‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 19

Leaving my friends talking with dad I followed mom to the other end of the kitchen to help her make some coffee. As I was pulling out the required amount of mugs, chuckling at the conversation my dad was having with Gerard and the guys, mom smiled knowingly at me. I frowned, with a smile, out of confusion.

Mom then glanced back towards the table and I looked too, following her gaze just in time to see Frank look away. Then mom looked back at me, still with that same self knowing 'mom' smile. I looked back to what I was doing and began spooning coffee into each mug, feeling two sets of eyes on me.

"What?" I finally asked.

"You've found yourself quite a young man haven't you?"


"Frank." I felt my cheeks burn up instantly. "He keeps looking at you, it's so cute. Like he's doing now."

I turned around and sure enough, that second set of eyes were Frank's and the moment I met them with my own he cracked out an even broader smile and blew me a kiss. I felt my own smile broaden as I made to catch it, put it in my pocket and blow one back at him which he pretended to catch and press to his cheek before blowing another at me and making me giggle.

Then I turned back to the task at hand. Again with the look from mom. "See?" She grinned, pushing my arm slightly.

"Yeah, I just wish Zack would see it that way." I smiled weakly, my mood turning slightly sour at the thought of him.

"Oh he'll come around."

"Yeah, when the Pope finally decides he likes Marilyn Manson and Slipknot." I scoffed.

"Faith, you came round to Sarah." Mom said, rubbing my shoulder. "He will too. You are more alike than the both of you like to admit, or realise even."

"No, mom. I was subtle and indirect with my approach. Zack is constantly making remarks to Frank." I retorted with an even deeper frown. "I used the silent treatment, he's using the violent treatment."

Mom shook her head and said no more as she went round and stirred each mug as I added hot water, before taking a few in my hands and walking back to the table. I handed out what I had as mom did the same and sank down into the only chair that was free.

"Do you want to sit down honey?" Dad asked, half rising from his seat.

I shook my head as I stood playing aimlessly with Frank's soft hair. "Nah, I'm cool dad. But thanks anyway."

That said I found Frank hooking his arm around my waist as he slid the chair back over mums white marble flooring and pulling me down onto his lap. I smiled at him before grabbing my mug and drinking from it, but it was mostly just to hide the fact my cheeks had reddened once he had kissed my cheek.

"I must say it's nice to have a different set of friends messing up my house." Mom commented with a light laugh and a playful smirk.

"I resent that Mrs Twin's Mom!" I heard Jimmy yell from the depths of the house and when I looked up I saw Zack standing in the kitchen archway, frowning at me and Frank, as all the others crowded up behind him.

Yes, our house was always the meeting place. They would all go see their parents when we got back off tour before ending up here after ten minutes of letting their parents fawn over how thin they had got from being poor in a crappy van that broke down all the time for 3 months or whatever. Unless it was just our mom and dad that went on about how thin we had gotten and nothing else.

And yes, despite being in our twenties now and mom and dad insisting that they called them Julie and Jiles, our friends still called them Mrs Twin's Mom and Mr Twin's Dad.

Either way, they were here now. And I felt Frank's grip on my waist tighten. I turned in his iron grip, wrapping my arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his cheek, before smirkingvindictively towards my brother who scowled even more at this action.

Mom instantly got up from her seat and pulled him into her arms, gushing happily, as she planted kisses all over her 'special little guy's face. He smiled at her, but his eyes kept on flicking back in our direction, before finally, after mom had let go of him and sat down again, Sarah stepped up and clipped him around the ear. So she noticed too. Stupid asshole, hahaha.

"So Faith, how's life been at home?" Zack asked hostilely as he placed his hands on the back of moms chair and glared at me over her head. That's it; play it up so it looks like I'm lying. Well guess what Zack? You're a sucky liar, and mom learnt to see through your lies years ago and she is so on my side, she knows I didn't come home, she lied for me so ha!

"Better than it was on tour." I retorted coldly, maintaining the glare. "Except for the part where I had to leave Frank behind."

"Frank seemed pretty happy without you there though." Zack responded.

"Wanna know a little secret?" I know smirked as I climbed to my feet, forcing Frank to let go of me, and leaning over the table towards my brother. "I was there all a long, I never came home. And the whole tour knew about it Zack. Everyone except for you."

"Err, guys, I think we need to go for sound check and stuff." Gerard interrupted, climbing to his feet as me and my twin stood glaring at each other, our jaws set and our fists clenched and shaking. Mom and dad also stood up now as Sarah ushered Zack's friends out of the room for a moment.

I felt a hand around one of my fists, their fingers working to ease the ball I'd made and quickly I let them, loosing my hand and lacing my fingers through theirs. I turned away from Zack, who was trying to shrug off dad, to see it was Frank who was holding my hand and making as if to walk towards the hall.

I allowed him to do so and the moment we were out of the kitchen the air felt different, less tense and awkward. Mom was fussing over the other four, telling them "how nice it was to finally meet the guys my daughter has been raving about" - her words not mine - as Frank pulled me in for a hug, all the while keeping his grip firm on my hand.

"You can get yourselves back to the bus, yeah?" I asked him.

"I was paying more attention to you than to where we were going but Mikey's good with directions." Frank smiled back at me.

"Hokay, but call me if you get lost and I'll come rescue you." Frank laughed and pulled me closer. "Look, I'm staying here tonight. I miss my proper bed, but if you want you could swing by around 6? Just come to the door and we can head down to the beach and do stuff, iunno. Something."

"Sounds good to me." He smiled, kissing my cheek. "I'll see you at six then."

"You will do." I grinned back, tiptoeing so to kiss his cheek before walking backwards, our arms outstretched and joined by our hands in the middle before letting go. He blew me one last kiss before letting Bob shove him out the front door.

When I turned around mom was watching me with her arms folded and a slight frown. I walked towards her with a hesitant grin and she just shoved me into the kitchen to where dad was with Zack. Strategically, they had placed us either side of the table and there were no items upon the top so we couldn't use them as WMD's against each other.

They both frowned at us, both with their arms folded. Instinctively both Zack and I glanced at each other, the way we always did when we're in trouble, before looking back at them. "Firstly!" Mom shouted. "Don't you dare do that again in front of guests! Do you realise how uncomfortable you were making them feel?!"

"Sorry." We mumbled as we hung our heads slightly; those apologies weren't to each other though, and we all knew that. It was gonna take a hell of a lot more to get me and Zack to apologise to each other.

"And secondly, to ease our tempers I think a game of ball is in order, now get your asses into that garden and find your gloves." Dad now said, and I couldn't but smile at him before trudging out of the room, following Zack's back, to find my bat and glove.