‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 21


Faith said I could have my tattoo done in the shop - which was very nice when she took me there the following morning; you could easily tell which was her room, just by looking at the things that adorned the worktops and walls - but then she changed her mind. I don't know why, but this is Faith we're talking about.

So once she had bugged her cool Japanese friend Nori into coming along too, we grabbed all the things they would need and loaded them into her car before making our way back to where the tour was. Thankfully Faith had a spare VIP pass in her bag which Nori was able to use.

And once Faith had got everything set up how she wanted at the back of an unused tent she chucked her sketchbook at me. I sat down where she pointed and showed her the sketch and she smiled at me, before grabbing some paper and a purple-blue pen and drew it out. Without looking at the book might I add. "One of my favourites that."

"Well I want that one even more now." I grinned.

"Oooo, what's going on in here?" I heard a voice coo, and the both of us looked round to see Johnny stepping into the shade, casting his gaze over all the equipment, including the equipment boxes she was using for chairs and tables.

"Faith is setting up her own Warped Tour tattoo parlour." Nori replied, and she laughed.

"Oooo, ink me?" Johnny then yelled excitedly, jumping up and down.

"I can't 'cause I've already got a client but ask Nori and I'm sure he will." She answered, not looking up from what she was doing but pointing behind her to her friend. Johnny just nodded before going over to the Japanese man who pulled out several binders of what I figured were designs. I saw Faith finally recap her pen before shoving a pair of black rimmed glasses over her eyes and lifting up the design. "Hokay Mr Iero, where do you want it?"

"Since when was I Mr Iero?" I grinned at her and she finally looked up to meet me with her eyes.

"Force of habit." She grinned back. "This is my job so I'm technically working right now. But anyway, where do it want it Frankie?"

"Oh, err," I pulled my top off for her to access my upper arm better and noticed a whole host of people now crowding round watching; I grinned and gave them my thumbs up and Faith turned to look before laughing and shaking her head. "Right here." I then said, pointing to where I wanted to be inked.

That said she wiped over the area with something and pressed the design to my arm, then told me to look in the mirror to see if it was okay. I already knew it would be, but I looked anyway before going back and sitting down as she pulled her hair back into a hair tie, and pulled on some black rubber gloves.

Beyond us I could already hear the buzzing as black lines appeared on Johnny's arm and more and more people gathered to watch; not just fans, but other people from bands and roadies and the like. I was so busy watching them I didn't know she was ready to start until I heard the machine start up.

"Ready then?" She asked, shuffling up closer to me and putting her foot up on the edge of the equipment box I was sitting on.

"Yup." I smiled and watched as she lowered the machine to my arm and began drawing out the black lines, wiping away excess ink after a little while. She frowned slightly as she worked, and a few strands of her long black hair - that would be gone the following week - fell forward into her eyes.

I laughed and brushed them away the best I could and she smiled without looking up at me. "Thank you."

"What's with calling me Frankie?" I decided to ask so to strike up conversation; I mean, I could have sat there for the hour or however long it was gonna take just watching her and that would have suited me just fine, but I didn't want to.

"Eh, nobody else does. At least I don't think they do anyways." She shrugged lightly. "I think you should tell everybody that only I can call you that."

"I will do." I smiled and finally she looked up at me as she dipped the nib into the black ink again.

"Woo!" She yelled with a grin, throwing her arms in the air triumphantly before continuing with the tattoo. "I have a special name for yooooou!"

"You are special." I replied but she never replied because she stopped inking and looked round to where the other two were, Johnny already standing up with a bandage covering up his new tattoo. He shook his hand, thanking him profusely before pulling a wad of cash from his pocket.

Then he handed over a few notes before saying goodbye to us and leaving. Nori, who seemed pleased with himself, came and sat down by us. "So how long have you two been seeing each other?"

"Oh we're not-" We both rushed before catching each others gazes and looking away, our cheeks flushing deeply and Nori took on a knowing smile as if to say 'yeah and the pope is Buddhist'.

"It's like that I see." He comment instead and just as he went to talk someone stepped into the tent asking about tattoos. With him gone Faith and I spoke no more, the air between us becoming awkward; it wasn't an uncomfortable awkward just the sort where nobody knows what to say.

It took her another hour to finish up the tattoo for me and once she had, and I had seen it in the mirror, it looked way better than it had on paper. After covering it up I pulled my shirt back on awkwardly before pulling some money from my pocket. "So how much do I owe you for this?"

"I'm not wanting to be paid, you can just put some money in my bucket towards my charity." She smiled as she tidied up her things. I nodded and did so, dropping a few of the green notes into the bucket that already had some money in it. I frowned at this, since she'd only inked me so far but then Nori spoke up and informed us he'd put money in too.

"Just for the record, before you go," Faith now spoke up before I could go "I'm assuming you know all about after care, but anyway my parents told me I should stay with the guys just for tonight. I don't know why. Maybe they think it will mend the rift between me and Zack."

"Oh, okay then." I smiled weakly at her.

"Doesn't mean I won't end up in your bunk in the middle of the night though." She added and I grinned.

"Good to see your priorities are correct babe." I replied and she laughed.

"Good to see you already calling me babe." She winked and with that I laughed, and left to go find the others and possibly join in with whatever it was they were up to.