply stared away at him. "I don't know what to say."

"That's where you go-" Frank put on a high pitched voice that made me giggle "-'oh my God Frankie you're so right lets go enter me into Miss Universe right now an-' owie, that hurt!"

I giggled at his pout as he rubbed his side some more. "You're cute when you whine like that."

"Whatever, just don't abandon us on the tour again, like you did this time!" Frank now said, yanking me into his arms, lifting me from my feet and spinning me round. I was confused to say the least. "I missed you Faithy!"

But my questions were quickly answered however when I heard a familiar low grumble, soon joined by the loud boisterous voices I had grown to become accustomed to. And just to confirm it when I turned my head, there they were coming round the end of the bus and up the asphalt in our direction. Ahh, playing it up to Zack so he thinks I've been at home. Well Done Frank, quick thinking.

Note to self: Thank Frankie for saving my ass.

Sarah smiled at me broadly and I smiled back, ignoring the glare that Frank and Zack were sharing. That was before I had Johnny yanking me away from Frank - his arms having still been around my waist, rather firmly and protectively might I add - and wrapping his arms around me as he jumped around.

"Gahh, I knew there was a reason Warped hadn't been so fun!" He exclaimed. "It was because you weren't there!"

"Whoa whoa whoa," Brian now said pulling him off me with one grab of his shirt neck "I'm sure Faith isn't deaf or blind, alright? I think she might like to breathe too, 'kay?"

"Thank you." I smiled at him as we shared a quick hug.

"How's your temper since you came home?" He now asked with a wink.

For a few moments I stared at him slightly confused until he mouthed 'I know' to me and I smiled back - or grinned back rather as Sarah came to stand with us. All the while Zack was grumbling, switching the glare between me and Frank. "It was fine until he showed up."

"You are so immature." Zack mumbled, shaking his head.

"Oh and you're not?" I retorted. "Anyway, I must run. I promised Nori I'd get him a coffee when I came to get Frank and the guys."

"See you later." Sarah smiled some more at me as we hugged. "We'll talk later."

That done she walked up to Zack who was keeping up his 'evils', and grabbed his arm to drag him away across the parking lot followed by the rest of the band. I watched for a few moments as Zack argued with Sarah to be let go and struggled against her grip.

Sarah won.


I then turned back to my five friends who were watching too with amused smiles before looking back at me. "Who's for meeting the 'rents then?"