‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 2

I couldn't help the fond smile that graced my lips as I rolled to a stop in the parking lot, my eyes having instantly located my twin brothers black BMW M5 with rims. I personally liked my Audi SUV better, but then again that might just be due to the fact that I only stand at 5'1 whilst he stands at 5'10, and so it gives me more height. Big cars suit small girls.

Hiding my iPod and sunglasses safely in the glove compartment where I couldn't possibly break them through drunken antics - if I stayed long enough to get drunk that is - I reached over to grab my bag before opening the door and jumping down to the asphalt. I then locked up before heading over to the doors and confidently pulling them open, a million and ninety-two fond memories rushing back at me as I stepped inside.

Pushing my long black hair from my face it only fell forward again and I wondered where on Earth my hair tie had actually gone, whilst I glanced round in search of my brother and our friends; low and behold they were sat around the billiards table. Instead of heading straight over I headed to the bar first, standing on the foot bar around the edge to give me a better view and waited to be served. Finally someone came over and grinned at me.

"Sister Vengeance," Pete grinned, grabbing a glass before I'd even told him what I wanted. "What happened to you last night?"

"I went out with Nori," I grinned, looking up from under my long dark lashes to see his age worn face grinning back. "I got a bit friendly with the Sake."

"I knew you'd been drinking last night." A familiar voice laughed out from behind and I turned to see Brian stepping up beside me. I laughed too, shaking my head before asking Pete for my drink - which was always a beer to begin with - then waited for Brian to get his round before heading over to my friends. I was feeling nice and it wouldn't have been fair to leave him to carry all of them himself.

Dumping my bag on the seat, I pushed my hair back some more as I set my beer down on a table. Sarah stood up instantly and I moved round to hug her before moving over to the billiards table and racking it up. My brothers sudden 'disappearance' hadn't gone unnoticed by me and I smirked. He couldn't hide for long.

"I found a certain someone hiding in the bathroom," Jimmy announce and we all looked round to see him dragging Zack. Zack who was trying desperately to go the other way. I simply grabbed a pool cue up from the rack and waited for him to get close enough before hitting him with it; not so hard I could get arrested for GBH but enough for him to whine and rub his arm.

"Nice to see you too Faith," he scowled, sitting down beside Sarah with his arm protectively around her shoulders.

"Shame it's not a reciprocated feeling, huh?" I went on as I sat on his other side; that was the cue for our bodies to synchronise if you will, and simultaneously with our left hands, we reached out to grab our beers, drink from them and then replace the bottles to the table in front of us.

It hadn't gone unnoticed by me how everyone was watching our actions carefully like they always did; I remember the first time we had ever done something simultaneously in front of them and how freak-show-ish we suddenly became to them. It still amazed them to this very day that we could do stuff in sync with one another and not even have to think about it, or plan and practice it days in advance.

"So what exactly have I done then?" Zack eventually asked, completely ignoring his girlfriends shudder and turning his head to look at me.

"Hmm well, remember how you trashed mom and dad's by having a party there because the house was bigger than yours?" I began, his eyes trained on mine as if he was trying to intimidate me.

"So? What about it?"

"Well, when you lot all decided to go one vacation for two weeks taking all of my friends with you and not bothering to invite me, I got babysat by nonno and nonna because mom and dad have gone on their trip to Europe and were scared the house would get trashed again. I am a twenty-two year old woman Zachary, and I got babysat by my grandparents because of my dumb ass twin brother!"

I could see the corner of his mouth twitching as several others snorted, most noticeably Matt who tried to cover it up by holding his hand to his mouth.

"Which also meant I almost got busted by nonna for my tattoo."

"That's like, the tiniest little thing on your bikini line, Faith," Zack frowned, obviously confused. "Unless nonna has turned into an incest lesbian, she wouldn't see that."

I rolled my eyes and drank some more of my beer before meeting him with my eyes again. "You're hopeless, you know that?"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"I got inked again. My first major bit of artwork, if you will, that I have had to keep covered with gauze and lies so she didn't find out."

Zack grinned at me. I knew what that face was and without him or any of the others having to say anymore, I stood up, turned and pulled my top up so they could see what was now on the base of my spine. I'd had 'Sister Vengeance' tattooed across it and my pin-up nun. I love pin-up girls. I'd painted several on my bedroom wall at home.

When I was sure they had had a good enough look I let go of my top, straightened it out and sat down once more. "I can see why you want to hide that from your Italian grandparents," Johnny spoke up and I flashed him a smile with an accompanying shrug. "Such blasphemy Miss Baker."

"It's not blasphemy if I do not believe in all that crap," I retorted.

"Wow, you're on fire tonight Faith," Brian grinned.

"I also feel like I may just drop down dead at any minute," I yawned. Damn. Half six and I was already yawning. "Sake is fun, but now I'm tired."

"When have you been drinking sake?" Zack asked, his eyebrow raised at me.

"I went out with Nori last night."

"Who's Nori?"

"Noriyuka Haga who I work with; the gay one who wants to tap you, deare-"

"Yeah, yeah. We get the picture. You don't have to go on."

I smirked and kissed his cheek before grabbing my bottle and downing the rest of the beer. Then I grabbed my bag up and stood. Everyone watched me as I rooted for my car keys, yawning more as I did so. Once done, I announced my departure, gathered and dished out the goodbyes, before heading to the door.

I just wanted to collapse on my bed which was exactly what I did when I got home. I shouldn't have let Nori persuade me to drink the sake. I shouldn't have stayed up so late several nights on the trot and on the final one drink sake. I shouldn't have drunk sake then gone to work.

I should just have stayed in bed all day and then slaughtered my brother properly once I was rested.

I pulled off my top and jeans, swapping them for a different top and a pair of pants before flopping back onto my bed, my eyes fluttering shut with sleep the moment my head hit the pillows.
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Modified: 3rd May 2009