‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 22


Laying in my bunk I felt crappily uncomfortable with the thoughts running through my head. The bus was unwelcomingly quite, the guys either having passed out already or having gone out to drink. I was putting my money on the last option; they never passed out before drinking. Unless they were injured or sick.

My thoughts were driving me insane. And they all stemmed back to what Zack had done. Unless it was just me not being comfortable with having to sleep on the same bus as him for the night. My chest suddenly felt tight, breathing becoming too much of a hard task. Jesus Christ I think I was having a panic attack.

"Faith?" I heard a voice call out and even though it was Zack's voice, I had never been happier to hear it at that point as he pulled back the curtain on the bunk. "Oh my God! Faith!" He yelled, kneeling down as I tried to sit up my chest aching more and more as tears spilled down my face from fear.

Zack wrapped his arms around me, pulling me towards him, worry etched all over his bruised face as he lifted me out of my bunk. Then he carried me up the bus to where he'd obviously come from and sat me down on one of the sofas. "What's the matter with her?" I heard Sarah ask, as Zack crouched down beside me.

"Err, iunno, she's err, iunno Sarah, help her!" He whimpered. "Iunno what to do!"

"Za- Za-" I gasped through my pain and tears.

"It's okay." He assured me, brushing my hair away from my face. "I promise we'll make it better, okay?"

That said Sarah came back to us holding a paper bag which she told Zack to hold over my face and let me take deep breaths. I complied and did as I was told, whilst Sarah sat down beside me and rubbed my back. Soon my chest began to loosen and my breath came back to me.

"Better?" Zack asked quietly as I pushed the bag away from my face.

"I think so." I smiled weakly, letting him pull me into his warm strong arms. I buried my face into his chest, wrapping my arms around him tightly and inhaled his familiar smell, whilst he brought one hand up to the back of my head and stroked my hair.

"Thank you." I heard him say quietly and I guessed this was to Sarah for fetching the paper bag.

"She's your sister Zack." Sarah's soft voice replied. "You might still be in a fight with each other, but if she hurts you hurt. Which then hurts me."

"Like I said, thank you babe."

I decided to pull away then, feeling his arms loosen around me as I sat back properly on the sofa, wiping away my tears. I felt stupid to say the least but I knew neither of these two would really care. I sighed, bringing my legs up to sit cross legged on the sofa all the while Zack's concerned eyes followed my every move.

"Can I have a word with Sarah?" I asked quietly, looking away from his bruised and cut forehead and down at my hands. "In private?"

There was silence, and I dared to look up between Zack and Sarah who was giving him a 'clear off for a few moments' look. He nodded and kissed my forehead before grabbing a jacket and his sidekick and heading off the bus, already conversing with Brian as to where they were.

Once the door was shut behind him, and the bus was filled with silence, Sarah turned to face me properly. "So what's up? Or what was the panic attack about?"

I shrugged. "Well my thoughts were driving me crazy, like proper crazy, then I wondered whether I felt uncomfortable because I had to spend the night here and I just...well you know the rest." I sighed.

"And your thoughts?"

I bit my lip now. How do I say this? "Erm, how..." I frowned biting my lip even harden before looking up at her from under my dark lashes. "How do you know when you're in love?" I mumbled.

Sarah began to laugh and I frowned before hitting her arm and whining. She laughed and rubbed her arm before letting out a few last giggles and stopping with an apologetic smile. "It's different for everyone, honey."

"Oh great." I huffed.

"Look, you'll just know okay?" She now said smiling at me softly. "There were loadsa things that let me know I loved Zack but when I finally actually fell for him it kinda just happened. I just knew."

"Yeah but what if I just know I'm in love with Frank once we're back here next week and he's all the way in New Jersey?" I sighed, only realising what I'd said once Sarah had began to grin.

"I knew it." She grinned. "I knew there was more to it!"

"Oh come off it Sarah."

"No, seriously, you and Frank are the most talked about thing on the tour." She now said, and I looked up from my interesting patch of guy stuff on the floor to her face. "Everyone is all 'will they, won't they? Are they, aren't they?'"

"What do you mean 'are they, aren't they'?"

"You and Frank are like an unofficial couple." I raised an eyebrow to show I wanted her to continue. "You hold hands, you hug, you never leave each other's side. Frank hangs onto your every word Faith, the guy is crazy about you! Everyone is on tenterhooks to see if you two will get it together before the end of the tour."

I would have replied - I think - but all the guys came back and I decided to go back to my bunk. My thoughts were quelled, and my breathing stayed level, but I just couldn't lure sleep to me. Not even long into the night once all the guys had gone to bed. Which was annoying because when I was on Frank's bus I could fall to sleep with minutes of hitting the sack.

I grabbed my phone as it began to buzz and opened up the new message I had just received. From Frank.

I'm outside your bus. My bed is cold and I'm lonely without you :[[ I miss you. Hurry up :]] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Grinning, I quietly threw my covers back and slipped out of my bunk. Then I gathered all of my things into my bag, slipped on my shoes and pulled on my zip up jacket before standing and tiptoeing along the bus. Unfortunately I got busted when I got to the kitchen because there was Brian making coffee, watching me with an eyebrow raised in confusion.

"Where you going?" He asked, walking across the front of me and sitting down at the table with his coffee.

"Frank's outside." I whispered back and he nodded to show he understood.

"Look, Zack is worried enough about you 'cause of your panic attack toni-"

"I know but I only seem to be able to sleep when I'm with Frank." I now said pleadingly. "You tell Zack whatever, but I'm going and you're not going to stop me Brian."

Brian considered me for a few moments as he lit up a cigarette before waving his hand towards the bus door. I grinned, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. "Thank you!" I whispered, and with that I moved over to the door, opened it and stepped straight into Frank's warm welcoming embrace.

"I missed you." He whispered to me as I slipped my hand into his and we began to walk, Brian taking care of the bus door for us.

"I missed you too." I whispered back, tightening my grip on his hand and letting him lead me back towards his bus where I would finally be able to sleep exactly where I belonged.

Wrapped up in Frank's arms.